Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Great Sin-Eraser

Man invents fictions from his vain imagination such as evolution, and he hates the facts of Holy Scripture. Your daily false words, impure thoughts, and crooked judgments all condemn you. Your inner nature is inclined to evil. No one ever had to teach you to lie or mislead someone. You have a natural tendency to try and appear to be what you are not. The tendency to sin is with you each hour. You can never attain to the divine requirements of God's Law. By nature, you are fascinated with the forbidden. The desire to steal or lie or lust is awakened by the divine prohibition to do so. There is in you a bias toward the vile and unclean. Someone with power beyond your own must keep your evil desires in check. You can never satisfy the divine and righteous demands of the Law. You have neglected and rejected Christ repeatedly. You think lustful thoughts, you hate and despise others inwardly, you try to cheat others out of what you owe them (IRS, employer, family, God). The atheist deceives himself, he puts out his own eyes, blinds his understanding, and defiles his conscience till he has become his own dupe. Falsehood has saturated the atheist's inward nature. You must come to God as you actually are, and ask Him to deal with you, in Christ Jesus, according to your actual sinful condition. The atheist's idea of having no sin is a satanic delusion - you are altogether deceived.

Every man by nature tries to open his mouth and justify himself, and say the best things he can for himself, but it is the object of God’s Law to shut every man’s mouth; and when you come to that sober condition of your sinfulness, only then is there hope for you. When you have nothing to say for yourself, then the Lord Jesus Christ will open His mouth and plead for your guilty soul in the courts of God.

All the Divine Law can ever do is show you your sin. The Law is the divine mirror of Perfect Holiness, and looking into it you can see your deadly spots of sin; but you cannot wash away anything with a mirror. If you want to be cleansed from your sin stains, you must go somewhere else. The object of the Law of God is not to cleanse us, but to show us how much we need cleansing; to reveal our deadly disease, not to provide a remedy for it. The Law leads and points us straight to the Cross cleansing and healing. You must go to the pure fountain of Christ's Precious Blood for perfect cleansing and free forgiveness.

You have so sinned that you can never become righteous through the law or your own efforts; but now there is a true way of righteousness, the way of the Righteousness of God; and God’s Righteousness is much better than the best human righteousness can ever be conceived to be. There is a heavenly Righteousness which comes to us by faith in Jesus Christ, not by doing, but by simply believing in His works, not ours, a perfect Righteousness which Christ finished is freely bestowed upon all sinners that believe on HIM alone. It is not of him who works for salvation, but of him who believes on Christ's works; not of him who merits, but of him who trusts Christ's merits.

Science can never take away your sins. Darwinism is a lie through and through. The Great Sin-Eraser, Jesus Christ, is the only Person who can erase your sins from God's record book in heaven. You must go directly to Jesus Christ the Great Mediator for the free forgiveness of all your sins (past, present, and future). If you say you have no sin, you are a liar for sure, and the truth is not in you. Your human sin must be either atoned for by the Precious Blood of the Savior, or be recompensed upon you for all Eternity in the Lake of Fire. Only the true pardon of sin brings true gratitude, and true gratitude brings true purity, and true purity bring true peace to the heart. The only fitness for Christ's saving grace is your actual need of it. You are unquestionably sinful, and there is nothing in yourself to commend you to God's Mercy. Forsake your self-righteousness, turn from your sinful thoughts and ways - Look only to Jesus Christ now, and He will erase your sins with His Atoning Blood. Trust only His wounds, rely simply upon His Blood, fix all your confidence in His stripes.