Jesus grew from boyhood up to manhood, He came forth into the world to preach and suffer for your sins! Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, especially you. The Eternal God condescended to Earth, He was here in the form of man; God in human flesh walked the face of this Earth and lived in obscurity, poverty, and purity. He made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and He was meek and lowly in heart. Consider Him who endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself; He endured the Cross of Calvary, despising the shame of it all, for your sake.
Christ Jesus lived a sinless life of perfect virtue and of total self-denying love. He came into the world to seek and save lost sinners from the wrath of God and the love of sin. He was all His life afflicted, despised, and rejected of men, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. His enemies were many; His friends were few, and those few friends were faithless and fickle. The Lord Jesus was famous, but wasn't popular at all. Jesus was at last betrayed and delivered over into the hands of wicked men that hated Him without a cause.
Christ Jesus was arrested while in the act of prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane; see Him in the garden praying, He sweat great drops of blood especially for you! The great multitude and Judas came and seized Him in the garden as though He had been a thief, and they took Him away to the high priest and then to Pilate’s hall. He was arraigned before both the religious and civil courts. He endured mockery, shame, and the cruel crowning of thorns in Pilate’s judgment hall for your sins.
The Lord of glory was set upon a mock throne in scorn by the Roman soldiers, given a reed for a scepter, robed in purple in mockery and shame, and then stripped naked and tied to a whipping post and scourged in cruelty. His shoulders and back ran with blood! The stripes due to your sins were laid upon Christ's back. The cruel soldiers spit upon Him and plucked out His beard and hair. Jesus suffered the punishment that your sins deserve. He was declared innocent by Pontius Pilate, yet Pilate still delivered Jesus to the mob’s will and had Him led away to be crucified. See in Christ your sins being punished.
The Lord of glory was set upon a mock throne in scorn by the Roman soldiers, given a reed for a scepter, robed in purple in mockery and shame, and then stripped naked and tied to a whipping post and scourged in cruelty. His shoulders and back ran with blood! The stripes due to your sins were laid upon Christ's back. The cruel soldiers spit upon Him and plucked out His beard and hair. Jesus suffered the punishment that your sins deserve. He was declared innocent by Pontius Pilate, yet Pilate still delivered Jesus to the mob’s will and had Him led away to be crucified. See in Christ your sins being punished.
Then at the very end, Christ was hounded through Jerusalem’s streets; the path to Calvary’s Cross was sprinkled with the Blood of God. *Acts 20:28* He was brought to Golgotha’s hill; they flung Him down upon His back upon the Cross, and drove the cruel nails through His blessed hands and feet; then they lifted up the Cross and dashed it into its socket in the earth and all His bones were dislocated. He hangs there in agony as the blazing sun burns Him. His cruel wounds increase His fever.
The Christ of God became Sin, and God the Father forsakes Him. He cries out, “My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” While He hangs there in conflict with sin and Satan, His heart is broken, and His limbs are dislocated. Heaven forsakes Him; the sun is veiled in darkness. Mankind forsakes Him, for “His disciples forsook Him and fled.” He looks everywhere, and there is none to help; He casts His eye around, and there is no man that would share His sorrow. Your sins made Jesus bleed. Where Christ is loved, sin is hated.
The Christ of God became Sin, and God the Father forsakes Him. He cries out, “My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” While He hangs there in conflict with sin and Satan, His heart is broken, and His limbs are dislocated. Heaven forsakes Him; the sun is veiled in darkness. Mankind forsakes Him, for “His disciples forsook Him and fled.” He looks everywhere, and there is none to help; He casts His eye around, and there is no man that would share His sorrow. Your sins made Jesus bleed. Where Christ is loved, sin is hated.
On and on, Christ hangs there on the Cross for six hours, steadily determined to drink the last dreg of the cup of the wrath of Almighty God for you. He hung there in agony and blood. His face is full of anguish. Consider the tortured Sinless Savior. Your sins were all gathered together in one mighty load and placed upon the shoulders of the great Sin-Bearer. The sin load of the whole world was laid on Christ *I John 2:2*; it bruised Him sore and crushed Him down. On the bloody tree behold Him in His death struggles! The Friend of Sinners is suffering there for you.
Behold the Lamb of God, the Crucified Redeemer, there is no better view than Him! See Him dying in agony too great to be imagined, much less to be described! God was in Christ as He died upon the accursed tree. *II Corinthians 5:19* He endured the vinegar, the nails, and the spear all alone. *Hebrews 7:27* His heart was bursting with agony under the load of sin. Hear the cries of Jesus from the Cross: “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do! -- My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me! -- I thirst!” At last He cries — “It is finished!” and He gave up the ghost. Jesus didn't say "I am finished." He cried "It is finished!" The punishment due to my sins fell on Christ, He finished the Atonement for to my sins. *Romans 5:10*
Behold His torn and broken body being taken down from the Cross and then laid in the silent tomb! But three days later He burst the bonds of darkness and tore the bars of death away, rising from the dead, and then forty days later He ascended up on high and sat down at the right hand of God. Dear friend, the Savior is set before you now, plainly manifested: See His five bleeding wounds, His pierced side, the bloody stripes, the accursed Cross, and His passionate love for rebellious sinners. *Hebrews 9:14*
Behold His torn and broken body being taken down from the Cross and then laid in the silent tomb! But three days later He burst the bonds of darkness and tore the bars of death away, rising from the dead, and then forty days later He ascended up on high and sat down at the right hand of God. Dear friend, the Savior is set before you now, plainly manifested: See His five bleeding wounds, His pierced side, the bloody stripes, the accursed Cross, and His passionate love for rebellious sinners. *Hebrews 9:14*
Be honest: You’ve been a selfish sinner your whole life against God's laws as well as His love; you’ve been a rebel against the five wounds of Jesus and the Ten Commandments of God. Look to Jesus’ five wounds flowing with God’s blood. *Colossians 1:14-16* Only look there sinner! In Christ’s five bleeding wounds is the sin-melting power which is not to be found anywhere else in this world. Only His wounds can quiet your conscience and melt your sin-hardened heart. Christ's divine blood is the only antidote for the venom of sin flowing through your soul.
Let me be very clear, The sparing mercies of God have brought you safely to this day. The great need of your soul today is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus' bleeding pleading Love wants to reason with you even now. I earnestly intreat you, let all of your sinful pleasures and vile habits go, lay down your weapons, and give your soul up to Jesus Christ at once. By neglecting or rejecting Christ, your soul is on incredibly dangerous ground; you're walking on thin ice that could break at any time. Why do you linger so long in the darkness of sin? There is available to you now a free pardon for all your transgressions, iniquities and sins through faith in the most precious blood of God manifest in the flesh. Forsake your enmity to God and the love of your sins; Do not rebel against God's mercy and kindness towards you.
Your soul bears a very heavy burden of sin and guilt today. It would be a horrible tragedy if you die in your sins unforgiven, eternally undone, and unprepared to meet God. Trust Christ Jesus with your soul, no time for delay, hasten to the Cross, do it now, right now. Tell God all about your sins, ask Him to have mercy on your sinful soul for Jesus' sake. I beseech you, Seek to be reconciled to God, and close with Jesus Christ through faith in His forgiving, atoning blood.
You cannot truly believe that Christ suffered for your sins, and then continue on in your sinful and lustful habits. Fix your blind eyes on the Lamb of God bearing your sins in His own body on the tree. If you look to Him in faith, you will live forever. Whoever you may be, though you may be the worst sinner this side of hell, yet Jesus is mighty to save the worst of the worst. The blood of God can save the most devilish sinner alive. Where sin is bitter, Christ is sweet, only then.
Let me be very clear, The sparing mercies of God have brought you safely to this day. The great need of your soul today is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus' bleeding pleading Love wants to reason with you even now. I earnestly intreat you, let all of your sinful pleasures and vile habits go, lay down your weapons, and give your soul up to Jesus Christ at once. By neglecting or rejecting Christ, your soul is on incredibly dangerous ground; you're walking on thin ice that could break at any time. Why do you linger so long in the darkness of sin? There is available to you now a free pardon for all your transgressions, iniquities and sins through faith in the most precious blood of God manifest in the flesh. Forsake your enmity to God and the love of your sins; Do not rebel against God's mercy and kindness towards you.
Your soul bears a very heavy burden of sin and guilt today. It would be a horrible tragedy if you die in your sins unforgiven, eternally undone, and unprepared to meet God. Trust Christ Jesus with your soul, no time for delay, hasten to the Cross, do it now, right now. Tell God all about your sins, ask Him to have mercy on your sinful soul for Jesus' sake. I beseech you, Seek to be reconciled to God, and close with Jesus Christ through faith in His forgiving, atoning blood.
You cannot truly believe that Christ suffered for your sins, and then continue on in your sinful and lustful habits. Fix your blind eyes on the Lamb of God bearing your sins in His own body on the tree. If you look to Him in faith, you will live forever. Whoever you may be, though you may be the worst sinner this side of hell, yet Jesus is mighty to save the worst of the worst. The blood of God can save the most devilish sinner alive. Where sin is bitter, Christ is sweet, only then.
Look to Jesus’ wounds, look there now and live. Play not the fool with your immortal soul, look to the dying Savior, and gaze upon His bleeding wounds, pierced side, mangled body, and marred face. His face all soaked with bloody sweat. His five bleeding wounds are the founts of eternal pardon. You need God’s pardon by blood and free redeeming grace. Free grace flows from Christ’s hands, rich mercy streams from His feet, dying love pours from His pierced side. Look steadily and intently upon Him with all your heart. Look fixedly on the Sin-Bearing Lamb of God. Only His sin-atoning death can put away your sin’s guilt. View the Bleeding Savior and hate your sins.
Give yourself up to Christ Jesus Himself. Rely upon Him alone for eternal salvation. Fix your faith only on Christ's shed blood. One sight of the five wounds of Christ and your sins are covered and your iniquities are put away forever. Come and view the flowing of Christ’s soul-redeeming blood. Behold how He loved you! Faith in His five wounds is the only thing that will kill your sins and lustful, unclean habits. His five wounds are still pleading for your soul. Only the love of a dying Savior and His bleeding wounds can save a real sinner. Christ died for the ungodly, not the good and respectable.
Poor sinner, delay no longer. Come to the foot of the Cross, look up to His five bleeding wounds flowing for your sins, see the fountains of pardoning grace. You’re not asked to do anything or to be anything, or to feel anything, but you’re simply asked to look away from your sin and self to what Christ has done, and you shall have eternal life as a free gift. Turn and look you to Christ and live, believe on Him and thou shalt be saved, you shall never perish trusting only in His Blood, Jesus Christ the living Substitute is still able and willing to save the vilest of the vile.
Look to Jesus now alone for free and full salvation. Trust your soul in the living Savior's hands, and you are saved. The moment you trust Jesus Christ you’re saved and your sins are gone; you’re saved on the spot, saved for all Eternity. Turn from and forsake your self-righteousness and that deadly love you have for your sins, and simply Trust in the Crucified and Risen Creator! Plead His Pardoning Blood and Justifying Grace! Ask God for His Free Mercy and Royal Pardon By Precious Blood.
Look to Jesus now alone for free and full salvation. Trust your soul in the living Savior's hands, and you are saved. The moment you trust Jesus Christ you’re saved and your sins are gone; you’re saved on the spot, saved for all Eternity. Turn from and forsake your self-righteousness and that deadly love you have for your sins, and simply Trust in the Crucified and Risen Creator! Plead His Pardoning Blood and Justifying Grace! Ask God for His Free Mercy and Royal Pardon By Precious Blood.