Every man and woman is by nature God's enemy, and they hate God even though He has never done anything hurtful to them. The natural man has a continual quarrel with his Maker; because the natural man loves sin and lives to sin. The first requests for a peace accord are not made by sinful man the offender, but by the offended Creator. Reconciliation of sinful mankind to his Maker can never be achieved by man, but is the work of the Father drawing sinners to Jesus Christ through the working of the Holy Spirit.
Salvation is the work of God from the beginning to the end, and God must receive all the glory. God reconciles sinners to himself through the finished work of The Lord Jesus Christ, for God gave His Son to be the atoning sacrifice for human sin through Substitution. Christ Jesus is the only way of access between fallen sinful man and the thrice Holy God. Man can never attribute any of his human goodness to help saving his own soul.
The natural man is foolish, for he avoids and forsakes the highest Good, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. The natural man is wicked for he loves darkness and turns his back on God's divine holiness. The natural man is worldly for he forgets the Kingdom of God and the world to come. The ungodly man does not acknowledge God throughout his day; for he is self-willed and follows his own vain imaginations and with rebellion opposes himself to God and chooses crooked and dark paths in order to gratify his vile passions. The religious man associates with God's sheep, but he loves to run with the goats all the rest of the week. Let your first business be this: To get straight to Jesus for forgiveness, mercy, rest and eternal life.You will eventually be brought to the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. You must give strict account for your behavior here on Earth; for every vain thought, every idle word you have spoken, and every selfish deed you have committed. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. Every secret of your heart will be made known, and you'll receive the just reward for all you have done in this life. Christ Jesus was crucified for sinful man; and God punished human sin that was laid upon Christ on the Cross. For the sins you have sinned against God's Law and Love, only Jesus' innocent blood can atone. Take heed to your ways, to all that you think, say and do. Be wise, make peace with God at the Cross through faith in the Precious Blood of Christ. God invites Earth's entire sinful race to the Cross to buy mercy, gospel grace, and free salvation. Jesus' grace is free for all. Your works you need not bring; only bring your lost, sin-sick soul. Leave all you have and are behind, and frankly by the Gift of God receive, free pardon and peace with God in Jesus.
Have mercy upon your Soul, believe on The Lord Jesus Christ as soon as possible. The Holy Spirit must convince you of your inward sinful nature, and you must painfully feel the evil of your sins against God and contritely mourn the bitterness of your sins. Please look now to the Crucified and Risen Creator who was nailed to the Cross for your sins; He laid down His life for your soul. For all souls that come to God by Jesus Christ's Precious Blood, God is willing to forgive them freely. If your soul is ever truly saved, The Lord Jesus Christ will have all the glory. God uses saved souls to plead and compel and persuade sinners to the Cross, but the work of the Holy Spirit is what is truly needed, or else nothing eternal will ever happen in the human heart. Except the Spirit of God blesses the word of faith to the heart and applies the things of Christ to your soul, you will never be saved from yourself and the wrath to come.
The blood of Jesus Christ quenches the wrath of God towards your sinful soul and makes eternal Peace. The Substitution made on the Cross was provided by God's pure love. God was in Christ Jesus came to Earth to reconcile sinners, and He made the Atonement for us. God was both Just and the Justifier of the ungodly (justice and mercy bundled up in one sinless sacrifice). Bloody sweat, awful scourging, crown of thorns, shame and suffering, five bleeding wounds from the centurion's nails, extreme agony is what it took to save your soul. The Father laid on Jesus the iniquity of us all. Be wise - Commit your soul now to Christ and His safekeeping. May the Spirit of God draw your heart and gently touch the inward parts of your being and lead you to Jesus Christ today.