Let's spell it out plainly so you won't miss Him - *J-E-S-U-S*, you must implicitly trust *HIM*, and not yourself. The righteousness you will need to get to heaven on your own is 100% perfect righteousness without sin from the day you're born, until the day you die. Anything less, and you're not good enough to go to Heaven. Whatever religion you follow, whatever works you do, it won't matter. If you have sinned one time in your life (and you have), that means you're not good enough to go to Heaven. If after that one sin, you never commit another one, you can never undo that one sin against God. You need to stop trying to pay for your own sins - you can't. Christ died for the ungodly.
Your present condition is that you are insecure and deteriorating; you're falling apart every day. You've made a mess of things. You don't need a new leaf, you need a new life. You can't cover up your sins with your good works. You've got into sin that you can't get out of. You've rejected Christ, and thought you could live without Him. It's a lot easier to get into sin, than to get out of sin. You're going nowhere fast. If you fool around with sin, the first thing you know, it's got you. He that commits sin is the servant of sin.
You're a sinner by nature, and you can't stop sinning, period. You have built up a sin debt that is going to send you straight to Hell. No 'religion' or program or pill on this earth can help you - you're in a real mess. You have sin trouble. You are were born in sin, you are a sinner by nature and by practice. You are lost in the darkness of sin, condemned, and under the wrath of God (John 3:36). You are dead in trespasses and sins, you are alone in the world without hope and without God. Your bad outweighs your good, because you have no good. You are sitting in the cell of Sin on Eternal Death Row awaiting execution. You're going to have to face your record at the White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:11-15). Sin has definitely complicated your life. You need help from on high - Ye must be born again of the Spirit of God (John 3:8). Your filthy rags of self-righteousness don't impress God one bit.
Only Jesus Christ can bail you out of the deadly mess your sins have gotten you into. Jesus will take your all indebtedness and pay for it, if you will simply yield, submit, and let Him do the work within you. You'd be crazy to turn Him down, and lose your soul in the Lake of Fire. Come to your senses sinner. You have a sin debt you can never pay, but God's Son paid for all your sins with His own blood. Go to HIM now by Faith, and exchange your sins for His Righteousness. Jesus is the real deal. You can never be sufficiently righteous in yourself to make it to Heaven. Fix all your faith and confidence in the Bleeding Lamb of God who died that sinners might live. The real Gospel is never popular with self-righteous, sin-loving human nature. Humanistic self-loving sinners hate the free Gospel of the Grace of God.
It doesn't matter if you see yourself better than most people. You must be Perfect in God's sight, not in your sight. In God's sight, no sinner is good enough. Jesus Christ is 100% Righteous, you are 100% sinful, you must forsake yourself, and rely on His Blood and receive His Righteousness to cover your naked sinful soul. Christ's Righteousness is the ONLY way to Heaven. There's no one good enough to go to Heaven, you must repent and abandon your trust in your vain religion and self-righteousness. You'll die in your sins without Jesus Christ. At Calvary's Cross you are now freely offered a full pardon of all your sins. You can't get any glory, and you don't get to boast in anything you've done, you must trust and glory only in what Christ Jesus has done FOR YOU - this is the Gospel. Your only hope of Heaven is Christ's Righteousness, and not your own. Just as you are without trying to better yourself, simply come to Christ for everything you need - that is all.
You must personally ask Jesus Christ Himself to give you His Righteousness, because you have no righteousness at all. You're not good enough, and you can't *live it*. Never trust yourself, the only way to be saved from your sins is simply to believe in the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Abandon your self-righteousness now. Flee from the wrath to come on your sins. Say this, "God be merciful to me a sinner." Religion says that a man can help save himself from sin by his own good works, but that is a lie. You have failed, sinned, transgressed, and come short of the glory of God. You've never been good enough, and you'll never be good enough - Submit yourself Now to the Righteousness of God - Jesus Christ Himself. There's no way to please God without HIM. Jesus has already paid for ALL your sins, they are all completely paid for - Simply Trust His Blood Atonement Now. Come to your senses. Believe that Jesus Christ was God manifest in the flesh, He was virgin born, sinless, crucified, buried, and risen from the dead for ruined sinners. And then stop trusting your human goodness, stop trusting your efforts, and place all your trust on the Person and Blood of Jesus Christ. Christ died for the ungodly, and whosoever believeth in Him hath everlasting life.
Christ Jesus, God Manifest in the Flesh, came into the world to save sinners, especially you. You want to go to Heaven, trust Jesus Christ's shed blood; you want to go to Hell, just trust something else. Please have mercy on your sin-laden soul, take it to the only Person who can save and protect it from the Wrath of God (John 3:36; Romans 5:9; John 19:30). Give up your evil practices, renounce your sins, abhor your own righteousness, trust in nothing but Jesus' doing and dying. Atheism is simply a devilish hostility and hatred of the Holy Scriptures and Jesus Christ Himself - THE TRUTH. Human nature naturally hates the holiness and goodness of God. Genuine faith and trust in the Sinless Blood and Perfect Righteousness of Jesus Christ will eternally protect your soul from the wrath of God.
Religion teaches that if you're good enough, long enough, you may eventually earn the favor of God and eternal life. Religion says believe in yourself, and you'll get past the White Throne Judgment. Trust in self, and any confidence in your own efforts will surely land you in the Lake of Fire. Believing in yourself, helping yourself, esteeming yourself, and doing the best you can - this is the fastest way to Hell. You must have the absolute Righteousness of God, or you will never please God, because He is *HOLY*, and you are not. To believe in Christ is to *give up* trusting in yourself and to wholly trust in the Person and Blood of Jesus Christ Himself. It is all about HIM, not you. The Gospel offends human nature. If you are weary of striving to earn heaven, come to Jesus and He will give your lost soul REST. God's own Purity and Holiness is given to needy sinners as a free gift at the foot of the Cross. Only the Imputed Righteousness of Jesus Christ to your soul can make you acceptable in God's Sight. Come to your senses about your danger and guilt, and then come on to the Cross with the rest of us sinners.