Monday, December 25, 2023


For a few minutes, consider your past life from the days of your youth until now; Ponder all of your doings that your memory will allow. You have served yourself, sought worldly pleasures, reveled in lusts, your belly has been your god, living for this world instead of loving your divine Creator, Friend, Guardian and Benefactor. JEHOVAH brought you into this world, and has mercifully kept your heart beating, mind thinking, and eyes blinking; but you rarely or never rendered to Him any sincere honor or cheerful obedience. Exactly which of God's blessings upon you have led you to live without Him, ignore and neglect Him, use His Son's name as a curse word, and sin egregiously against Him? 

Human nature does not like to acknowledge the Creator. The natural man acts unjustly, disorderly, and unkindly towards his Creator. He made you, preserves you, keeps you alive, sent His Son and the Gospel for you, but you still reject and despise Him for no good reason. If you do a friend or a neighbor an injustice, you would be eager to set it right and make amends as soon you could, and you would feel uneasy until you attend to the matter. Yet you willfully do wrong and carelessly neglect Christ all through your days, weeks and months. You are cruel and unjust to the Lover of your soul, and an Antagonist to the loving pleadings of the Holy Spirit. You refuse to deal kindly and truly with your Maker, and you are persistently unfaithful and dishonest to Him. 

The Creator has dealt very kindly and mercifully with you for years now. Is there a kinder Creator? Is there a better Savior? Is there a better Confidence or Hope than Him? Your starving, dying soul says, "Please, Go to the Cross!," and the Savior tenderly calls to you now, "Come to the Cross." You have entirely failed to trust, love, and serve God in your life. You have habitually wronged God, and committed injustices right to His face. 

You are kinder to your dog, than you are to the God that made you. You are more tender towards the sick and poor, but not to God. The defiant current of your life runs contrary to God. You have singled out the Good God as the one Person in your life who is most neglected and treated with unkindness. You treat Him so basely, even after all the Goodness He has lavished on you. 

For which of these gifts do you despise Him? He keeps the breath in your nostrils, but you use that breath to rebel against Him. He has fed you all through your life, yet you live sumptuously without acknowledging or thanking Him. You neglect Him, curse His name, and sin brazenly against His divine Law. You wrong and grieve His Holy Spirit and spurn His matchless Love, and provoke Him more and more, daring His vengeance. 

The breath in your nostrils right now is the gift of God. Even dogs are thankful to those that feed them; even a dog will wag his tail and be happy for the treat you give to them. But you've been fed by God for years now, and you are not Thankful to Him. You may have served man or country, but you have forgotten your Maker. 

You go to bed without a prayer to God, and rise up in the morning without one thought of Thankfulness to Him. The Creator has been forgotten in His own world. The Creator is unknown by his own creature. The Good, Gracious, Tender, Loving Maker of mankind has given His own Son to die to pay your sins' deadly penalty, but you give not His dear Son a word or thought. 

God lets His sun shine on you, He lets His rain fall on you, He lets the field yield a harvest, His mercies have kept back many a sickness, injury and even death from you, but you do not acknowledge Him. Remember that God's patience will not endure forever, you have provoked for a long time now. All things in the universe are weary of you. The very Earth you stand upon groans beneath your feet, because it is has to bear such a thankless sinner upon its surface. As long as you remain the enemy of God and a rejecter of His Son, the entire creation and its Creator is against you.