Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Atheist's Creed

The atheist's creed: "No God", no rules, no law, no Bible, no order, no truth, no purpose, no hope, no moral absolutes, no restraint to lust, no Christ, no hereafter, no hell, no limits to vile passions, no direction, no cause, no hope, and no sanity.  In the beginning, you came from goo, then you went to the zoo, and now you are you (Darwin 1:1). You came from an animal, and there is no such thing as moral standards.

Here are some of the atheist's thought patterns:  Live as you please, the Bible is a myth, man created God instead of the other way around.  Deify science, forget hard work, patriotism, and moral conduct. It's all the survival of the fittest, and the elimination of the weaker. Since there is no God, I am not a sinner, I am a god. Me first, you last, dog eat dog. Just trust yourself, follow your instincts.  Anything goes. The Bible can't be trusted, believe on darwin's conjectures instead. God is irrelevant to man. Life is meaningless, believe in nothingness. Live for now, never mind Eternity; please the flesh, and forget about your soul.  Trust your intuition, follow your impulses, look out for #1.  Everything that I do that is wrong is someone else's fault.  There is no such thing as sin or moral accountability.  When the pressure is on, it's all about me.  There's no such thing as the will of God, my way is the only way.  I want what's coming to me.

I'm OK, you're OK, do whatever seems good to you.  I can be good in my own way without a God.  Strive to get your own way, scheme, manipulate and control others. The truth is what I want it to be; I determine for myself what is right and wrong, I am my own god. There are no absolutes or morals, everything is relative. Do as you please, and don't bother with God. Indulge in worldly amusements and sinful pleasures for there is no Judgment to come.  Think dirty, live loose, anything goes. There is no hereafter, when men die, they die like dogs in the street.  Man came from the drawing-board of Heaven.  I am not accountable to anyone but myself.  If there is no God, then anything is permissible.  If there are no absolutes, there's no such thing as a heinous action.  Self-law and self-rule is my way; a quest for power and total autonomy and independence from God.  I want to play god, and redefine what is truth and falsehood for myself.

These are the proverbs of an atheist - Reality is whatever I think it is. Sex perversion is normal. Put science and evolution in place of the divine revelation of Scripture. My imagination is my inspiration. Do unto others before they do it unto you. No God for me, I don't want any God, if I could have my own way, there would be no mention of God at all. So, love this world while you can, live as you please, do your own thing, make money, save money, get money anyway you can, hold it tight, and get ahead. You don’t have to take orders from anybody; you can be somebody.  Enjoy sin responsibly.  Just believe in yourself.  Live for yourself, deny reality, exclude conscience, follow your instincts, not your Creator.  Science is the answer to everything.  Look into yourself, and find yourself.  If you wrong me; I'll never forget; I'll wrong you.  Live a useless, thankless, selfish life; take of number one at all costs.

Be somebody in yourself, in your own wisdom and strength. Do it your way, make something of yourself, forget about thanking or recognizing God. Ignore design in nature, ignore your conscience and common sense. Evolution is true and a proven scientific fact. Attend to this world, ignore the world to come. Darwinism leads atheists down a dark path to ruin and everlasting destruction. Never question Darwin or evolution, don't think for yourself. Trust in random chance, not the providence of God. Time is everything, Eternity is nothing. Christ is false, Darwin is true. Save wildlife, abort human life. Men came from animals accidentally, and they don't have to give account to God for anything they do, say, or think.

All truth is relative, you can enjoy your sin without facing Judgment, you won't ever die in your sins and pay for them. It is OK for you believe that you're right, but it's not OK for you to believe that I'm wrong. Doubt the genuineness and infallibility of Scripture. Question the reality of the Lord Jesus Christ - God manifest in the flesh. There is no such thing as virtue or vice, right or wrong. Anybody can be right. Salvation is universal - there are many paths to God, whatever you THINK is truth. We are immoral monkey-men with no souls headed for the dirt as dogs.  Man is only an automation of reflexes, a bundle of instincts, a mind machine, a pawn of drives and reactions, a mere product of heredity and environment.  All we are doing is dancing to our DNA.

There is no place of eternal Retribution beyond the grave. Reject God and you will have freedom. Judgment is non-existent. Sin doesn't damn anyone after death. Man evolved, and God is not involved. You are only a lucky accident.  A God-less existence - entropy, decay, death, damnation. The atheist's goals are the same goals of any other animal:  self-propagation (sex), self-preservation (me first, you next), self-gratification (comfort and pleasure).  The atheist main goals are to lose weight, make money, be famous, stay in good health, pay his bills, send his kids to college, and retire comfortably.

Rely on chance, luck, or fate. Shameful desires, sinful attitudes, and selfish motives will give you fulfillment. Whatever you like is right. Whatever feels good, Is. Carnal pleasure and comfort is the chief good in life. Feed your shameful desires, defend your sinful attitudes, follow after your selfish motives.  Me first, you last. Do whatever you want, when you want. You can be wise in yourself. Man is the measure of all things.  Pleasure is the chief good in life. Maintain positive thinking and false optimism, continue in self-deception about your true condition, fill your mind with pleasure and amusement to keep your mind off the reality of death. Positive, optimistic, godless madness is the way.  Absolute right does not exist; might is right.

Everything is OK, as long as you don't hurt anyone.  Adultery is fun, sodomy is fine, everything is getting better despite evidence to the contrary.  After death comes nothing.  Man is basically good; it is only his behavior that lets him down.  Each man must find the truth that is right according to him, and then reality will adapt according to him, the universe will readjust, history will alter, and Eternity will change based on my thoughts.  I believe there is no absolute truth, except the truth that there is no absolute truth.

Yield to your baser passions. You can't know anything for certain, except that darwinism is a fact. Man must save himself. Hoard money, make a name for yourself, indulge your passions, revenge yourself upon your fellowmen. Rule yourself, follow your own will, serve yourself. We are only evolutionary by-products, we are not accountable to anyone in life or death, and nothing is a sin. The atheist lives a wicked life in private, and curses God in public.

All is well, there is no hell. Learn to live with yourself, develop yourself, and be proud of yourself. Get as much as you can, keep as much as you can. Get more money, mammon, and material. It's my time, my life, I will do what I like. If it feels right, just do it. You don’t need some god telling you what to do, what to eat and not to eat, what to think and not to think, you can be a god yourself, you know what’s what, you know best, go on and be a god yourself. Believe in man; man is god you know. Do things your way. Live for yourself, money, fame, and pleasure. Rule yourself. Take credit for all you've accomplished in this life. Comfort is essential, not character.

Prolong and improve life; let's become a global society, and then populate outer space. You're not going to die in sin and go to hell, that's just some religious fable someone dreamed up to scare people to get their money. Believe in human potential. Genesis is a myth. Sex perversion is normal. Get a profession that pays well, land a good job, live a nice comfortable life. There is only one truth - evolution. Human reason and intellect are supreme. Me first, compare yourself with others and make sure you always end up looking better, and scheme up ways of being seen or heard. The atheist lives entirely for himself, his object is his own ease, comfort, honor, health, and wealth.

You can run yourself, be independent of the Creator, do your own thing, don't worry about the future, you have nothing to fear, for sin's not real. Don't worry about death, you die like a dog anyway, darwin says so, so live it up man, there's no judgment coming after death. Progress is automatic and inevitable. Live as loose as you won't, you don't have to give account of all your vile secrets to your Maker. Follow and regard yourself.  Man is nothing more than the product of his enviro

Who is the Lord that I should obey His voice? You came from a monkey, that's why you like to climb trees and build tree houses when you're young. Look to time, not eternity; look to your body, not your soul. Make something of yourself, forget about God. The atheist has a shrewd, slippery, calculating, self-preserving, scheming, self-willed mind.  Atheism is the epitome of pride, rebellion, unbelief, carnality, selfishness, obstinance, and indolence.

The atheist's morning prayer -- Our father, who art up in a tree; hallowed be thy name darwin. My kingdom come, my will be done, on earth, as it is in hell. Give me this day what I deserve. Remind those people that owe me money to pay me back. I will try to forgive those that do me right. Lead me into temptation, for there's no such thing as evil. For mine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.

You don't have a conscience or a soul, that's nonsense. Jesus Christ is a farce, the Bible is false, sin is superstition, and hell is a myth. Evolution is a fact. Live for the present, yourself, and worldly gain; trust to your judgment, be wise in your own conceit. Education and science are the true guides to real progress. Education not regeneration, evolution not conversion. Adore and devote yourself to the monkey-god of evolution. Look only to worldly honor and gain, forget about your soul. Get on in this world, win fame, honor, glory, and power for yourself.

The universe is self-existing, everything got here by accident. Sin is only a figment of some religious person's imagination. This life doesn't matter, so kill the babies; help those that can help you, look out for #1; that's life, so get over it; forget God, reject Christ, neglect the Bible, love sin, adore and depend on yourself. In ME I trust! Go on and live your own life, no one has any right to tell you how to live, you know best, be your own man, you deserve better than this. The God of the Bible only wants to keep you back from what you can accomplish in this life.

The atheist's motto - There is no Creator God; I am the direct result of millions of years of evolution and random chance; I determine what is right and wrong for myself; I just need to get over any bad feelings I have about hurting others; there is no such thing as a conscience. Simple things become more complex accidentally; complexity develops from simplicity.  Chance is my creator. Me first, God last - is very similar to another person's motto in Genesis 3 - read closely: "And the devil said unto Eve, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the devil, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye TOUCH it, lest ye die. And the devil said unto Eve, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be AS GODS, knowing good and evil."

If you take the doubts you have about Jesus Christ and the Bible, and pull them up, you’ll find hanging on the roots of every one of those doubts some kind of sin that you love. The god of the atheist is covetousness, that is, greediness after worldly gain. The atheist's symbol is $$$. Evolution is humanism's religion. Evolution is a gross lie against divine revelation. Only the Bible can comb the kinks out of your brain and straighten out the crooked places in your heart. JEHOVAH became a Jewish man, His name was Jesus of Nazareth. God loved you enough to let Jesus Christ die and suffer all the WRATH due to your sins. Christ paid for YOUR sins with His own blood - trust His atoning blood. Put no confidence in yourself at all, place all your confidence on Jesus’ Blood and Righteousness, and your soul is safe forever. Throw yourself at the feet of Jesus, and say, "Here I am Jesus, I'm a sinner, you died to save me, I have sinned against You, I cannot save myself, I can't pay my sin debt, I can't live right, I am sinful, wayward, and undone, I'm hell-bound for sure, I trust your Blood alone, and not myself. Oh God, save me. Save me poor, rotten, dirty, hell-bound soul. God be merciful to me a sinner and forgive all my sins for Jesus' sake."

Watch out now - You are individually accountable to God after death. If you get your heart's desire, you will still be miserable. Seek God's desires for you, not your own. Life is short and unpredictable. No man on earth is sinless. A life without belief in Jesus Christ is a tragedy far worse than poverty, physical sickness, pain, or death. God has no respect for any man who rejects His words and Son. God begat a sinless Son who shed His blood and died for all sinners. When a man goes to Hell, that man burns forever and ever. If you give a man enough space and time, he will ruin everything with his sin, including his own soul.  God created you, He has a purpose and standard of morality for you, He died to pay for your sins, He has a will for your life, and He has a future after death for you.

Unsaved, atheistic men refuse to give God the glory. All things deteriorate and end in decay and corruption; Darwin was insane. The Lord Jesus Christ is the answer to who you are, where you came from, why you exist, and where your future lies after death.  God will humble every man on earth eventually, whoever he is with sickness, death, or judgment. God will honor every man who puts their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh. Never trust yourself, only rely on Christ's Blood. Smart alecks usually end up damning their own souls. If you keep on strutting your stuff, you'll wind up in the Lake of Fire where you belong. The best time to trust Jesus Christ's Precious Blood is always right now.