Calvary's Cross is the only hope of a sinner - the great transaction, the great substitution, the lifting of sin from off the sinner to the sinner's Substitute. The punishment of Christ instead of the sinner. The pouring out of God's wrath due to the transgressor upon the head of the Sin-Bearer. This is the grandest transaction which ever took place on earth - Jesus Christ, made sin for us, that we might be made the Righteousness of God in Him. The sinless Savior stood and died in the place of guilty sinners. God laid upon the spotless Lamb of God the sin of His enemies, so that He becomes Sin personified and dies for sin. And then God takes off from the innocent Savior His Righteousness, and puts that to the account of the guilty bankrupt sinner, so that the sinner becomes actual Righteousness - the real divine Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
Substitution is the key word. Christ suffering in the place of the sinner, and numbered with the transgressors because of their transgressions, not His own. Christ paying all our sin-debts in full, and discharging all our vile liabilities. We then take Christ's place as He takes ours, so that we are accepted in the Beloved, and made sons and heirs of God. There is a divine and all-sufficient Substitute for the sinner, and all sinners that will put their trust on Him shall be eternally saved (John 3:36).
Now, be honest, you know you're a sinner, come clean with God, plead guilty. You must take Christ, or die in your sins and lose your soul in the lake of fire. The right way to take medicine is to just swallow it down at once, quickly without delay. It doesn't take you long to get to the emergency room or the pharmacy if you're really sick or in pain. The one medicine for a dying sinner is the Blood of God's Son, Jesus Christ. What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus Christ God's Son cleanseth us from all sin. Christ Himself is the divine remedy for human sin. You have a burden of sin, and only the Holy Ghost can cause you to sense your danger, your soul will never cease to exist, the day of Judgment is drawing nigh, your conscience warns you of a coming judgment, you will give account of yourself to your Creator, your soul is often alarmed at the thought of dying and facing an angry God, prepare to meet your Maker. O be wise - Be a hearer, a reader, a searcher of the Scriptures, and then be a pray-er, a seeker, a repenter, a truster in the Savior, and then be a know-er, a lover of God, and a reacher of souls.
Believe only on the Lord Jesus Christ - trust Him quietly, humbly, simply, and immediately. Trust Him to make you a saved man, and a good man. Only Christ Jesus can deliver you from the love of sin, the power of the devil - He will do it. Jesus is Truth itself, and He never breaks His word - He saves sinners to the uttermost. Only trust HIM, trust Him to overcome the evil you are fighting with. Jesus can conquer your sinful habits, not you. Trust in the wounded, bleeding, dying, risen, living, and coming Savior. He will fight your battles with sin, and you shall have His victory. Trust Christ completely, and nothing you can do. Weakness, meekness, humility, and lowliness under the mighty hand of the Savior is the key to victory. Your most urgent need is the help of the Holy Ghost, and simple faith in the blood of Jesus Christ. Ask God to change your vile nature with the power of the Blood of Christ. The only remedy for your sin is Christ in your heart. You're very welcome to come to the Christ Jesus at the Cross now. Always remember Calvary, and renounce self daily (Luke 9:23). Blessed be the name of the Lord!