Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Best Things 4

One of the best ways to praise Jesus is by trusting and obeying Him more.  The best Antidote for your sins is Christ in your heart. The best thing to seek is God's wisdom, for true wisdom is to depart from evil.  Give Jesus the best of your thoughts, works and affection.  Jesus' Rest is the best mental medicine around.  The best sermon is holy living.  Jesus is better than the best; He is altogether lovely.  The best evidence of your love for the Savior is your struggle to quit your sins.  The best prayers contain thankfulness to God.  The best Repentance is to hate your sins enough to quit them; and remember - Repentance is a gift from the Holy Spirit.

The best way to bring sinners to Christ is to simply explain the Gospel of the Grace of God to them.  To know Christ is the best of all sciences.  The best company are those that keep company with Christ.  The best way to get back your joy is to go again to Jesus.  Give JESUS the best of your thoughts, your words, your actions, your time and substance, for He is the Best of all.  The best time to repent of sin is now.  The best of beggars are those who are in most need; and the best pray-ers are those who must have Mercy.  The best path to take is this shortcut to the Cross - God be merciful to me a sinner!  The best promoter of purity in our lives is God's forgiving love toward us.  The best morality is love to Jesus out of gratitude for His free pardon, grace and mercy.  The best way you can praise God is your own personal, private purity.  The best proof of God's divine love is the Cross.

Here is the best news - Christ died for the ungodly.  The best man is but a man at his best.  Jesus is Optimum Maximus - The Best, The Greatest.  Do the best thing; do something for Jesus today.  The best men in the world are usually the worst spoken of.  The best disciple hates his sins and loves the Savior.  The best way is the Gospel way - Free Forgiveness through Precious Blood.  The best resolve is to go and live a useful, gracious, generous, thankful, consecrated life for Jesus' sake.

The best esteem is Christ-esteem, not self-esteem.  The best evidence of your Salvation is your helpless dependence on Jesus.  To be prepared to die is the best way to be prepared to live.  The best and wisest thing in all the world is to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.  The best "Yes" is this - "Yes, Lord Jesus, as bad as I am, I believe you can save even me, and now I trust your Precious Blood can take every sin I have committed against You."  The best of all blessings here on Earth is the free forgiveness of sins through the shed blood of the Lamb of God.  The best proof of your love to Jesus is your own personal purity and a sincere effort to win the lost.