Thursday, August 13, 2015

A Little Help 2

Long to be corrected – be teachable, be correctable, apt to learn. Beware of self-will.  Cleave to Christ with purpose of heart. Honor the Lord in all things. Be good to God. You are very weak; so seek God’s strength.  Give God all the glory. Do all things without murmurings and disputings. Fear and acknowledge God.  Make yourself of no reputation.

Give yourself wholly to Christ and His work. Sin is voluntary. Resist bitterness and resentment. If you can take correction, you can do better; if you can’t receive correction, you life will only get worse. Be willing to learn and do better. Comply to God’s will, submit silently without protest, yield and agree with God. Meekly submit to God’s will and providence. Let Jesus be your constant Companion.

Heartily acquiesce and rejoice in the will and good pleasure of the Lord. Calm resignation and conformity to the divine will.  Do the Lord’s will cheerfully, immediately, fervently, constantly, completely, spiritually, intensely, practically. Respectful and courteous submission, and yielding to the will of Another. Willingly carry out the wishes of the Holy Spirit. Keep ever low before the Lord. Humble submission and complete deference to God’s will. Rest in Christ satisfied, rest in Him without opposition. Quietly acquiescent at the foot of the Cross. God is so good, so kind, so loving. Whatever God wants. Unquestioning acquiescence. Live in perfect resignation. Cheerful submission. My Father knows best. Devout submission to whatever the Lord appoints.   

Submit to all the chastisements of God. It is the LORD:  let Him do what seemeth Him good. Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him. Resigned, acquiescent, content, and grateful.  Love the cause of Christ and defend it.  Yield yourself to the working and motions of the Holy Spirit.  Make haste and delay not to keep Christ’s Commandments.  Keep in touch with Jesus, He will keep you sweet.  Have a desire for spiritual improvement.  As you read the Bible, let it read you.  Be a contrite importunate pleader who loves souls.

Be willing to take correction and change for Christ’s sake. Get the thing right that the Holy Spirit is trying to correct you about. Cultivate a desire for righteousness and purity.  Sweetly yield to God. Yield to all God does to you in His rough providences. Complete resignation to the divine will is the keep to real peace. Lord, teach me to do Thy will, not mine. Lord, help me to do as Your word bids me. Hand yourself over unreservedly to be Christ’s. Courteous respect and regard for other’s feelings.

Yield both active obedience and passive acquiescence with softness and tenderness before God. Perfect consciousness of full forgiveness. Deeply committed to the Lord’s service. Be a strong and caring and courageous Christian. The will of the Lord be done in spirit and in truth, constantly without failure, completely without exception, instantly without hesitation, joyfully without weariness, right humbly. Maintain high esteem of Christ and His word.

Simple confidence in the promises of God. Quicken me, strengthen me, help me to maintain purity, obey Your words, please give us divine aid to obey. Obedient heart, yielding spirit, submissive mind, acquiescence to the divine will – these are the elements of joy.  Instantly repentant and apologetic, do works meet for Repentance.  Patience and joy in sickness.  Gentle, peaceful, resigned to the divine will. Joyful submission to the will of God.

Nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.  Resolved to trust Him and praise His name. Submit and rejoice that you are counted worthy to suffer for the Lord. Willing to be anything or nothing as the Lord would have it for the Gospel’s sake. Follow Jesus willingly, joyfully, trustingly.  Take afflictions from the hand of God with all patience and resignation. Calm resignation, quiet joy, gracious submission, holy calmness. Patience and resignation in suffering. Subjection to the divine will and resignation to His eternal purpose.

Perfect resignation of yourself into God’s hands, intense confidence in God’s love and presence, hearty love to God. Look with resignation upon penury, loss, disease, and death. Fixedness of resignation – be prepared for the most evil tidings. Perfect resignation from wealth to penury, abundance to scant. Cheerful readiness, promptness, liveliness, eagerness, willingness, joyous activity, Spirit-filled zeal, alacrity. Care more for the world to come, make the invisible precious to you. The habit of resignation is the root of peace. Maintain patience and resignation to God’s will.

Sit still a while, take time to think. God your Creator has a right to your whole being - spirit, soul, and body. If you worship and adore anyone or anything more than your Maker, whatever it may be, you are an idolater. Yield everything to Him. Real faith in the living God (Jesus Christ) will cause a man to hate his sins, that's for sure. The love of sin is why atheists avoid Jesus Christ like the plague. They use Jesus' name as a cuss word all week, but then claim He doesn't exist. A saved sinner can't love the sin that made His Savior bleed.

God was clothed in human flesh, He suffered, bled and died for human sin. God can now be just, for He punished His Son for our sins; God can now be gracious to sinners, for He freely forgives for Jesus' sake. Christ took the place of every sinner, He tasted death for every man, He suffered the sinner's punishment, He satisfied Divine Justice due to all our sins. God's Blood flowed from Jesus' veins on Calvary's tree to pay your sins' awful price. Come to Jesus now and rest your entire being for eternal salvation upon His Blood Atonement and Righteousness. Have done once and for all with yourself and darwin, and all reliance upon your doings, only trust simply in what Jesus Christ did for your Salvation.  You are a sinner and nothing at all, take Jesus Christ now to be your All in All.