You are nothing but a wretched sinner on your very best days, and totally incapable of earning what God will only give to sinners freely. Only handicapped beggars get into Heaven. You must stretch out your empty hand to Christ Jesus as a starving beggar, and receive His great salvation as a Free Gift. The Password to Heaven is "G-R-A-C-E". Come clean with God, and acknowledge that you are handicapped spiritually and take from Christ His free redemption from the slavery of sin. All sinners far and wide are now welcome at the Cross. Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. You must become a recipient of God's free grace. Turn your attention now to the Cross where Jesus died for 'you'. Fix your eyes on the Bleeding Lamb who died for the ungodly. God only shows His lovingkindness to sinners through Sinless Blood for Jesus' sake. You'll never get any better if you stay away from Christ, only worse.
Your life is filled with bad habits, and those vile habits of yours are called sins in the Scriptures. The only thing you really own in this world that you personally earned are your sins. Be alarmed - You are hastening toward a fearful judgment. You are fallen in Sin, and are unable to spiritually walk. You were born spiritually handicapped - you are guilty and undone. You are without strength morally and spiritually. For all have sinned, and come short of the Glory of God. No one ever taught you how to lie, steal, cheat, lust, misbehave, or be dishonest or disrespectful. You are in now abject poverty and bankrupt spiritually.
You are less than nothing in God's sight. You're not good enough to save yourself, and you could never return the favor of God's redeeming grace. Divine Grace condescends to the sinner only at the Cross. It is Exceeding Joy to Jesus to give His free gift of Salvation to helpless sinners (Hebrews 12:2). It is more blessed to Give than to receive. The gift of Grace can never be earned, it must be accepted freely by sinners. You have nothing to offer God, and you have no claim on God's grace. 'Human nature' would never consider receiving the gift of Salvation without trying to earn some portion of it. But the wages of sin is death, and the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. The sinless Christ was nailed and buried in your place. The Gospel of Christ goes against the grain of human nature. There's no such thing as a free lunch, but Eternity is Free, because Jesus bled for sinners, and He laid down His life for you. You are now invited to be saved freely for the sake of Another. There's no way you could ever earn or deserve the grace of God. The only password to Heaven is *GRACE*.
Religion is nothing but self-righteous sinners hoping and trying to convince a holy God that they are fairly decent folks. Human nature says, "If I haven't done enough good things to get into Heaven, no one has. I don't need a handout, I think a man ought to earn his own way, I'll make it Heaven ok on my own, I'm not as bad as some folks, I believe in God." When God looks on a blood-washed sinner, He sees Jesus Christ's Righteousness, and not the sinner.
The gift of Grace is unbelievably costly, and it is the Giver (Christ Jesus) who pays the whole price. At the Cross, you can do nothing but *Receive*, because Jesus paid the price for A-L-L your sins. You are helplessly lost, and Grace is Free. You have the opportunity of either receiving or refusing the free pardon of all your sins through the shed blood of God's Son. If a pardon is refused, it is no longer a pardon. If you reject and ignore Christ, you will surely die in your sins and be damned forever. You must acknowledge that you are totally incapable of earning what God will only give a sinner freely. Salvation from human sin is absolutely free. You are a great sinner, and the Lord Jesus Christ is the Great Savior, seek His Great Grace at the Cross. Renounce all attempts to save yourself. Trust in Christ's Righteousness, not your own. Simply trust Christ to do all, and you are safe. Stop struggling to better yourself, face it, you're no good. Cease from your doings, and simply Look to Jesus' Precious Blood and receive His free gift. Heaven is only for bad people, only real sinners get in. If you sense your danger, and feel your need of the Savior, Christ Jesus is willing and able to save you, and to save you now. Your procrastination only insults the Savior. Cast your soul unreservedly on Christ's free mercy, trusting in His Blood Atonement alone. Believe His words, trust HIS Grace. Trust *HIM* now with your sins, your soul, your Eternity. Lord Jesus be merciful to me a sinner, forgive all my sins, save me now.