Think about what Sin really is: Sin is a willful rebellion against our Good Omnipotent Creator (The Lord Jesus Christ), and it is an obstinate revolt against the Almighty Himself. You are extremely guilty for committing sins against your Maker. When Christ is trusted and loved, sin is avoided and hated. The dearer Christ is to you, the more sin will be heartily abhorred by you. A sin-hating, self-despising soul is a Christ-loving soul. The man who loves Jesus truly, he hates his sins with all his whole soul. Sin is an awful thing, remember, sin cost Jesus Christ His life, so He could be sin's Forgiver. Christ Jesus is God manifest in the flesh, He died for His enemies so they could be save from the wrath to come. There is no one who can forgive sins save God only, so do not let yourself be deluded into some belief that there is any other Forgiver of human sin in the whole universe but Jesus alone. The Christ rejector is a gross skeptic and vile hater of Christ, but death, judgment, eternity, and reality are just around the corner. Your health will soon fail, prepare to die and meet God. Work-trusters go to Hell, Christ-trusters go to Glory. Unbelief and Self-Righteousness are the favorite works of the devil in the Christ rejector. Sin is a delight, and the adoration of Christ is weariness and despised for the natural man.
Think of the evil of your sin, and the consequences of your sin both in this life and in the world to come. Think seriously about dying and facing your Maker at the Judgment. Think of appearing before your Maker covered with all your sin and guilt. Only trusting in Christ's blood will make you really hate your sins, every one of them. If you do not hate every one of your sins, you don't hate any of your sins with all your heart. All your love for sin must go. Your sins must be abhorred, and repented of, and practically avoided and resisted in your life. You should hate yourself for sinning against such a forgiving God. If your sins never distress you, then you don't know Christ as your Savior. Unless you hate your sin, you do not love Christ, and if you hate your sins, you cannot have any peace with them. Sin vexes the Christ-worshipping soul. Sin stings the heart of the man who adores Christ.
When an unregenerate man sins, that sin becomes his, and if he continues in his sins, he will perish and face eternal damnation. Believe on Jesus Christ, trust yourself to Him. Just as you trust your money to a Banker that you've never seen, trust your soul to Jesus Christ by faith in His blood. Jesus' blood is the only remedy for human sin. God will freely forgive you at once, as soon as you trust Christ's blood. Call your sin great, as it really is. Never try to make your sin out to be little. Seek mercy at the Cross - come as a sinner in your true colors. Come now to His blood for cleansing. Jesus Christ is real Savior who offers the real Atonement for your real sins. The very moment you rely on Christ's Finished Work all your sins will be put away and dismissed forever. Trust the Lord Jesus for everything - Commit yourself into His eternal keeping. Christ crucified for sinners, the love of God in Christ Jesus, Salvation by grace through faith in Jesus' blood. Trusting in Jesus Himself, the living God, is the safest thing you can do. You are nothing, Christ is everything, that is it. Be nothing, be nobody, and trust HIM. Don't believe in yourself, but believe IN Jesus. Look only to the merits of Christ Jesus. The moment you do so, your sins are gone forever, Christ's Righteousness is imputed to your soul, and you are saved from power of your sins.
Christians do sin, but they hate sin; they fall into sin, hate themselves for committing sin, but they loathe it and fight against it; and every true child of God can say honestly that there is nothing in this world he dreads so much as to grieve his God. Sin brings the Born Again man inward pangs, deep mourning, and bitter sighs, and he cries, "Oh, wretched man that I am!" The word of the cross delivers us from the love of sin and our evil habits of thought and deed. The Christian may fall into sin, but he mourns over it, and hates his sins, and hatef himself for committing it. Live for God's glory, set the Lord always before you, seek to obey God and please Christ, be God's servant in heart. Always pray for the salt of God's grace to sprinkle everything you do say and do.