We're in a mess today in America, because we have forgotten God, and walked out on the word of God. The entrance of God's words giveth light, God's words give understanding unto the simple. Every man prefers darkness rather than light, because he loves his sin. The reason men don't read the Bible is because they are bad, and the Bible tells you what you really are. Men don't want the Light turned on in their lives. The Light of Scripture will show you up for what you really are. The Bible turns the light on, and thats why men are against the Bible. Get your Bible out, and open up the pages, start reading and asking the Holy Spirit to turn the Light on in your life.
Evolution is nothing but a sinful man trying to guess where he came from; evolution is only Darwin's insane conjecture about where man came from. The atheist stabs in the dark and supposes his mom and dad came from an orangutang. The Bible says in Genesis 1:1 that God created the heaven and earth out of nothing, that settles it. In Genesis 3, the old devil promised Adam and Eve they could 'evolve' into a god if they would just disobey God; the devil tricked them Eve and Adam into forgetting and disobeying God, and then the devil murdered their souls. Still today, the whole human race is under a curse called Sin. You don't have one spark of divinity in you, you are a lost sinner, and in your flesh there is no good thing. The King James Bible is the word of God, and whatever the Bible says is so, period. Now understand - The Blood of Jesus Christ is the only thing more powerful than your Sin.
A man that is a crook, doesn't want to hear a message on Honesty. A thief never looks for a Judge. The Bible is against these things: sin and self-righteousness, the world's godless system, all the things worldly men exalt, and all the religions of this world that cry up human merit. Men are against the Bible, because the Bible is a good book, and they are bad people. The very thought of the Bible makes you very uncomfortable if you are indulging in secret sin. You want to live your own kind of life without God. Man questions the Bible because he prefers his sinful darkness to the Light of Jesus Christ. The natural man has his own opinions, and he would rather trust his mind and thoughts, rather than the Bible (God's mind and thoughts). God's eye always sees you, He never misses anything (II Chronicles 16:9; Matthew 10:29). You can't get away with wrongdoing. You can't do it, God is organized against you. You're a fool to sin, be sensible, you can't go on in your sin and win. You may not go to prison, but you're going to Judgment some day, you'll soon look in the eyes of God and give account to Him. You can't pop a sham life off on God. You're not shrewd enough to beat the game of Sin. You can't do wrong and get away with it. You need to get your sins blotted out through Jesus' blood, and start living a clean life by God's divine grace.
Sin is a terrible and damning thing. Sin turns good things into bad things. Sin leads to degradation and shame. Sin separates the heart of man from his Maker. Sin requires an Atonement, sin requires death; someone has to pay for every sin you have committed, either you or a Substitute, either you or an Atoner. Man is naturally against that which is right. Human sin hates God's Righteousness (Romans 10:3-4). Man wants to get rid of all spiritual light (The Ten Commandments, Jesus Christ). Man wishes there wasn't a Bible, and that he didn't have to believe the Bible. Every man is born in sin, as they age they acquire a taste forsin, and then insanely love sin. The restraint of civilization and law is the only thing that that keeps men back from committing heinous crimes. The plowing of the wicked is sin: the legitimate hard work of a man becomes sin, because he works for himself, and not for God. Everything you do is wrong, if you are wrong inside, and are living for the wrong motive, and not for the glory of God. If God doesn't have His proper place in your life, everything you do is Sin.
Men are naturally lost in sin, man's tendency is downhill. Something is wrong with man, man just can't do right, until God's makes him right through Jesus Christ. Men are not murderers because they kill, they kill because they are murderers. What you do, you do, because you are what you are. The only hope for any man is to be born again by the Blood, Spirit, and Word of God. You must start all over again at the Cross. Man is naturally a sinner, but he can only become a Christian supernaturally (by the power of the Holy Ghost). If you don't get to Jesus Christ, and be regenerated by the blood and grace of God, and admit that God is right and confess that you are sinful and hopeless, you're in a mess. You have to repent and cleave to Jesus Christ - or you're gone. You can't fix yourself, your only hope is to give your broken and sick soul over into the hands of Jesus Christ.
God is the Good Creator who died for wretched sinners just like you. All we know about the God of this universe is what the Bible says about Him. Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, made everything and sustains everything (Genesis 1:1; John 1:3). He causes the sun to rise every morning. You enjoy God's sunlight, water, food, and air every day you live. Do you ever thank your Maker? Everybody wants a god, but they don't want the God of the Bible. God won't let you get away with your sins. You're going to reap what you sow, that is a Biblical fact. You'll reap hell fire if you reject Jesus Christ. The world is against God, because He is holy and just and good and right. God is holy, and you must do what He says or suffer the eternal consequences. God is Love: He gave His only begotten Son to bleed and die to save His enemies, especially you. Christ died for the ungodly. Jesus went up to the Cross, bore your sins, and suffered the wrath of God due to your sins, Jesus bled and died for you, and then He rose from dead three days later, and now He lives forever to save sinner that come unto God by Him. God let Jesus Christ die in agony and shame on the Cross, so God could be Just and yet the Justifier of the sinner who believes on Jesus' Precious Blood. Jesus' blood is the only hope for poor vile sinners. God is not your Father unless you are born again into His family.