The atheist stubbornly keeps on doing wrong. If you die in your sin, your eternal destiny will be fixed forever. Every day you grow harder in unbelief. The Gospel is the aroma of death to the atheist - he wants nothing to do with the good news, it stinks and wreaks in his nostrils, it repels him in disgust, and brings anger and ridicule. The atheist mocks the God who feeds him every day. The Gospel is to the atheist that perishes foolishness. The atheist glories in his unbelief, and he becomes more filthy and guilty as time goes on. The atheist has a false sense of security because of his continual mocking.
You don't go to hell because you are bad, and you don't go to heaven because you're good. Sin begins with yielding to an unlawful desire, and then willfully thinking and acting in disobedience to the divine law of God, which only leads to death. Sin looks good, sin looks fun and like popularity, pleasure, power, personal satisfaction, true love, a pay raise, or maybe a promotion. If you continue on in your sin and cherish it, it will lead you into eternal death. Sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you far more than you want to pay. Lust is the unlawful desire toward any forbidden object. Your evil desire baits the hook, and your disobedience bites the hook. Wake up to Reality! Sin is deceiving you, your lust blurs your thinking and leads you to justify your sins, hate the truth, reject Christ, and believe a lie. Stop being deceived by sin and Satan. Without Jesus Christ, you only have a death-like 'existence' here on earth, that is all.
Jesus is the first and the last, the beginning and the end. You will have to face HIM sooner or later. You don't have a sin gene, you have a sin nature which is Satanic. Full and final judgment is coming. You won't be able to pass the buck at the Judgment - your sins are your fault, without Christ your sins will belong to you for all eternity. The hardest thing for an atheist to admit is: "I'm guilty, my sin is my fault, I am completely wrong." You think, you plan, you look at, you long for, you say, you do things that are wrong, you know it. Which way are you going today? The Way (John 14:6), or the Broad way to Hell? Trust in the sinless, sacrificial atoning cross-work of Jesus Christ. Christ's blood sacrifice can wash all your sins away. You have nothing to offer God but your sins. Come on to Jesus now.
The atheist chooses his sins and loves his filthiness; he lives only to sin and forget God. The atheist wants his sin more than he wants the Savior, so he winds up in Hell where he belongs. What have you chosen and cherished? Sin or the Savior? You are guilty of every sin in the Book (James 2:10), you have fallen way short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), the wrath of God abides on you (John 3:36), you are corrupt (Eph 4:22), and in deep trouble with God. Come to the Lord Jesus Christ's Blood by Faith at Calvary's Cross. Thirsty, bankrupt sinners are welcome at the Cross today. Surrender your weapons to the Savior, stop hiding behind your sins and pride, come and sign your name to the peace treaty of eternal life. Then in trials, be passionate about patience, and in temptation be passionate about purity. God is great - He died for my sins; God is good - He saved me from my sin. Let us thank Him for His Son.