The Gospel of Christ is the most important matter - Here it is: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Whosoever believeth in Him is not condemned. You richly deserve to perish in your sins. Your cherished secret sin or a vile companion may be keeping you from Christ today. But you must have God's salvation. You cannot afford to die without it. Forsake your self-righteousness and your old way of life. Go somewhere in private and seek Christ, press to Jesus at once. Trust Jesus' finished work with your whole heart. Believe that Jesus can do what you cannot do for yourself. You have no good in yourself, all the GOOD you will ever need is treasured up in Jesus Himself. Be ye reconciled to God through the blood of the Lamb of God.
Human nature always tries to bridge the gap between itself and God on its own terms and its own strength. Man tries to be good enough for God through human morality, but it is all vanity. God wrote Himself into human history by becoming a man and dying for His enemies, poor guilty criminals just like you. Jesus lived a sinless life and at the end was betrayed and crucified. Up on the Cross, God the Father laid all the sin of all of mankind on Jesus. Jesus hung and died on the Cross as our Substitute. God made Jesus who knew no sin, to become SIN for us, that we might be made the Righteousness of God in Jesus. There is no way for you to get rid of your burden of sin on your own. Flee to Jesus at once for relief and redemption. Human religion is all about what you have to "DO"; the Gospel is all about what Jesus has "DONE" for you. If you trust in your own feelings, thoughts, instincts, or works, you will end up in the Lake of Fire. Your submission to the Scriptures is of most importance.
FAITH IS trusting what Jesus has done for you to save your guilty soul from sin. The FAITH that saves is a simple belief that Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, offered up Himself as an Atonement for human sin; Faith is a simple trusting in HIS perfect sinless Atonement for your soul's eternal salvation. Jesus is the NAIL upon which you can hang your soul forever, He is the BRIDGE over which your soul may safely cross into Eternity.
Don't play the fool - go outside and look at the Creation, there is a good and wise Creator, His name is Jesus Christ. There's no such thing as evolution, think about it, your bills don't just pay themselves. Listen to your conscience and word of God, be honest, you know that you're a very bad person and that you have a load of guilt over your past secret sins that no one knows about but you and maybe a few other people. Poor sinner, look to the Cross where your Maker bled and died for you, you're a guilty criminal in God's sight, but He loved you to death anyway. Trust only in Jesus Christ, and you are a saved man both now and forever. God saves sinners by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus' precious blood alone, so God can be just and get all the glory for saving a wretch like you. God will only save you for Jesus' sake, not for anything you will ever do.
Damned you will be unless you trust the crucified and living Son of God, and damned you shall never be if you will come seeking mercy and cast your guilty soul at Jesus' pierced feet. The Gospel is merciful to the sinner, but merciless to sin. Sinful men are only saved by a simple faith in God's blood. Jesus died for your sins, He took your guilt upon Himself on Calvary's Cross and was punished in your place. Christ is the sinner's Substitute, He took the sinner's place, and now God can be just in punishing Christ and justifying you. *Christ instead of you* is the Gospel in a nutshell. You can now go free through the Blood of God's Dear Son. Jesus died that your sins might die. God is willing to freely pardon and ready to forgive you. Depend now only on the sin-forgiving Savior. Trust Christ Himself implicitly, sincerely, and immediately with your poor guilty soul and go your way rejoicing.