Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Real Skinny

The Gospel is not good advice to men, but it is good news about the Lord Jesus Christ becoming Sin on the Cross and suffering the wrath of God, so that sinners just like you can become perfectly righteous in God's sight by placing their simple faith in His shed blood. The Gospel is not a commandment to do anything, but it is a declaration of what God has done for sinners in the person of His Son. The Gospel of Christ is not a demand, it is a free offer to hopeless and helpless sinners. Human nature wants to be accepted and popular with man, but the Gospel of Jesus Christ is unattractive and offensive to the carnal mind of the natural man.

Human nature has the wild idea that no particular religion is exclusively true, but that all religions are equally true, and that there are many paths that lead to God in the end, each of them is just as good as another. But the Bible says in John 14:6, that Jesus is THE WAY, not a way. Unbelief in Jesus Christ is a great insult to God. Every sinner must trust the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved from sin. The complete sinfulness of man, the eternality of Hell, the exclusivity of salvation in Christ alone, the absolute certainty of future Judgment, the necessity of repentance and of personal private and public purity in the true believer upsets the carnal mind.

In the Bible, the modern 21st century man is a total failure (Romans 3:10-23); and on top of that, he is spiritually dead in his sins (Ephesians 2:1-5); he is born wrong (John 3:3-5), and is headed for wrath and the Lake of Fire (Ephesians 2:2-3; Romans 1:18,32). Not one worldly religion pictures "man" in that fashion. The Law came "by Moses" (John 1:17), and it is 80% negative. The Gospel Message is 75% negative: Christ died for SINS - negative; He was Buried - negative; but He ROSE from the dead - positive. Mankind is 100% negative. Human nature says, "Be positive, we can do it, believe in yourself, you have to earn the right to enter heaven, you can be what you want to be, do your best, hope for the best, never mind that Bible, ignore those fanatical Christians." The natural man is a positive-thinking "do-gooder" who thinks he can be good enough to earn eternal life, without trusting Christ's Righteousness. Man-made religions deceive self-righteous men into thinking they can work their way to salvation by human effort. There is no such thing as a second chance. Christ died for guilty sinners, trust only in His finished work. The wicked know not at what they stumble.

Let me be crystal clear, you are sinful and have broken God's laws and merited His eternal wrath and the flames of hell forever. You must seek forgiveness contritely at the feet of Jesus Christ, you are in danger and under condemnation and the wrath of God, your only way of escape is through simple faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ. You must be reconciled to God before you quit breathing or you will surely be condemned to Hell Fire. Search the Scriptures, believe the words of Jesus, trust only in His sinless finished work for lost sinners. No merits of your can ever with the favor of God. You are a undeserving, hell-deserving on your very best day. You are a careless soul living in sin willingly and knowingly. Ye must be born again and given a new nature within that loves God. You are in need of a Savior. You look well to your back account, but you neglect your immortal soul. The Gospel is a message of divine bleeding love from the Son of God Himself. God was manifest in the flesh in the person of Jesus Christ. A loving, condescending, self-sacrificing, sinless, dying, risen Savior. God now command all men everywhere to repent. You are invited and bidden to come to Christ today. You have to intentionally exert yourself to reject Christ.

Atheists are great sinners, but Jesus is *the* Great Savior. Jesus willingly bore the sinner's penalty on the Cross. He died in your place, so you can go free. Your sin was punished upon HIM. The Great Sin-Bearer stood in the sinner's place, and suffered and fully satisfied divine justice in your place. He was wounded for your transgressions against the divine law. Now any sinner can be saved by grace through faith alone, without works. Come on to Jesus now, desire to know Him, think about Him, read about Him, seek Him, believe Him, trust Him. Unmerited mercy and unexpected grace and undeserved love is found at the foot of the Cross. Everything is in Christ, therefore you cannot bring anything to Him. Human nature wants to be something or do something to merit eternal life. You must be nothing, and let Jesus be everything.

God had to become a man with Blood (I Timothy 3:16; Phil 2:6-11; Heb 2:14) to save sinful man. Jesus Christ was a real Jewish man who was virgin born in Bethlehem, He grew up in Nazareth, He had the same anatomy as you do, but His blood was God's blood. God became a human being, Jesus of Nazareth, He lived a sinless life, and at the end He was betrayed and falsely condemned to die, He bore the sins of every man in His own body, and suffered in your place. He took the punishment for every one of your sins. Christ died for you so you could be saved from God's divine justice on Judgment Day. Think about your sins, listen to your conscience, hear the Gospel, repent of your sins, trust in Christ's Blood Atonement to pay for your sins. He rose from the dead, defeated death, and now He is alive forever more. Jesus Christ was God manifest in the flesh. He was born under and kept the Law perfectly and lived a absolutely sinless life. Jesus was without sin and never knew sin. No one on the earth has ever kept the commandments of God perfectly but the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus satisfied divine justice for all the lawbreaking of sinful mankind. Jesus died in agony and blood, so that you might not die for all Eternity in the Lake of Fire. You must be regenerated (born again) from above by the power of Holy Ghost.

Only the Law of God and Spirit of God can help you sense your sin, your inability, your guilt, your danger, and your unworthiness. The carnal mind hates the very mention of Jesus Christ and His free Gospel that saves sinners from the wrath to come. The worst evidence of your enmity to God is that you do not like God's way of salvation, you refuse to have heaven on God's free terms through simple faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ. Christ is All. You are so at war with God that you would rather go to hell forever rather than be saved God's way. That is what it all boils down to.

Your need of the Savior can only be revealed to you by the work of the Spirit. Your greatest need is Christ's free mercy and complete forgiveness of sins. The divine Law of God in Exodus 20 shows you your sin. You are a lawbreaker through and through - the Bible calls you a *sinner*. You worship yourself, and pride yourself in how good a person you are. Proud rebels wind up in hell. Your very best actions are nothing but whitewashed sins. All that you can ever do is destitute of true excellence, because you begin by neglecting Jesus Christ and by making God a liar. He that believeth not God hath made Him a liar, because he believeth not the record that God gave of His Son.

Submit and surrender to Christ. Trust your soul with Christ Himself. Salvation is everything for nothing: pardon free, Christ free, heaven free. The Gospel message is "All for nothing", all freely given, real pardon for real sin, abiding and everlasting pardon. The Cross gives priceless blessings without price: Free pardon, free justification, perfect cleansing, complete salvation. Priceless gifts are bestowed upon the guilty and unworthy. God will only freely forgive all your sin debt for the sake of Jesus Christ. Human nature can never please God. The more afraid of yourself you are the better. By nature, sinners are lost, ruined and condemned. Your greatest sin is trusting in your own righteousness and refusing to accept the righteousness of God - Jesus Christ Himself.

The divine Law condemns you for your sins against your Maker. Your vile desires, impure passions, selfish lusts, the wicked appetites of your evil nature, your natural instincts that demand indulgence have the mastery over you. God sees and hears all of your thoughts daily and is recording them. Your carnal mind continually rebels against God. You must acknowledge your guilt, and submit to Christ's perfect righteousness, and receive the person of Christ into your inmost being to save your soul from the eternal wrath of God (Romans 10:3; John 1:12; John 3:36). Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; Christ died for the ungodly; whosoever shall call upon His name shall be saved; except ye repent, ye shall die in your sins and perish forever; and let him that is athirst come, and whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely.

You are under a curse called sin and you are powerless to save yourself from it by your own doings. The Law exposes your sin and shows you up for what you really are within and without. You are imprisoned by your own sins and only Christ can redeem and free you from them. You must come to despair of yourself, for you currently trusting in yourself, and not in Christ. It is a great danger to trust in yourself. All earthly religion teach that the gifts of God can be earned or merited by human effort. Give up all boasting, you must receive God's divine charity at the foot of the Cross, not give to a worldly charity. Your sins have only merited eternal misery. Free forgiveness through the shed blood of Jesus Christ is the way out of hell.

Earthly religion is nothing but a slavish commitment to man-made rules and regulations that self-righteous man tries his best to obey, but it can never satisfy your sinful soul. You are a dreadful person and in a grave predicament without Christ. You cannot make yourself good enough to satisfy a holy God. No one would ever look for God in the flesh in a manger or on a Cross dying between two thieves. That's why God did what He did, He is waiting for you to humble yourself and admit your need of His Son. Without Christ you can do nothing, and you are worse than nothing. The divine Law of God takes the lid off of your human dignity and shows you how filthy you really are underneath, that no one else knows about. Within you are rebellious, guilty, and helpless and in desperate need of a sinless crucified and risen Savior. Without trusting in Christ, the Incarnate Truth (John 14:6), your whole life is a lie, your religion is useless, your hope is a delusion, your doings are an insult to God, your peace is presumption, and your inevitable end will be despair and doom. Simple, humble reliance upon Christ's doing and dying saves the soul. Delay is your greatest danger. Come now, be wise, repent and submit to Christ's precious blood and perfect righteousness, bow down at the feet Jesus Christ in prayer, call upon His name, ask *HIM* for His complete and eternal forgiveness of sins.