Thursday, January 2, 2014

4U2READ (3)

By nature, you directly oppose yourself to God and Christ.  You set yourself against the name of Christ.  You directly attack the person of God by blaspheming His holy name with your thoughts and words. You have said foul things about God's Son as well.  The blasphemer always challenges God's justice, vengeance and wrath to come on human sin.  You have cursed many times with foul oaths using God's name in vain.  You have hurt God by blaspheming His Son's name.  The atheist tries to stifle his consicence by pretending to believe there is no God, and that he came from a monkey, and will die like a dog.  Your conscience tells you that God is just.  You expect to be punished for your sins, that is why at times you have frightening premonitions about the after life and the coming judgment.

You have learned over the years how to sin brazenly with a high hand.  You now delight in the sins of other people as well.  You roll sin under your tongue as sweet candy.  You have led others into sins and vices.  Turn ye, turn ye, for why will ye die in your sins?  Why will you lose your soul and perish without Christ Jesus?  In Christ's Blood there is a full, free, perfect, irreversible pardon for all your sins.  The hand of God's forgiving love is still extended to the penniless hand of submission.  Be ye reconciled to God through the bloody death of the Lord Jesus Christ, God in human flesh.  It is a high sin to reject Christ.  The man Christ Jesus receiveth sinners - this is the Gospel motto.

You have sinned against much light, after having a knowledge of the way of truth, and have wickedly turned aside to crooked paths.  I beg you to turn from your sins to Jesus Christ.  You have the light, but you shut your eyes against it.  When you sin, you sin with atrocity, because you know better.  You know the right, yet you choose the evil.  Your conscience is growing harder and more seared.  You secretly indulge in sins against God and others.  Only Christ's atoning blood can satisfy divine justice and rescue you from eternal destruction.  You must get a clear divorce from your sins, humbly ask God for the gifts of repentance and faith in Jesus.  The love of sin dies where Christ is present.

From childhood to youth, from youth to manhood, from manhood to old age, you have sinned right on.  You still go on in your wickedness, despising God, and hating free salvation through Christ.  To be saved means to have our old thoughts made into new ones, to have our old dirty habits changed into new pure habits, to have our old sins pardoned, and to have Christ's Righteousness imputed to your soul, and to have peace with God.  To be saved is to be rescued and delivered from the wrath, curse and perdition due to our sins.

You have a ready perception of right, you are fully aware of what you are doing is a sin against God.  You have spurned the forgiving love and longsuffering of God.  Here is life and death - If you despise and reject Christ, there must be eternal death for you.  If you avoid the love and mercy found only in the Blood of Jesus, an angry God shall meet you at death and find you in your sins, and there will be no hope for you.  How much longer will you go on in your sins and remain without Christ?

You are an enemy to God and to your own self.  God help you to repent.  Mercy and grace is set before you today in the Blood and Righteousness of Jesus Christ.  The gate of Mercy is wide open now, you have been invited.  You will now be without excuse in the day of judgment.  You are bidden to come to Jesus by simple faith in His atoning blood now.  With the Gospel, all is pure mercy and love undeserved to the very worst of sinners.  Only Jesus is able to rescue a sinner from destruction. The person and work of the Savior is all my Hope.

The God of the Old Testament was manifest in the flesh as Jesus of Nazareth in the New Testament, and He died for the sins of the whole world.  Now mark it down, the man Christ Jesus who came into the world to save sinners was God Incarnate.  The gracious Redeemer came from Heaven to redeem guilty men from their sins.  The eternal, infinite, matchless, omnipotent Son of God is my only Ransom from eternal punishment.

Christ Jesus, the Son of God, left the high throne of glory and stooped to be born in Bethlehem's manger.  He was an infant, then He grew from boyhood to manhood.  He lived a sinless life in service to those around Him.  He was oppressed and despised by the religious crowd, and rejected by the common man.  He was mocked, scorned, and jeered, because He was so good and kind and true.  The mighty God, Christ Jesus, died because of your sins.

A true look to Christ Jesus by faith will beget genuine saving Faith in your soul.  You may be religious and moral, but you are still a sinner dead in trespasses and sins.  Christ Jesus came into the world to save you.  Those who despise and reject Christ and refuse to repent, and arrogantly choose their own self-righteousness over His Righteousness will surely perish.  If you despise Christ, you despise your only mercy, and there remains no other way of salvation for you.  Give your soul over into Jesus' hands for safekeeping.  The blood of Jesus must be applied to your guilty soul, sprinkled on your defiled conscience, and take away your sins forever.

I am a sinner, so Christ died for me.  Jesus loved me so, and He has forgiven me so.  I have trusted Christ, so Christ has saved me.  I am a poor sinner, but Jesus died for me.  He loved me and gave Himself for me at Calvary.  I am believing and trusting in Jesus as the Anchor of my soul.

Seek God's mercy though the Precious Blood of the Lamb of God.  Love, mercy, and invitation to come to Jesus is still offered to you today.  Behold, now is the day of Salvation.  Come to Jesus now by childlike faith in His most precious blood.