The still, small Voice of the Holy Spirit is convicting, convincing, converting and comforting. The Holy Spirit endues the willing heart with repentance and faith. Faith and Repentance (The Divine Nature) are two divine twins born in the heart together, and they aid the health of each other. Repentance leads us to mourn thoroughly and bitterly over our sins. Faith directs our attention to the Precious Blood, the root cure for our sin problem within us. We should seek brokenness of heart because of our hell-deserving sins. God delights in the broken heart and the contrite spirit which the Holy Spirit nurtures and produces.
First, you will begin to have problems and struggles with your filthy thought life. God sees everything we do in secret, He even sees our thought life. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we begin to discover that we are soiled with sin from head to toe: impure thoughts, foul desires, unclean affections, filthy imaginations, and dirty habits. By nature, we are not sensitive, receptive or responsive to God's way, will, and words; this is called the Fear of the Lord in the word of God. Who is the LORD, that I should obey Him? This is the response of rebellious human nature to God's call to repentance. The man or woman that goes on in their iniquities and hardens their neck, they shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy. Now understand: You must first go downward, if you ever will go upward in God's sight.
If you have settled in your mind to continue in your sin and rebellion, there is nothing for you but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and of fiery indignation which shall devour your soul eternally. If the Holy Spirit in mercy causes you to loathe your sins and causes you to hate and regret your sin-filled past, and you become anxious to be made brand new in Christ Jesus, then there is hope for your contrite soul. The door of God's mercy is shut and bolted to every soul who loves and desires to keep his sins. Leave your sins today, lay hold of Jesus by faith, trust to His Precious Blood, cast your sin-sick soul on His tender mercy. Whosoever cometh to Jesus forsaking his love for sin, Jesus will in no wise cast out. Do you think lightly of sinning against God? Do your sins ever bother you? If not, you're Lost right now.
Contriteness, lowliness, brokenness of spirit - these are priceless gifts of the Holy Spirit. You must have Faith in Christ Jesus, or you must die eternally in your sins. Truly forgiven sinners dread the very appearance of evil as a man dreads a black widow spider crawling on his foot or a rattlesnake coiled up and ready to strike. him. Carefully and humbly ready the holy scriptures, prayerfully plead for the Holy's Spirit's illumination and understanding. Humbly come to Christ Jesus by faith with a broken and contrite spirit and seek the full and free forgiveness of sins and eternal life from His pierced hands. Very Low self-esteem and Very High Christ-Esteem are key to entering the door of Salvation.
You should feel very troubled on account of your sinning against God all through your past. If you don't, this should frighten you. Seek repentance and faith now from the Holy Spirit. Eschew and Renounce your sins, and Fall Down at Jesus' feet as a contrite beggar for pardon. Look only to the Atoning Sacrifice of the Lamb of God Himself, Christ Jesus, offered on Calvary's bloody tree, Look and Live, exercise simple faith in Him, the lowly Lamb of God. Lord Jesus, create in me a clean heart, a broken and contrite spirit, a tender spirit towards You. Be ye reconciled to God through faith in the precious blood of the Lamb of God.