Sunday, July 3, 2016

It's Your Choice

The Holy Spirit is working and moving today to convince men and women of their sinfulness, guilt, danger and inability to save themselves. The mere thought of sin is Sin - the thought of foolishness is Sin.  The love of sin blinds the eyes of the soul.  In secret, Christ-less men love their sins; they are fond of their sins and a slave to them. Religionists get really superstitious and attempt to clean up their act for a few minutes on a certain day of the week at a certain place, but right after that short span of religiousness, the religionist goes right back to his darkness and idolatry (love for sin, self and stuff).  Water and works, or Blood and Righteousness - it's your choice.

A love for sin and rejecting Christ will surely damn you.  Sin blinds the soul, deafens the mind, defiles the conscience, and cripples the heart.  Sin will reign in you until Christ reigns in you. A king that lives in a palace and the bummiest bum that ever slept on the street must be saved the same way - through faith in Christ's Precious Blood.  Holy Spirit, please cure me of my love for my sins; please purify my inward desires and appetites. A servant of Christ or a servant of sin - which are you?  The darling Lamb of God bled and died to pay the whole bill for your sins.  Lord Jesus, make me tender and sensitive to the still, small voice of your Spirit and words.  Pardon of sin, Purity of heart, and then Peace of mind.  Filthy habits and evil tendencies only die under the sprinkling of the Blood of Jesus Christ.  Love to Christ, or love to sin - it's your choice.

The love of sin breeds hatred for the words of God and Christ Jesus Himself.  Men avoid Christ because they want to do wrong.  The Gospel will not let us live comfortably in our sins.  Ask God for His mercy and purity through the Blood of Jesus Christ.  Sin-forgiving Blood and sin-forgetting Grace is available now at the Cross. You will never be happy at odds with your Creator.  If you choose to keep your sins, you must lose your soul.  The dislike and neglect of Christ is caused only by a love of darkness. The shining light of the Gospel sends the roaches of sin scurrying for cover. Trust the Lord Jesus Christ with your sins, only He can put them away.  Trust Him with your soul as well, for only He can save you from the wrath to come.  Inward desires after Christ, or inward desires after Sin - it's your choice.