Monday, May 14, 2012

Adrian Rogers Quotes (8)

* Your reputation is your actions; your character is your re-actions.
* Your character is the harvest of your habits.
* What Jesus says is more certain than anything we can feel.
* If you live as if there is no God, you better be right.
* Everybody needs a hero - Jesus is mine.
* Sin is an inside job.
* Jesus is to our spirit what blood is to our body.
* The greatest sin for a Christian is silence.
* God's will is not something you have to do; it's something you get to do.
* Hypocrites and flatterers are first cousins. The hypocrite will say behind your back what he will not say to your face. The flatterer will say to your face what he won't say behind your back.
* Worry is an admission that I'm putting something before God.
* It's never right to do wrong, and it's never wrong to do right.
* If you were sinking in quicksand, the devil would pat you on the head.
* There are no natural laws. They are God's laws; nature obeys them.
* If there is no Hell in the pulpits, there will be plenty in the streets.
* God is not interested so much in making you happy and healthy as He is in making you holy.
* With grace there is nothing to earn, but much to learn.
* Jesus gave Himself for you, so that He might give Himself to you, so that He might live His life through you.
* Most people in America are egomaniacs who are strutting their way to Hell thinking they're too good to be damned.
* Why should God give you more strength to serve the devil?
* We become like who or what we worship.
* The heart of the human problem is the problem of the human heart.
* If you read the Bible and don't find Jesus, go back and re-read it, It is a "Him-Book."
* Never give the devil a ride, he will always want to drive.
* If Jesus doesn't save me from me, He never saved me from my worst enemy.
* Waiting on the Lord to come is like waiting for the sun to come up: you can't hurry it, and you can't stop it.
* Thanksgiving enjoys the gift; Praise enjoys the Giver.
* Squeeze the juice out of each day.
* Worry looks at God through circumstances; Peace looks at circumstances through God.
* Many Christians are in the secret service.
* The opposite of truth is not error; the opposite of truth is sin.
* A church will either evangelize, or it will fossilize, but it will not stand still.
* Some people are so arrogant they can strut sitting down.
* Leave the woodpile higher than you found it.
* Sometimes the most spiritual thing we can do is rest.
* You can tell the size of a Christian by what it takes to stop him.
* I may be a nut, but I'm fastened to the right bolt: The Lord Jesus Christ.
* Satan can't keep God from answering our prayers, but he will keep us from asking.
* The blood of God flowed through the veins of Jesus Christ. *Acts 20:28*
* There are two classes of people in this world: those who take things for granted, and those who take things with gratitude.
* We don't come to church to worship, we bring our worship to church.
