Dwell on this thought Friend - There is one person you should Understand and Perceive clearly and thoroughly, and He is The Lord Jesus Christ, the Righteous Lamb of God, the Most Wonderful of All. And you should also Understand and Receive what He done to reconcile and save your Soul from the wrath of God. Think very much upon this golden sentence: Much more then, being Now Justified by His Blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. Every man is entirely lost in his Sins (helpless and defenseless in the sight of God), but JEHOVAH became a Jewish poor man to save sinners. The Mighty God, the Lord of Everything was crucified for me. The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. Out of Infinite Love to His enemies, the Son of God took upon Himself human flesh, that He might suffer in my place what I ought to have suffered eternally. The King of Glory suffered and bled to death for my sins. He endured the most dreadful, shameful death; hanging naked on Golgotha's Cross in my place. The Prince of Life died and was laid in a borrowed grave for three days.
Low in the grave He lay, waiting the coming day - Jesus my Savior, vainly the Roman centurions watched His tomb, and vainly they sealed Him inside - Jesus my Crucified Creator. He seemed so helpless, suffering in shame, tortured by the Roman guards, the Victim of such bitter pain. Saturday went by bringing no relief. Satan laughed and claimed the victory, But Then came Sunday! the grave could conceal Him no longer, the stone was rolled away from the door, Death could not keep his prey, for Jesus tore the bars of death and hell away, and up from the grave He arose, with a mighty Triumph over all His foes, crushing His enemy, and He arose a Victor from the darkest domain, and now He lives forever and able to save to the Uttermost all sinners that come unto God by Him. Hallelujah, Christ is Risen from the dead!
Heaven was filled with JESUS' praises, but on Earth sin was as black as could be. The Lord Jesus Christ stepped down from His throne in Glory to be spit upon by sinful lips. He stooped from the splendors of heaven to be despised, afflicted, and rejected by ungodly men, that I may be saved from my sinful self. JESUS came forth out of Eternity into Time to be born of a Jewish virgin named Mary. The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us. He dwelt among sinful men for 33 years. He was bound and taken by a cruel mob in the Garden of Gethsemane while He was praying, the Roman soldiers led Him up Calvary's hill and nailed Him to the accursed tree. He became Sin for me, He bore my sins in His own body on the tree, He was made a Curse for me, He suffered untold anguish, railed upon and jeered at until His last dying breath. All the time He was bearing my sins and wrath.
Till God in human flesh I saw, My thoughts could find no comfort at all; The Holy, Just and Sacred Three, were only terrors to my mind. But when Emmanuel's face appeared, My Hope, My Joy began; His precious name took away all my slavish fears, and His grace and blood removed and expunged all my sins forever.
Was there ever another Love like this? Absolutely Not! This Love has won my ear and entered into my heart. O what a heroic Love that was displayed at Calvary. The best I can, I lift up Christ Crucified, and plead with you to yield to His gentle sway of divine love. Jesus bore for me all the terrors of the Law's curse until divine justice was fully satisfied. In Christ's Substitution, God was dreadful and terrible in His justice to JESUS, and boundless and free in His Mercy to us sinners. Christ shed His innocent blood for the sins that are in me. He laid down His innocent life for my sinful life. There's Hope for the hopeless only at the Cross. O visit me with me with Thy salvation.
Pardon by Blood, Salvation by Grace - Available to you Now for the taking. Everlasting Life, Free Salvation, by Pure Mercy. Jesus was the Perfect Man who made Atonement for sinful man. The process and way of Salvation is plain to the sane sensible man, it's as clear as day. Christ stood in my place before God. I was a guilty sinner doomed to die eternally, but Christ took my place, He died for me, I cannot be punished now, for my offenses have already been punished in the person of the Substitute. God demands of me to keep His divine Law perfectly, I cannot do it, It is impossible for me not to sin, but Christ has done it all for me, He lived and kept the Law for me flawlessly, because He knew I could never do it.
You may search the whole world over in vain, but you will never find a resting place for your guilty soul and conscience, except at Calvary's Cross. Pillow your head and rest your soul softly on Christ's Finished Blood Atonement. The soft bed for your tired sinful soul has been made by Christ Himself, all you have to do is rest on Him completely. Take a load off Friend, come and rest in Him. JESUS took my guilt upon Himself and stood as a guilty person in the sight of God, and took all my Wrath from God that I fully deserved. Jesus was my Substitute, now the black clouds of Wrath are all gone, nothing but blue skies forever at the Cross. Whosoever believeth on the Lord Jesus Christ *hath* everlasting life, and shall never come into condemnation in the world to come.
But men and women are bound indeed and locked down in chains of an accursed love to their sins. The divine attraction of the Crucified and Risen Redeemer has won my heart. What about you? Your root problem is the love of sin and love of self. Please do not forget your soul's eternal interests; if your neglect and reject Christ, you will wrong and lose your precious soul forever. Do good to your soul and come to Christ Jesus for Forgiveness and Rest. His Precious Blood will be sweet and pleasant to your sin-sick Soul.
By rejecting Christ, you despise your own Soul, and you are guilty of the worst case of self-endangerment. He that getteth Wisdom (Christ Himself) loveth his own soul. Friend, If you provoke the King of Glory to anger and wrath, you sin against your own soul. The soul of the wicked desires evil and loves sins. Be wise - Keep your soul from present and eternal trouble, make a beeline to the Cross, run for cover to the Lamb of God, before the lightning bolts of God's wrath strike your Soul, trust your defenseless soul to JESUS at once. As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is Good News from a far country. Jesus is the cold waters, yours is the thirsty soul, the Good News is the Gospel of Christ, and the far country is Heaven, New Jerusalem. Whosoever loves his sins, hates his own soul.
Only the great High Priest can put away your sins forever, not some Roman Catholic priest in a religious costume. Once and for all, Away with all religious spells and shams! A perfect, full Atonement has been made by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, He gave up Himself, His very self, that He might put away your sins, as far as the east is from the west.
Unregenerate men insanely find fault with the Gospel, and cavil at Divine Justice and Eternal Punishment. Hell fire and the wrath to come are a constant, imminent threat to the lost carnal man. My sins' punishment was poured out on Christ, and now I am justified freely forever through faith in His Precious Blood. I have eternal Peace with God through the Righteous Lamb of God alone. I am accepted in the Beloved and adopted into the family of God. Christ suffered for my sins as my Substitute, He was condemned in my place, that I might be acquitted, justified, set free, redeemed, and not be damned as the result of my guilt.
Remember only His Precious Blood. Rest here: Nothing but the Atoning Blood of Emmanuel. Fix your heart's eyes on Him, and on nothing else. Meditate much upon His sufferings, consider Jesus, not yourself. Your main problem is you enjoy sinning against God If you mix anything of your own with Christ, you will surely damn your soul. Don't reject the only Remedy for your sins. God could not have pity on Jesus, for He was bearing my sins. God will have not pity on you either, if you die with your sins still on your account. No doings or sufferings of yours could ever have anything to do with the atonement of your sins against God. Turn your eyes to Christ, the Great Substitute for sinners. Never dream of trusting yourself at all.
Human nature will have Jesus Christ to reign over it; the carnal man would rather be damned to hell than be saved freely through the Blood and Righteousness of Jesus Christ. Self-righteous human nature says, "I will not be saved God's way, I will make my own way to heaven, I will be my own savior, I will enter heaven through my own merits and strength, and glory in my doings before the Lamb of God."
Get it Down Pat! JESUS died, He was buried, He rose again from the dead, He ascended, He sat down at the right hand of God, He lives today, He's coming again. Seek Peace with God through the Lamb of God, by going directly to Him in simple childlike faith. The man Christ Jesus offered Himself a Victim. Heartily receive His Blood Atonement for human sin. Really and truly trust your immortal into the Savior's pierced hands. I am a sinner, that's for sure, I rest myself on JESUS, I know His Righteousness justifies the ungodly, I am ungodly, I trust Him to be my Righteousness. The very essence of saving Faith is this - To rest yourself for eternal salvation upon Christ's Finished Blood Atonement for human sin. Have done with all reliance upon your doings, humbly trust in Jesus Himself and what He did for your free salvation. Get it Down Pat!