Teach me to do Thy will; for Thou art my God: Thy Spirit is Good; Lead me into the land of uprightness. I yield to be nothing, and let JESUS be all in all. My one aim and desire in this brief life of mine is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ with my daily behavior, to spend and be spent for Him who suffered on the Cross for my sins. My sure aim is to magnify Christ in all I think, say and do. My one solitary aim is to win souls for JESUS. The one object of my life - Glorify Christ, Bring honor to Him and win His Smile. My life's aim and end is to live for and glorify the Lamb of God. Holy Spirit, please tenderly guide me, and keep my pride and passions in check. But no matter what I may do or not do; I am perfectly sanctified in God's sight now and forever, for Christ Himself is my Sanctification (I Corinthians 1:30).
I cast myself and all my burdens on JESUS throughout my day, asking Him to aid me in my trials and struggles. Happily yielding and Cheerfully submitting to God's divine will every day is the essence of Sanctification. The center of everything that is GOOD is found in the Cross of Christ. I want to always be sensitive of the presence of the Holy Spirit, and yielding to His promptings and impulses. My highest aim and goal is the glory of the Father, and the honor of His Son. My aim and intent is to be used by the Holy Spirit to awaken, cheer, arouse, instruct, restore, encourage and exhort the souls around me. The grace of God will not flow to lost souls through filthy channels, so keep thyself pure for Jesus' sake.
I concentrate the whole of my might to the will of God. JESUS is my happy choice, and Sin is my wretched choice. My heart must continually casts out all rivals, for I desire purity within for Jesus' sake. JESUS lives in my heart, and I must keep the King's dwelling place tidy. My heaven on earth is nearness to God and pleasing the Lord Jesus Christ. My power source is dwelling near to JESUS. I have no righteousness of my own whatsoever to boast of, but I simply trust to the free grace of God and the saving, bleeding love of Christ Jesus.
If you are Lost right now, never look inward for help; if you were dying of thirst, you would not go to the mirror and look down your panting throat. If you are panting, grasping, thirsting for true Satisfaction, be wise, cease to look within yourself, humble yourself and come to the Fountain of living waters, Emmanuel, JEHOVAH manifest in the flesh. Drink Christ Himself into your thirsty Soul, as a thirsty man simply drinks water down his throat and into his body and is thereby refreshed. Likewise, Receive Christ as your own Savior into your inward parts by Faith in His Precious Blood. Go straight to the Cross now, and Rest on JESUS only.
Nearness to JESUS will always result in three things: Humility, Holiness, Happiness. Live off Christ, not religious excitement and ceremonies. I want to be in harmony with the divine will of the Father. I want my sermon to be my living, loving conversation each day. Christ's presence with me is my only source of Strength. I will seek after Holiness, but I will never make it my trust or boast. I fear offend the Father the most, for His smile is my Happiness. JESUS' great aim and object of life was this: He went about doing good and always pleasing the Father. Christ Himself is object of my life.
My daily care is to glorify the Lamb of God. Worthy is The Lamb! I never know a bad day. The days are such as God chooses to make them, and therefore they are all good. What pleases God, pleases me. I choose, that God should choose for me. If I am here on Earth, Christ is here with me, and if I depart to heaven, I shall be with Him. I would ask God to choose the Best for me; I leave everything in His merciful hands.
If I am conscious of Christ and communing with the Holy Spirit, I will be comforting to others. I give myself up to JESUS gladly, for He bought me with a great Price, even His most Precious Blood. I set my face toward JESUS, looking unto Him, with resolute purpose, undivided attention, and fixed perseverance. God is always sparing and preserving me, covering my path with His kindness, and surely His goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.
I want nothing beyond JESUS and His blessing. I want the Holy Spirit to lead, draw and attract me to Christ. Without the power of the Holy Spirit, I can do absolutely nothing effectual or profiting. I must find my Strength in the quickening Spirit of the Living God. I seek to diligently cultivate a spirit of prompt obedience to the LORD's words, will and promptings. Divine Aid is always needed from above ASAP. I am resolved to cleave to JESUS, do His will from my heart, sit at His feet and catch His words, practice what He teaches, and be useful in His vineyard. JESUS' bleeding love sways me to glad gratitude, willing sacrifice, and obedient service. The cream of Life is sweet dependence upon JESUS and fellowship with the Father.
The Goodness of God that leads me to Repentance and Obedience daily is JESUS Himself. The Giver of Everlasting Life is the great object of my life. The concentration of all my powers are upon one thing - the Praise and Glory of God. This one thing I do - seek Jesus' smile. The Source of my Joy and Object of my Faith is Christ Jesus the Lord. The root Source of Sanctification is Regeneration. The happiest life is lived nearest to JESUS. Always stay near the Great Shepherd, keep close to Him.
The only cure for a bad day is to get near to JESUS, sigh after His company, cling close to Him, glorify Him in the little and big things, and in the good and bad things of daily life. Never leave JESUS out of anything. Simple faith in God is needed, not fanatical, not idle, simply desiring to glorify Him. My single aim entirely is JESUS; I give Him the best of my thoughts, works, words, affections. I will engage all my energies for JESUS on purpose, desiring to point and persuade sinners to the Cross.
The great object of my faith, thoughts, ambitions, motives, and actions is JESUS only. The wisest soul always stays nearest to JESUS. I received Christ by a personal act, and now I must obey Him daily by a personal act out of adoring gratitude to Him. JESUS paid for my sins with His own Precious Blood all by Himself; He didn't need my help one bit. JESUS is Preciousness, Goodness and Sweetness itself.