First, you must be an Eater of God's words. Laborers must eat heartily or they will faint. Feed on the Gospel. Cry to God to teach you His words. Don't try to teach what you do not know yourself. Let Christ speak peace and pardon to your soul, and give you the hope of glory. You must also be a Receiver. You must go to the divine Granary (the Holy Scriptures) and receive a bushel of Gospel seeds from God's Holy Spirit. The Gospel must first be in your heart and hand or your laboring will be in vain. Receive the living word from the living God. You must be a Broadcaster of the word of God, scatter the real, solid truth of the gospel.
Jesus was the initial Sower. We only follow in His steps. Jesus came forth out of the ivory palaces from the glory of His eternal throne, He came down to Bethlehem, became a baby, then He waited till the Seed was ready, and then He went everywhere scattering His seeds of truth. It is the highest honor to the very least of the sowers, to be one of those who sow the Gospel of God in sinner's hearts. The Gospel is as everlasting as the God who gave it to us. Worldly men try to kill the Gospel plant, and when they think they have killed it, it just begins springing up everywhere more vigorously than before. We labor together with God. The world today is full of thorns and thistles, the Gospel Wheat must be sown and cared for.
Sowers must bestir themselves. We cannot observe the wind and clouds of today's distractions, philosophies, and heresies. We must work for the salvation of souls, and we must really get at this work. Don't just do plenty of eating and hoarding, make sure you go forth and sow as well. Souls are perishing, the prisons and mental hospitals are filling, superstition is abounding, and immorality is rampant. Indwelling sin can only be cleansed and abated by God's divine grace and blood. Let God cleanse you within, so He can use you in His vineyard. Don't just learn and enjoy Gospel truth, go and find a sinner and speak to him about Jesus. Always go to the Granary, diligently and constantly read and study the Scriptures. Be first a learner, then a Sower. After we have sowed, we must then steep and water the heavenly seed in prayer. Look only to God for the increase. There is a time to sow - as soon as you can, wherever you can. Be instant in season, out of season. Ask God's for the grace to be always sowing. Be wise as serpents, harmless as doves. Be ready with a good word, a choice word, a loving word, a tender word, a sobering word from God's word. Never sow against the wind - The HOLY SPIRIT. Sow the way the wind is moving. Scatter your seed and the Holy Spirit will carry it much farther than you can ever do, and your seed will fall where God shall make it grow. Sow God's word with all your might - speak a good word for Christ your King.
Don't try to do twenty things in this life. Let your aims and objects be limited. And remember, you cannot make the Seed grow, only God can do that. You are only responsible for sowing the good seed, causing it to prosper, that is God's business. If anyone is saved by your sowing, you must give God all the glory. Whether there is any soul saved or not, our only business must be to preach the Gospel, the whole Gospel, and nothing but the Gospel. Keep to this one point - preaching and teaching Jesus Christ and Him crucified for sinners.
Stick with sowing the seed of the Gospel, that is: Human sin deserves death (Romans 6:23), you are a sinner (Ecc 7:20), therefore you deserve eternal death in the Lake of Fire, and unless Someone else takes the punishment your sins deserve, you will inevitably face Judgment upon your sins and lose your soul forever. By nature, all sinners are lost, but God is gracious, Christ Jesus came forth from heaven to seek and to save that which is lost. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners from the love of sin. Christ died especially for you. At the Cross, Jesus died the death you deserve and shed God's blood to pay the full ransom for your sins. Now, God commands all men everywhere to Repent, and Whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Human Technology, Better Education, or Political Change cannot change the leopard's spots. Men love sophisticated, superficial, second-hand religion - men want to make up their own truth. But Jesus Christ Himself is THE TRUTH (John 14:6).
The Gospel is God's love letter to the sin-sick soul. Here it is - plain and simple: God is just, your sin has to be punished, that's why Jesus suffered, bled, and died such an awful death. But JEHOVAH is gracious, He delights in mercy. God for Jesus' sake will freely give you the forgiveness of all your sins and eternal life if you will simply give up trying to save yourself, and simply rely upon the Finished Work of God's Dear Son to save your never-dying soul. God laid on Jesus the iniquity of us all, and smote Him for your sins. Your biggest problem is your Sin, you're wrong on the inside, you're crooked and crippled inwardly. Human nature is all about selfishness, lust, disillusionment, self-fame, worldly power, money getting, and immorality. You're just like a wore-out grocery cart, no matter how hard you try, you just won't roll straight. Only Jesus Christ Himself can change you from the inside out. One thing you cannot hide is that you are crippled inside.
But there is hope for you, up on Calvary's Cross, Jesus of Nazareth, the perfect God-man, God manifest in the flesh, offered the Blood Sacrifice by which human sin is put away and eternally forgiven. Christ Jesus died for sinners - He is the resurrected Creator. Trust says Jesus can, Faith says Jesus is, Hope says Jesus will. Personal trust in the living Person of Christ saves the sinful soul. Believe on Jesus Himself, rest and rely only on His precious blood, and your soul shall live through His sinless death. Trust only what Jesus has finished on Calvary's Cross, not what you have done or will do. Jesus died for sinners, He rose from the dead, He is alive forever more. He is the living Savior. Life is short, plan ahead. Trust your poor soul to Jesus Christ Himself. Trust Christ alone to do what you cannot do for yourself. Simply tell out that truth, that is the main thing you have to do in this life. Keep on telling the Gospel Message (Christ died for the ungodly) - tell it over, and over, and over, and over again, till it is received by God's blessing into the minds and hearts of sinful and perishing men.
Your one business in this short life is to Sow. Sowing is an act of faith, that is, as you labor put all your confidence in the living God - Jesus Christ. Ask the Holy Spirit to move and make alive everything you sow. God bids you speak His Word, be His lips here in time, you will soon be in Eternity. Don't try to defend the seed, just keep sowing it, the Seed will get the job done, not all your arguments and defense of it. God's word shall not return to Him void, but it shall prosper in the thing whereto He hath sent it. Now sow with all your might, throw your very soul into publishing the glad tidings of Christ Crucified for sinners. Begin at once, by the power of the Holy Spirit of God, go forth and sow the good news of the free grace and dying love of the Crucified and Risen Lamb of God. Simple faith in God's blood that flowed from Jesus' veins is your message. Trust in God to make His seed increase and multiply. Throw a handful of seed everywhere you go, for Jesus' sake.