In the world today, there are only two groups of people: the children of God, and the children of the devil. Which family are you part of now? Jesus said, "If God were your Father, ye would love Me." Jesus also said, "Ye are of your father the devil, and lusts of your father ye will do." When it comes right down to it, you will obey your spiritual father, every time. The LORD knoweth them that are His.
You can deceive yourself, or the people down at the church, but you can't fool God. You must be born again to escape the family of Satan, and be delivered from the power and kingdom of darkness. If you have not been born again of the Spirit of God through trusting in Precious Blood, then you are still in your natural state, and the devil is your spiritual father, present tense. You don't have to worship the devil to be in his family; you are in his family by nature, and still in it by choice.
Please look into your heart now and find out if you have really, and truly, and wholly surrendered to God; and repented of your self-righteousness and love for sinning, and implicitly trusted to the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Do you honestly belong to God today? Many folks will say to Jesus on judgment day, "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?" But Jesus will say to them, "I never knew you, Depart from Me, Ye that work iniquity."
Does The Lord Jesus Christ know you personally? Do you belong to God - spirit, soul and body? Which crowd do you belong to? Jesus told them, "Who is my mother, who are my brethren? For whosoever shall do the will of My Faither which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother." Salvation must begin with you, first of all, you must get right yourself, that is, begin with the person that thinks your thoughts, says your words, wears your clothes, and drives your car, and sleeps in your bed. There are many people today wearing God's label who don't belong to him at all. In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God.
If you're sure of your soul's spiritual condition, I will ask you to act promptly - to act today. If you get close to rose, you know it; if you get close to a Christian, you know it. What scent do you put off? The scent of life or the scent of death? You can get rid of your sins with religion any more that you can get rid of cancer with an aspirin. When JESUS saves your soul, people around you will know it. Does Satan live in your heart, or the The Lord Jesus Christ? Right now, Open up your heart to your Creator who was crucified for your sins, and rose from the dead the third the day according to the Scriptures.
JESUS is the Good Shepherd. Are you a goat or sheep? In your natural state, you are a goat. You must be born again and become one of God's sheep. Only the power of The Holy Spirit can create in you a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within you. Ask yourself this these simple questions: Am I one of the Lord's sheep? Do I know His Voice? Is there a true intimacy between my heart and the heart of God? Does the Good Shepherd lead me? Has my soul been restored?
JESUS said, "My sheep hear My Voice, and I know them, and they follow Me." Every one that is of the Truth heareth JESUS' Voice. There are many wolves in sheep's clothing today. God's knows where you live, He knows your address, He numbers your steps each day. The LORD ponders the hearts of every man and woman on earth. The greatest monstrosity and abomination is a goat professing to be a sheep. Seek ye The LORD JESUS CHRIST while He may be found, Call ye upon HIM while HE is near. Is the Love of God in your heart? Are you a Christian or a Hellion? The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto Him.
Is your soul surviving or Thriving? Are you existing or Living?
The environmentalist says, save the Earth, climate change is an existential threat; the educationalist says, education will set us free; the politician says, democracy is the way; the religionist says, get confirmed by us, and get baptized by us, and give your money to us; but Christ Jesus says, Turn from your sins, Trust in my Precious Blood, and be Born Again.
A piano is understood musically. A rose is understood botanically. A ruby is understood geologically. But The Gospel is only understood spiritually, and only The Holy Spirit can give you that Understanding from above. Hope for your sin-sick soul cannot be found anywhere else but in Christ: Let Him sink down deep into your heart. It is not what we do, but what Christ Jesus has already done, that gives us Salvation freely.
JESUS is the hopeless sinner's only Hope. If you receive JESUS into your heart, He will work a Miracle in you. Christ in you, the hope of glory; Christ Liveth in me, not the outward form, but the inner workings of the Holy Spirit. Stop striving for the vain things of this world that can never satisfy your immortal soul, and come to JESUS, and He will give your soul Rest and your heart Contentment.
You need to get down on your knees and repent towards God; and kneel down like the poor sinner you are. There is no other way friend. The only way Up is to come down Low in the dust before God. You can't talk to God on stilts. You can't hear the still small voice of God, until you get still and small. Get down off your high horse. Tell the LORD you are a wretch, miserable and undone, without His mercy and grace. Open up your heart up to God, and tell Him how filthy you are, receive Christ Jesus Himself into your very being, and He will cleanse you with His Precious Blood.
Be wise now - Cast away all hope you ever had or will have, and put away all trust in your good works and everything else you are trusting in; and cast yourself simply on this great truth, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners through faith in His precious blood alone. Unfeigned faith rests wholly on finished work of Jesus Christ; therefore, make the Blood of Jesus Christ the only object of your faith. Nothing can save the soul of man, but The Blood of Christ interposing between the soul and the divine justice of God. The most Precious Atoning Blood of the Lamb of God alone has power to save, not your spiritual or religious experience.
Only, only, only the finished work of The Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross saves sinners, and not anything that you will try to prop up the Cross with. If any sinner is ever saved it is by the work of the Cross and the work of the Holy Ghost from beginning to the end. Come very sorry and guilty, contritely, to God as a humble sinner; as a lost sinner that deserves nothing but hell fire. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.
The LORD JESUS CHRIST loved you, and gave Himself for you. You need to change families today, and be mercifully adopted into the family of God. Come to Him at once, Trust to Him now, Receive Him without delay, Cleave to Him right away. When you go to sleep tonight, I sure hope you are a child of God by faith in Jesus Christ's Atoning, Forgiving Blood, and still not a child of the devil.