The Greatest man in all the history of the world IS the Lord Jesus Christ; He IS the Son of God, His name is THE GREAT, and WONDERFUL. Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. All these things shall be added unto you; that is, You'll get all you need, not what you think you need, and not all you want. We are very frail; and we have a treasure in our earthen vessel. JESUS was God from everlasting to everlasting, He was God clothed in human form; He always did the will of the Father; He was Divine and human. The devil tempted Him, yet He was without sin. He walked on water; He raised the dead, He controlled the weather; He healed the lepers. He raised Lazarus from the dead, and Lazarus shook the dust off his shroud and came forth out of the grave. Jesus rose from the dead Himself, ascended, He climbed up the invisible stairway to heaven, and sat down on the right hand of God.
If you're lost, Jesus says to you now, "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Jesus said, "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father." You can't be killed until Jesus is through with you if you are surrendered. They couldn't kill Paul until God was through with him. Are you under the protecting wing of the Son of God? A tick or mosquito or spider can kill you; and a virus or bacteria can kill you. A little insect or germ can dig your grave. Don't be strutting your stuff. If God's will is not supreme in your life, God pity you. Don't blame God if you drop off into hell tonight in your sleep. The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD. May Jesus Christ always have first place in your heart. Every day you wake up, say, "Here's my life God, please take it." And God will do a little something extra for you. The greatest glory you can achieve in this life is serve and please The Lord Jesus Christ who loved You and gave Himself for you; Glory in His Cross!
God watches every insect that crawls, every bird that flies, and every sinner that thinks and talks. A man that tries to run his own life is a fool. Walk humbly with thy God. The only thing between you and Eternity is the heartbeat in your bosom. You can't buy or steal salvation; Jesus must give you His eternal life. The hands that created the worlds were nailed and bled for your sins. Put your life into God's hands. Jesus gave Himself for you on Calvary's Cross. Jesus said, No man takes my life, no one can kill me; I will lay down my life for my sheep. Never forget to magnify the Lamb of God. Never make fun of the supernatural.
Is God real to you, or is He just a name to you? The eyes of my soul can see Jesus Christ, but only with the glasses, sanctified spectacles, that the Holy Spirit gives me. We must ask the Holy Spirit to put our glasses each morning or will never see God as we read the Bible or in the day's activities, challenges and circumstances. Without the Holy Spirit's spectacles, everything is blurred. God sent His Son to die on a Cross, and then He raised Him from the dead, so you wouldn't have to die a lost sinner. Never mock the supernatural. Nothing "Eternal" will ever happen in your heart without the moving and working of the Eternal Spirit of God.
You can't see Jesus with natural eyes; the Holy Spirit has to give you supernatural eyes. How about it, are you sure you are saved from hell? Money and position can't satisfy your Soul. Are you right with God? You sure? Are you saved? There's a coming judgment. You will have to look God right straight in the eye. One of the torments of hell will be a bitter memory. The man in hell wants out of hell, but he doesn't want to go to heaven. So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. Don't take any chances with your Soul. You've never committed a sin that God didn't see you. The most solemn thought I've ever had is my personal accountability to God. Hell is sin on fire.
You've done something you shouldn't have done. You need a real good Lawyer to defend you at the Judgment, the Heavenly Advocate, JESUS CHRIST THE RIGHTEOUS. You couldn't look your mother in the face if she knew all about you, but you will have to look God in the face at the Judgment. Your record is being written in heaven every day in a book. All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Every filthy and selfish thought that crawls across your brain today was seen by God. You need to get things fixed up with God. Does Jesus have first place in your heart? Are you wasting your life? God saw what you did and thought yesterday and the day before. Don't take any chances with your Soul. Your eternal destiny depends on what you do with Jesus Christ. The highest and wisest position to hold in this life is a soul-winner. Put God First.