Saturday, October 4, 2014

Snippets of Truth 5

Treat every day like its a gift and a chance to do something to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ; and be always thinking cleaner, living more graciously, and searching for the next opportunity to make the most of what life eternal has to offer.  Time is so precious, make your life useful, reaching forward to do something that will matter in Eternity, with less of self, more of the Spirit, and more victory in Christ.  Through the strength of the Spirit of God press toward the mark for the prize of high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

When the Lord Jesus Christ forgives a man's sins, the hardness of that man's heart melts down; his uneasiness and restlessness within is quietened; his tendency to sin is changed by the Holy Spirit imparting and infusing a new tendency into him - a tendency to purity and humility.  Jesus makes the hardened sinner to become a gentle babe of grace.  A sinner who had lived a vicious life, a worn-out waster of his life, is transformed into a new creature in Christ.  The main reason why some people question the Bible so is not because the Bible contradicts itself; it is because the Bible contradicts their sins which they love so dearly.

"Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven.  Ye must be born again." The mercy of God is that you may be born again even now.  New life can enter sinful hearts; sin-loving hearts can be made new by the Spirit of God and filled with the life eternal. Turn your eye to the great Atoning Sacrifice, even Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, and cry out to Him the prayer of faith, and His Spirit will come upon you, and work miracles in your spirit and soul, and will make you a new creature in Christ Jesus.  If you are humble and hungry for Jesus, you will find Mercy from God very soon.  Jesus has won my soul to Himself with His free grace and undying love.  Yield to the prompting and influence of the Holy Spirit and become His instrument of mercy and compassion in this world today, and seek to win souls over to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Come to the Cross by Faith which is a gift from God, tell God the sin plague of your heart plainly with your eye on the Lamb of God.  Plead earnestly with God, saying, "O God, save my soul for Jesus' sake. O Lord, save me. I am lost, please have mercy on ungodly soul.  There is a sinful plague in my heart, heal it.  I confess my great sins against You, please Lord, blot out my transgressions against your Law.  I acknowledge my sinfulness and tendency to sin, O Lord, tear up my sins by the roots. You know my heart's hardness and disquietude, Lord, give me Your peace. O God, there is an enmity within me towards You, I do not know what it is, but I want to be rid of it; O Lord, rid me of my pride and love for sin, for Jesus' sake. Oh Lord, for Jesus' sake, for His Blood's sake, for His Cross' sake, for His Resurrection's sake, I beseech you, hear my plea." Earnest, childlike pleading like this shall certainly get an answer from God.

What is the sin that troubles you most from day to day? Take an honest look at it. Write it down and see it in black and white. What is the tendency to sin that enslaves you?  What is your wretched addiction?  Ask Jesus for a diagnosis of the disease, and make sure it is a correct one.  Look at your own case through and through. It  helps very much towards Salvation when a sinner knows something of his need of forgiveness, and he will be very much helped to a sense of his need, if he will openly examine his own sinful state.  The only Person who can forgive your sins is the Person you have sinned against - God.

Sit down in a quiet place today, look into the state of your heart before God, and then write on a piece of paper one of these two words, "Saved" or "Lost"?  Do not write the word "Saved" unless you can honestly and sincerely say, "I have looked to the Savior, and He has saved my lost, sinful soul." If in honesty to your own conscience and God, you write down the word "Lost" as your true description, it will be both honest and useful to do so.  If you simply look to Jesus for all your Salvation, you will soon be writing on that piece of paper the comforting Gospel word "Saved." Only a fool would object to enquiry as to his soul's true state: be not one of them.  Write down the true condition of your soul in private today. Take inventory within, and make sure. Write down "impenitent," if you are so, put it before you in black and white. Write down "unbelieving," if you are so.  Write down on that piece what you really are inside.  It cannot hurt you to know the truth, and it may be of lasting benefit to you.

You cannot help your sinful self, and nobody on Earth can help you, especially some vain religion. Your case, apart from the divine grace of God, is desperate. Your heart-plague will not die out of its own accord, neither will any change of your outward condition by self-reformation eradicate the sinful disease deep within your heart and mind.  Turn now to the great Physician and cry to Him, "Lord God, you made me, and you you can mend me. You made me, and you can make me over again.  I am lost and undone.  Creator, Redeemer, Savior, Sanctifier, only You can save me."

Look heavenward and Christ-ward.  Look directly to the bleeding Lamb, to the risen Redeemer.  To look within will only increase your despair, but to look to Christ on the Cross, and to Christ, now at the right hand of God, will give you a lively hope.  Jesus is now "able to save to the uttermost them that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them." To look to Him is the  the true cure of your sin problem. Bring God into the mix; bring Christ into your sin trouble, for therein lies your healing.  Look and Live, and when you have looked to the Lamb of God, spread out your sin trouble before God.  Some do not know how to pray, because they do not really want to get rid of their sins. Tell it all to Jesus without reserve.  If you will confess your sins to God, you will soon find Mercy from on high.  The Lord Jesus' Blood will speedily relieve your guilty conscience.  If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to save us from all unrighteousness." Pour out your heart before Jesus.

Humbly pray and plead with your heart's eye upon the Lord Jesus. Pleading the blood of Jesus, be importunate for pardon.  Your prayer doesn't save you, the Object of your prayer will save you.  No man has ever truly sought God in prayer looking only to Jesus Christ and been refused, and there never shall be such a man.  Faith in Jesus' Blood and Person is the starting point of Salvation; Faith brings you nigh to Jesus Himself who is Salvation.  Believe in the Savior's dying, bleeding love; cast your defenseless soul upon Him now.  The way of Salvation is to simply rest in Christ Jesus.

Jesus is the Son of the Highest. He came into this world, and took the form of a Jewish man, and in that form He suffered, the Just for the unjust, to bring us to God.  The merits and saving power of His precious blood is exceeding great beyond compare. He who suffered on Calvary's Cross is God manifest in the flesh. The incarnate God died this shameful death to save the guilty, especially for your sins.  As a cup hangs on a nail, so must we hang on Christ. As a baby lies in his mother's arms without fear, so must we lie in the arms of Jesus. We must be nothing, and let Christ be Everything. When you do this, you shall get Rest; Rest from Sin.  Here are the two keys to Joy - Behold the Lamb, and Worthy is the Lamb!  Religionists will never ever tell you that.