Many people in order to protect their precious documents or belongings from fire, flood or theft will store them in a safety deposit box in a Bank. This is a wise move. People are afraid they may lose these precious items, or they will not be discovered in their homes after their death. It is smart to protect and secure your vital documents and cherished items, but it is most Wise to protect and secure your own Soul. Your Soul is worth more than all the world including all its temporal assets. Human nature is very anxious about losing temporal things, but it does not care about losing the priceless Soul.
The Safest Deposit you will ever make is when you Commit your most valuable asset and possession (Your Immortal Soul) into the safekeeping of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Your Soul's Eternal Destiny should concern you infinitely more than all the affairs and possessions of Time, but for some insane reason, it doesn't. Only the Holy Spirit Himself can truly grab your heart's attention, and gently persuade and draw you to the Cross of Christ. Entrust your Soul into Christ Jesus' care and protection; Your Soul, that's You, will never be eternally Safe until you do. You can take that to the Bank!
Paul said in II Timothy 1:12, "For I know Whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day." The He in this verse of Scripture is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself: JEHOVAH manifested in human flesh, the Prince of Peace, The Great, The Mediator between God and men, The Lamb of God, The Almighty Incarnate, The Sinless Crucified Creator. (See Psalm 121:5) Leave your defenseless Soul entirely in the Lamb of God's pierced, compassionate hands.
First, we must Renounce what we are trusting in by nature, that is, our own self-righteousness and self-deception. Second, we must Commit our Soul into the hands of Christ Jesus, and only then are we most surely Safe forever. The hour when Christ becomes our All, only then is our Soul's eternal state Safe.
Commit your soul into the hands of Christ with all your eternal interests. Let go, Give over your Soul to Him with all its Sins, Doubts and Fears. Once and for all, make the grandest and most precious deposit into Christ Himself. Get your Soul out of your careless hands and into Christ's caring hands. Just as you are, Surrender yourself to Christ. Stop committing sins carelessly, and Commit your Soul and Sins to Christ.
By First, Renouncing all dependence upon your own efforts to save yourself. Cast all your works to the winds, trusting only the Blood and Merits of Christ Jesus. Come to your senses, and Relinquish all trust in yourself, put your implicit Confidence in Christ Himself. Your works fall way short of the holy demands of the Divine Law of JEHOVAH. Stop looking for some miraculous feeling within yourself. Salvation is by Faith in Christ's Precious Blood, not in your feelings. We are saved by what Christ Jesus felt for us on the Cross, not by what we feel day by day. Never trust your works or feelings, for they are both very damning forms of trust.
Then, Committing your soul to Christ is the only act that will bring real Comfort to your spirit within and Peace to your Conscience. Surrendering to Christ is your only escape from the haunting sense of sin and dreadful sense of guilt. Be wise, Commit your Soul entirely into Christ's safekeeping. Your chance to be saved is NOW. Focus on Christ, and don't let Satan and this world lead you to misunderstand the Gospel or postpone trusting Christ to another day. Make your choice NOW: Will you Receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, or will you Reject Him for time and eternity?
Lord Jesus, I am a guilty, hell-bound sinner for sure, and unless You save me, I am lost forever. I come to You now believing that You bled and died for my sins, rose again from the dead, and now You are alive and able to save my Soul to the uttermost, and grant me Free Eternal Life. I cease to be my own Soul's keeper. I do not want to die unforgiven, unprepared, and unfit to enter Your Holy Presence. I give up my futile attempts to be my own savior. Self-salvation is a wearisome endless task that will only end in my Soul's eternal doom. I am tired of loving and serving my sins, for they are slowing killing me. I receive You in my heart as my Savior. I wish to leap off my sinking vessel which is full of holes, not worth pumping, and will inevitably go to the bottom. I gladly come aboard Your Lifeboat, Your eternal Vessel, and let You become my Soul's Captain. I do not want to drown eternally in my sins. I have no good in me whatsoever, that can assist You in saving my Soul. I trust You to forgive all my sins. No doubt, I'm the problem, I am my own worst enemy. Take me as I am, and make me as You will have me to be. I am Vile, but You are Worthy; I am Lost, but You are the Good Shepherd; I am dead in my sins; but You are the Life and Quickener. Please save my Soul, for I cannot save myself, I am completely and freely relying upon Your Blood and Power to save and preserve my Soul. Believing only in Your Bleeding Love, I give up my Soul to You to be washed, forgiven, saved, preserved, taken safely to Heaven when I depart out of this world, and presented faultless through Your Righteousness before Your throne in the day of Judgment. I plead only what You have done for me on the Cross of Calvary when You laid down Your life for me. You bore my sins in Your own body, and became my Sin-Bearer and Substitute, and You loved my Soul to death. Take me now, I put my trust in You, relying completely in Your Precious Blood. Only Your Precious Blood can make my Peace with God, You are my Confidence, and on You I rely now and forever. I place all my trust in You, I rest and repose the entire weight of my Soul on You. I drop into your Safe and Strong arms. I lay hold on You, and now Divine Justice and Vengeance cannot reach me because of Your Precious Blood. Please Shelter me with Your wounds and hide me in the secret place of Your Bleeding Love. I am deadly sick and full of the spiritual disease called Sin, have Mercy on me, for I in extreme danger. I trust my life and soul into Your merciful hands. I put my Soul in Your care forever, I have nothing but Faith in Your Sin-Forgiving Blood. I give full and free Surrender to be Your property and servant. You have bought me with the highest price of all - Your own Precious Blood. From this day forward, I will not be my own, I no longer want to be my own master; I no longer desire to follow after my own lusts under the bondage of Satan. I am willing to give up my sinning career. I know I can never be Perfect in this life, but please lead me and make me over again as You will. Do what You will with me. The best way I know how, right now, I fully Surrender to You. I give up all I am to You, I give over all I have to You; All I think, speak and do, please take my heart and make it new. I am worthless, but please receive my Soul through Your Blood and Righteousness, Your Precious Blood is my only Hope, Your Righteousness is my only Confidence, Please take me and keep me Safe forever. I am forever Yours to keep and use as You will. Thank You Lord Jesus for saving my ungodly Soul from the wrath to come through Your bloody death on Calvary's Cross.