Thursday, March 3, 2016

A Good Question

A good question to ask yourself each morning is this - Am I being led by the Spirit of God? *Romans 8:9* He is the Quickener, Strengthener, and Comforter. We can't do anything for Jesus that will matter eternally without the help of the Holy Spirit. If we feel weak, empty, insufficient, and distrustful of self, the Holy Spirit is working. The weaker we feel, the more we will Seek Him for faith and strength to press on toward the mark. The Spirit must be the Life in our words and works. The Spirit leads us aways from the love of sin and from a dependence on our own self-righteousness. The Spirit leads us to the person, blood, words, and righteousness of Christ Jesus. Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.  Stay humble, pure, gracious, forgiving, and useful for Jesus' sake. Keep close to the words of God - It is written, and thus saith the Lord. Our own thoughts and words must be influenced by Him. We cannot work for Christ except through the Holy Spirit. *Romans 8:14* Be ready to obey the gentlest corrections from the Spirit of Christ - His inward advice. Remain little in God's sight, be easily led and taught, recognize the Spirit's yeas and nays, obey Him quickly, be eager to learn of him, cheerfully yield to Him, and walk with Him today.

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, 
they are the sons of God.

Am I being led by the Spirit of God?