Saturday, June 1, 2013

Deadly Water 1

If baptism washes away sins, I guess I'm safe, right?  No, you're not.  This is how Campbellites think.  They also think if you are not baptized into the CHURCH OF CHRIST, that is, in a Church of Christ baptismal pool by a Campbellite elder, your sins can never be taken away.  They believe you have to come into the Campbellite (Church of Christ) click to get your sins forgiven.  You are out of your mind and in your sins, if you believe that.  Alexander Campbell, David Lipscomb, and Austin McGrary started to spread this damnable doctrine of baptismal regeneration in the 1840's; this is a deadly heresy.

Churches of Christ generally teach that the process of salvation involves the following steps:
One must be properly taught, and hear (Romans 10:17, Matthew 7:24);
One must believe or have faith (Hebrews 11:6, Mark 16:15–16);
One must repent, which means turning from one's former lifestyle and choosing God's ways (Acts 2:38, Acts 17:30, Luke 13:3);
One must confess belief that Jesus is the son of God (Matthew 10:32–33; Acts 8:36–37);
One must be baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38; 1Peter 3:20–21; Romans 6:3–5; Mark 16:16; Acts 22:16); and
One must remain faithful unto death (Revelation 2:10).

Churches of Christ teach that baptism (immersion in water) is a necessary and integral part of conversion, salvation and entering the body of Christ.  They believe that during the act baptism is when a soul is incorporated into Christ and becomes a child of God.  They believe that their water baptism is exclusively required for the forgiveness of sins.

Oh yeah, and after you get your sins washed away by their magic water, if you ever sin willfully and LOSE your salvation (huh?), you don't have to be re-baptized to get your sin re-washed away.  Church of Christ believes in temporary eternal life, that you have to earn after you get it by being baptized in their magic water.  This is absurd nonsense, you have to admit. Campbellites are under a delusional religious spell and in deadly religious bondage. The Church of Christ (Campbellite) doctrines are very contradictory and damnable. The waters of baptism are deadly if you are trusting in them to take away your sinfulness in any way. The plague in your heart called Sin called only be cured by Faith given to you from above, and that Faith fixes itself on Christ Jesus' Precious Blood.

Oh and also, I'm not waiting until the Judgment to find out anything, that's way too late, I know my Savior today, He saved me, He keeps me safe everyday, because He loves me.  I don't have to earn His love every day by my works, He loves me freely and unconditionally.  My love is very fickle toward the Savior, but His love is faithful and enduring for time and Eternity. I don't get to Heaven because of my love to Jesus, I gain access to New Jerusalem all because Jesus loved a wicked sinner such as I.

Just simply stop preferring your righteousness to Jesus Christ's Righteousness, and you are saved. This is the Gospel Truth - Stop your deadly doing and trust Christ's doings, and you are saved eternally ON THE SPOT. Human nature would rather go to Hell, than simply trust in Christ's Righteousness alone (See Romans 10:3-4).  The high price of the pardon for human sin was God's Blood shed by Jesus Christ Himself on Calvary's Cross.  It is Finished!  You don't have to finish anything.  Jesus is the author and finisher of all my Faith. All of my Soul's Hope, Peace, Forgiveness and Righteousness is found in Emmanuel's Precious Blood alone. Cleave heartily and sincerely to the Lamb of God for Mercy, staking your Soul's eternal destiny entirely on JESUS' Finished Atoning Sacrifice on Calvary's Cross. You can count on The Lord Jesus Christ, never ever count on yourself at all.

Resting only upon Christ's bloody Atonement made on Calvary is the plain, narrow path to New Jerusalem.  Simple sincere faith in Jesus' Blood is the sure mark of Saving Faith and the divine work of the Spirit of the Living God in the contrite sinner's heart.  You cannot contend with your sins or your evil passions.  Your vile corruptions are much too strong for you.  Old Adam will always overcome your best intentions to save yourself, but Jesus can do for you what you cannot do for yourself.  You cannot drive your sins out, you cannot work and fight your way into Heaven.  You must glory only in Christ and Him Crucified for sinners; you can't ever impress Him with your works or silly baptism. Jesus' shed blood must be your only ground of confidence for pardon, or you'll land in the lake of fire.  You must leave all your human religion, you must have done with all your trusting in human merit in any way, shape, or fashion.  Here's the safest thing to do - Yield up all confidence in yourself - give up all hope of any good in yourself - and trust to Jesus alone.

Self-salvation is the way to Hell - it is the vilest form of idolatry - the worship of evil self instead of God's Son.  To confide in Christ's Perfect Righteousness is the only way by which a sinner can be reconciled back to God, that is, through the matchless Blood of the Great Redeemer.  God's blood paid my way to Heaven, not any of my works helped at all.  Self-despair always leads to confidence in Christ.

Jesus stood in your shoes at Calvary, and took all your sin, sorrow, shame, wrath, and the eternal death you deserved.  He took all that you and your sin had coming to you.  Jesus paid the Awful Price you cannot pay with your pitiful self-righteousness.  Jesus did for you what you cannot do for yourself, and He did it freely.  God saves sinners for Christ's sake, not for your merit's sake, we get free salvation all because of Christ's merits (See Ephesians 4:32).  Only because the sinless Savior died, my sinful soul is counted free, For God, the Just One, is now absolutely Satisfied, to look upon the Substitute (Jesus Christ), and then pardon me freely, without any works of my own.

You may think you're a fine religious fellow, but you're nothing but a sinner who deserves hell on your very best day.  Jesus stood in your shoes at Calvary.  Trust Christ right now, and you can stand in Christ's shoes.  Simply trade places with Christ. After you trust Jesus with your soul, you get to stand in His shoes, and your worthless soul, is counted as Righteous as He is, all because of what He did for you at the Cross.  Muse closely on II Corinthians 5:21.  Jehovah Jesus died in agony and blood on the Cross especially for you.

Nothing but Jesus' merit do I rely upon, nothing but His bleeding love is my Confidence.  I give myself completely up to Him to save me by His grace and mercy.  Christ Jesus thoroughly cleanses sinners with His most powerful blood.  You have nothing, you are nothing, so just be nothing, and boast of nothing.  Away with self, cling to Christ at the Cross, down with your self-conceit. Simple reliance in the finished divine work of the Lamb of God saves the sinful soul from the wrath of God to come.  Be wise - Hide in the Shelter of Christ's blood by faith alone, (NOT by faith and works!). Rely only on the Incarnate God that bled for undone wretches like you.  All confidence except in the Blood and Righteousness of Jesus Christ, is a clear delusion from Satan, period.

The only way any sinful human being on this earth will be ever be saved is simply trusting in the Sinless Substitute of Calvary.  You are born sinful and God-hating, you will never seek God and never come to God on your own.  You have rebelled against God, and broken every of His laws, *first in thought*, and then in word or deed.  It's not just an issue that you have sinned, the issue is, you've never done anything but sin!  And you will never do anything but sin, because you're a Sinner.  The only Good that will ever come out of you, will be from the Holy Spirit, and you can claim no credit for any of His work in you.

We can only be thankful and stand amazed by anything God does through us miserable sinners.  Apart from the grace of God, the blood of God, and the Spirit of God, the only left for you is the wrath and fierce anger of a sin-hating God. God is holy and the only way you will ever escape the wrath to come is be as Holy and Perfect as GOD IS.  But you can't do that, the only kind of Righteousness that will ever please a Holy God has to be given to a sinner, and this Perfect Righteous only comes freely from the hand of Jesus Christ, and if you snub your self-righteous Campbellite nose at it, you will have to burn forever for your proud religiousness.

A sinner can *never* please God in any way.  The only way you can ever be reconciled to your Maker is through the bloody death of God's own Son.  When I see the Blood, I will pass over you.  Not, when I seen my Son's blood, and your works, I will pass over you.  Jesus hung on the Tree and died for sinners, He bore your sins and curse and all the fierce wrath of God rained down on His soul because of your sins.

You can never add to Christ's infinite payment for human sin.  This wrath should fall upon you forever and ever in the Lake of Fire, but Jesus in love took it for you.  The only thing that could save a wicked perverse self-righeous hell-deserving sinner like you is the BLOOD of God's own Son.  Jesus rose from the dead and He is now mighty to save any sinner by grace.  Repent and trust the Gospel!  Turn from your self-righteousness and your love of sin.  Simply trust in the blood of the Lamb of God, or you will surely suffer the Wrath of the Lamb.

The Gospel is not my message, it is from God, I know it may sound offensive, but I can't apologize for the Gospel of the Grace of God, for it always rubs Human Nature the wrong way.  I just wanted to make sure I made the Gospel ever so plain to you, for I may never speak to you again.  God help you to trust in the Lamb of God slain for sinners like you.