Jesus is the Anchor of my soul. Every anchor must be tested before it is put into service on a ship. The great Anchor of my soul was tried and tested for 33 years here on Earth, and then He died in my place. We are anchored up in Jesus, not anchored down. We are taking in chain every day, growing nearer to the day when we will see our great Anchor face to face. My Hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. Jesus is the sure and stedfast Anchor who can be trusted. He was made in the right manner; He has been through the fire and tested in all manner.
Who is this Anchor? Jesus Himself, God manifest in the flesh who suffered, bled and died for sinners. Jesus is the scriptural definition of Hope. This Anchor was formed perfectly - virgin birth, sinless life, He was in all points like as we are, yet without sin; He did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth. There is no defect in this Anchor at all. Jesus is able to keep my soul which I have committed unto Him against that day. All my trust on Jesus is stayed; my life and soul is in Jesus' hands. Be very sure your Anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock. This Rock is Christ Jesus, yes, He's the one.
How do I obtain this Anchor? Lay hold on Him by faith in His atoning blood. Jesus is the Gift of God, that is, free Eternal Life for the guilty. Flee for refuge in the safe harbor of God's Grace. The awful currents of sin and the coming storm of divine wrath can only be escaped through this Anchor. It will be too late at death, when your ship has hit the rocks without Jesus.
How to get help from the Anchor? Daily prayer, the unseen Anchor keeps us safe. He holds us in the day of adversity, in the winds of doubt, the billows of grief, the waves of affliction, and the raging seas of temptation. When all around gives way, He then is all my help and stay. He will hold you firmly in the day of sickness, death, judgment and Eternity.
When the clouds are gathering, the sky is growing dark, and the winds are increasing, Jesus will never leave you, nor forsake you. I have an Anchor which keeps my soul, stedfast and sure, while the billows roll, fastened to the Rock which cannot move, grounded firm and deep in the Savior's bleeding love. Jesus Himself is my sure and stedfast Hope. Christ in me, the hope of glory. Hope in Scripture means confidence, trust, an expected end. Stop drifting, anchor your helpless soul in Christ.
Read on to find out more about my Great Anchor: The Cross does not give a sinner part of his Salvation; the Cross gives a needy sinner all of his Salvation. The five bleeding wounds, the cruel scorn, the wounded shoulders plowed with a scourge, the soldier's spit, vicious mocking and shame, death pangs, His gory face, the crown of thorns, bloody sweat - His great passion was for the guilty. Great salvation is needed for great sinners. Think much of the Cross of Calvary. He who only hath immortality died for you. Pleading for sinners, making intercession for transgressors. Yielded up Himself to die for sinners. The innocent Savior is only for guilty sinners, the dying Savior is only for those who deserved to die.
Up Calvary's mountain, one dreadful morn, walked Christ my Savior, weary and worn; Facing for sinners death on the Cross, that He might save me from endless loss. Blessed Redeemer, precious Redeemer, seems now I see Him on Calvary's tree, wounded and bleeding, for sinners pleading, blind and unheeding - dying for me!
Through this man Christ Jesus is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins. I sought the Lord Jesus Christ, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. O taste and see that the Lord Jesus is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him. I went to the Cross, and left all my sins with Jesus. Believe in Him now, and obtain the free pardon of all your sins. All hail to Jesus, my only Hope. Salvation is all in Christ; salvation is not what you are, or what you will be; all your soul's Hope lies in Jesus Christ's Blood and Righteousness. Come now guilty soul and trust yourself with Jesus. Free, full, immediate, irreversible pardon to all who trust to Jesus' atoning blood. Submit to Him, look to His dear wounds. Trust only in what Christ Jesus has done for sinners. Jesus is my Portion, a constant Friend is He.
God gave His Son to die for you. The innocent Lamb of God bled to death for your sins. I have no other Savior but Jesus. He is able to freely pardon you this moment. Christ died for sinners; I am a sinner; I take Christ to be my Savior. Christ taking the sinner's sins, and the sinner taking Christ's Righteousness. Christ died for the ungodly - cast yourself upon that eternal truth. Self-righteous people go to Hell, because they think they are too good to trust Jesus Christ to save them completely and freely. Pardon of sin, justifying Righteousness, regeneration, a new heart, sanctification, adoption, acceptance, preservation - these are the gifts of Calvary. Christ is risen indeed, hang your whole weight upon Him; come unto Him now, and He will give your heavy laden soul rest.
The most precious truth is that Christ died for someone like me. The blessed fact is that Christ Himself bore my sins in His own body on the tree. God in His infinite Justice determined that my sins must be punished, so He gave His Son to be punished in my place. Divine wisdom devised the perfect plan of Salvation for sinners - Substitution. Nothing in this world deserves to be despised, abhorred, and condemned more than my sin. The Holy Ghost first put the yearning in my heart for the Savior, and then Jesus came and saved my soul. Believe this glorious fact, Christ the Lord of glory gave Himself for your sins. Jesus really died for sinful man.
My meditation of Jesus is sweet: I will be glad in Him. Christ hath loved us, and hath given Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour. Trust your soul wholly to what Christ has done for sinners. All your transgressions can be forgiven by Jesus today. Tell who Jesus is, tell what He is to you, tell what He has done for you, that is all. Proclaim everywhere you can that God's free Salvation is available to every sinner through faith in Jesus' Precious Blood. Whosoever believeth in Jesus shall not perish in their sins, but have Everlasting Life. This is the substance of the whole matter - God Incarnate bled and died for sinners. God can now be just and yet the Justifier of the ungodly. Trust in Jesus and your sins shall be eternally removed from your soul.
The true way of Salvation is trusting to the living person of Jesus Christ. Come to Him by faith who died upon the accursed tree and made full Atonement for all sinners. Jesus came to Earth unasked, undesired, and unsought to lay down His life for His enemies. Complete cleansing from your guilt by Precious Blood. Every sinner must be saved simply by Precious Blood. A simple act of trust in Jesus' Precious Blood saves the soul. Jesus' life for my life - Substitution. By God's Precious Blood you must be saved, or you will never be saved at all. Real, red, agonizing, sacrificial, divine, innocent, redemptive Blood is needful for your forgiveness.
If you are exhausted with the failure of trying to save yourself, come now and throw the whole weight of your guilty soul on the merciful and precious Savior, for His precious promises and atoning blood can save you. Your free pardon is waiting at Calvary, come and receive it as a gift. You are an immortal soul, you must give account to God your Maker, the throne of Judgment will soon be set, time is flying by, life is fleeting, now is the time, do not put Christ off any longer. Jesus is the Anchor of my soul.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Gospel Thoughts 4
Religion confounds and confuses sinners; but Jesus saves and satisfies sinners. Religion will do and teach anything to distract you from trusting your immortal soul to Jesus Christ. You have transgressed the Law, and incurred its deadly penalty and curse. You have sinned against a loving God with impunity. You have become hard, careless, indifferent. God sees and knows you through and through; He knows the worst and the best about you. There is nothing hid from God; do not be deluded. God knows about your character and private life, your motives and desires. You cannot deceive God for a moment.
If you are lost today, it is because you have something filthy in your heart that you are not willing to surrender and forsake. There is some private sin you are hanging on to which God hates, and that you love. Get hold of your doubts and drag them up by the roots, and you will find that the roots are sins that you have been clinging to and not willing to give up. If you are still in your sins now, it is because you are content to remain there. Salvation depends much upon your will. No man sins until he consents to a particular sin. If you are neglecting Christ, it is because you love the impure, the worldly, the sinful; you prefer the dirty to the pure. Only the Blood of Jesus can take away your guilt, the sin stains, the love of sin, and the awful memories of the past. If you won't trust Jesus Christ, you are headed for an eternal catastrophe. Jesus will never save you against your will.
What am I? What am I doing with this precious life that God has given me? How am I treating God? For what am I living? How do I stand in relation to the Bible, the revealed will of God?
Education cannot take away your guilt. You have a terminal human condition called Sin. Human nature avoids the Bible, because the Scriptures expose our sinful condition. There is no cure for your sin problem but the atoning precious blood of the Son of God.
The Son of God paid your sins' penalty, and endured the wrath due to your iniquities. Someone must be punished for your sins, and if you die rejecting Christ, you will have to pay the just penalty of your evil deeds, and it will send you straight to the lowest Hell. I was under condemnation because of my guilt, but Jesus became the great Substitute for sinners, and bore upon Himself the punishment due to human guilt.
Jesus bore my sins and its penalty, so I could go free. Christ Jesus was punished for my sins, now I can never be punished for them. Jesus said, "Father, I will bear the sinner's punishment, lay it all on Me, and let him go free." The offended One was punished in the place of the offender. Jesus was punished for me, and now my sins shall never be mentioned or remembered any more, but all are freely forgiven, because God punished Christ Jesus instead of me. The Holy Spirit causes us to sense our sin, guilt and danger, dread sin's punishment, and gives us a consciousness of our inability to save ourselves.
The Substitution of Christ in my place, the imputation of my sins to Him, and His Righteousness to me. Come not to God directly, but come unto Him through the atoning Mediator, the man Christ Jesus. Jesus kept the Law, bore your sins in His own body, and endured the punishment due to all your sins. You are full of sin, but God will not set that to your account if you trust in His Son's Atonement. You are in debt, you owe a great sum that you can never pay, but the Person you owe so much will turn all your debts to His account book, and say, "I have nothing down against you." But it must go down somewhere. Your debt is set down to the account of Christ.
This is how Christ Jesus can save you from the love of sin - He can save you, because He did not save Himself; He can save you, because He took your guilt and endured your punishment. There is no way of Salvation apart from the satisfaction of divine justice. God has a debt against us, and He will never remit that debt until it is justly paid. Christ pays it with His own blood, and the poor sinner goes free. Christ Jesus satisfied divine justice to the uttermost.
You are guilty, but the moment you believe in Christ's blood, His pardon at once you receive and your sins are no longer yours. Your sins are laid upon Christ, and they are gone. You stand guiltless in the sight of God, and are accepted in the Beloved. This is the doctrine of Justification. The sinful man ceases to be regarded by divine justice as a guilty being. The moment he believes on Christ, his guilt is all taken away, he becomes righteous inwardly, and God is at peace with him. Christ takes your sins, you take His Righteousness, that is Salvation. Jesus said, "As the Father loved Me, so have I loved you."
David and Jonathan swapped garments - Christ takes your sins, you take His Righteousness. This is the glorious Substitution and exchange of places that takes place when you are born again. This is how sinners go free and are justified by grace. Religion is the natural man trying to get to Heaven by his own efforts. I need God 's mercy in Christ. Stop worshipping yourself. Human nature tries to earn eternal life by its own goodness. You can't bribe the Judge of all the Earth, only Jesus can satisfy the Judge's demands.
The Victim of Calvary offered Himself up to divine justice in your place. Man has sinned, and the divine Law requires eternal punishment. Christ Jesus, the eternal God, condescended to become a Jewish man. He was born of a Jewish virgin called Mary, He was cradled in a manger in Bethlehem. He lived a life of holy obedience, reproach and suffering, and at the last He died a bloody death of agony. He was the Creator, Preserver, and Lord of all. The Creator Himself underwent the punishment for human sin. The divine Preserver of the world bled and died on the Cross.
Christ's bloody death paid the full penalty of divine justice. The black cloud of divine justice and vengeance emptied out itself upon the Sin-Bearer who was nailed to the Cross for you. Jesus was punished to the full, so you could be freely forgiven. Every sin of mine receive its sentence in Jesus' death. Jesus died for all sinners, liars, thieves, adulterers, lascivious fornicators and greedy idolators. It is Christ that died.
Human nature hugs sin and seeks to cloak it. Human nature would rather take the blame for its sin, than let Jesus take the blame. Human tries to appease God by making itself better. The only person in control of my destiny with God is Jesus Himself. The atheist bets his soul on evolution and trusts in the conjectures of darwin. The atheist walks in rebellion and loves his sins. An idolator is someone who makes up a god to suit his own filthy lifestyle; he creates a god he feels comfortable with in his sins. The idolator says, "I think God is like this, I will shape a god in my mind that I am comfortable with."
If you make a difference in the world, and make this world a better place to live in, you are still lost and on your way to Hell. You're only good by your own standards; but God's standards is moral Perfection in thought, word and deed. Moral perfection is absolutely impossible for any sinner. God is a holy Judge, and we are heinous criminals in His sight. We have all violated His commandments continually. Jesus paid our fine, so if we simply trust to His atoning Blood, we can walk out of God's Courtroom free with our record cancelled and forgiven. God will commute your death sentence, only for Jesus' sake.
Give up your self-righteousness, and trust in the mercy of God in Christ. Jesus' perfect obedience now makes it possible for His Righteousness to justify the ungodly, and makes him that believes in Jesus' spotless before God. Jesus' death on Calvary was the perfect Atonement to divine justice. Only Jesus' infinite Sacrifice could satisfy infinite divine justice and magnify the broken Law of God. Nothing short of the power of the Holy Ghost and the Gospel can renew the human heart.
Human nature attempts to atone for sin by its own efforts, and to cleanse and purify the human heart by religiousness, but it always fails. By Jesus' passive and active obedience, He satisfied the claims and demands of divine justice. Christ's blood speaks pardon and mercy to the guilty. Jesus paid the debt due to divine justice for you. Jesus was treated as the sinner had richly deserved to be treated. The one and only way of Safety for you is to place Faith in Jesus' precious blood. God's hatred for sin is so deep that He spared not His own Son.
Divine justice is no respecter of persons. There's a fatal Lawsuit against you now, brought on you by divine justice. The depraved intellect of sinful man rails at divine justice. Divine justice haunts every guilty sinner. The Precious Blood of the Incarnate God is the satisfaction to divine vengeance. There is only one way of Salvation, one Atonement, one Propitiation, one Foundation, one Gospel - His name is Jesus. Be obedient to the Gospel - Believe that Jesus was God in human flesh, trust Him because He suffered in your place, believe that divine justice is satisfied by the bloody death of Christ, rely upon the Atonement which Christ has finished, that's what is means to be saved, and to be obedient to the Faith.
Come to God resting upon what Christ has done, depending alone upon the Propitiation which Jesus accomplished. You're in an awful sinful state. You were born in sin, and live in a depraved state. Your sins have made you obnoxious and obstinate to God. You deserve the justice and wrath of God. Human nature is desperately set on rejecting God's offers of divine mercy and charity. There is no human means which can bring a sinful soul to God. Man is such an enemy to God that he will not be reconciled to God, but Jesus still tenderly pleads with you to come to Him today. I leave it all with Jesus.
If you are lost today, it is because you have something filthy in your heart that you are not willing to surrender and forsake. There is some private sin you are hanging on to which God hates, and that you love. Get hold of your doubts and drag them up by the roots, and you will find that the roots are sins that you have been clinging to and not willing to give up. If you are still in your sins now, it is because you are content to remain there. Salvation depends much upon your will. No man sins until he consents to a particular sin. If you are neglecting Christ, it is because you love the impure, the worldly, the sinful; you prefer the dirty to the pure. Only the Blood of Jesus can take away your guilt, the sin stains, the love of sin, and the awful memories of the past. If you won't trust Jesus Christ, you are headed for an eternal catastrophe. Jesus will never save you against your will.
What am I? What am I doing with this precious life that God has given me? How am I treating God? For what am I living? How do I stand in relation to the Bible, the revealed will of God?
Education cannot take away your guilt. You have a terminal human condition called Sin. Human nature avoids the Bible, because the Scriptures expose our sinful condition. There is no cure for your sin problem but the atoning precious blood of the Son of God.
The Son of God paid your sins' penalty, and endured the wrath due to your iniquities. Someone must be punished for your sins, and if you die rejecting Christ, you will have to pay the just penalty of your evil deeds, and it will send you straight to the lowest Hell. I was under condemnation because of my guilt, but Jesus became the great Substitute for sinners, and bore upon Himself the punishment due to human guilt.
Jesus bore my sins and its penalty, so I could go free. Christ Jesus was punished for my sins, now I can never be punished for them. Jesus said, "Father, I will bear the sinner's punishment, lay it all on Me, and let him go free." The offended One was punished in the place of the offender. Jesus was punished for me, and now my sins shall never be mentioned or remembered any more, but all are freely forgiven, because God punished Christ Jesus instead of me. The Holy Spirit causes us to sense our sin, guilt and danger, dread sin's punishment, and gives us a consciousness of our inability to save ourselves.
The Substitution of Christ in my place, the imputation of my sins to Him, and His Righteousness to me. Come not to God directly, but come unto Him through the atoning Mediator, the man Christ Jesus. Jesus kept the Law, bore your sins in His own body, and endured the punishment due to all your sins. You are full of sin, but God will not set that to your account if you trust in His Son's Atonement. You are in debt, you owe a great sum that you can never pay, but the Person you owe so much will turn all your debts to His account book, and say, "I have nothing down against you." But it must go down somewhere. Your debt is set down to the account of Christ.
This is how Christ Jesus can save you from the love of sin - He can save you, because He did not save Himself; He can save you, because He took your guilt and endured your punishment. There is no way of Salvation apart from the satisfaction of divine justice. God has a debt against us, and He will never remit that debt until it is justly paid. Christ pays it with His own blood, and the poor sinner goes free. Christ Jesus satisfied divine justice to the uttermost.
You are guilty, but the moment you believe in Christ's blood, His pardon at once you receive and your sins are no longer yours. Your sins are laid upon Christ, and they are gone. You stand guiltless in the sight of God, and are accepted in the Beloved. This is the doctrine of Justification. The sinful man ceases to be regarded by divine justice as a guilty being. The moment he believes on Christ, his guilt is all taken away, he becomes righteous inwardly, and God is at peace with him. Christ takes your sins, you take His Righteousness, that is Salvation. Jesus said, "As the Father loved Me, so have I loved you."
David and Jonathan swapped garments - Christ takes your sins, you take His Righteousness. This is the glorious Substitution and exchange of places that takes place when you are born again. This is how sinners go free and are justified by grace. Religion is the natural man trying to get to Heaven by his own efforts. I need God 's mercy in Christ. Stop worshipping yourself. Human nature tries to earn eternal life by its own goodness. You can't bribe the Judge of all the Earth, only Jesus can satisfy the Judge's demands.
The Victim of Calvary offered Himself up to divine justice in your place. Man has sinned, and the divine Law requires eternal punishment. Christ Jesus, the eternal God, condescended to become a Jewish man. He was born of a Jewish virgin called Mary, He was cradled in a manger in Bethlehem. He lived a life of holy obedience, reproach and suffering, and at the last He died a bloody death of agony. He was the Creator, Preserver, and Lord of all. The Creator Himself underwent the punishment for human sin. The divine Preserver of the world bled and died on the Cross.
Christ's bloody death paid the full penalty of divine justice. The black cloud of divine justice and vengeance emptied out itself upon the Sin-Bearer who was nailed to the Cross for you. Jesus was punished to the full, so you could be freely forgiven. Every sin of mine receive its sentence in Jesus' death. Jesus died for all sinners, liars, thieves, adulterers, lascivious fornicators and greedy idolators. It is Christ that died.
Human nature hugs sin and seeks to cloak it. Human nature would rather take the blame for its sin, than let Jesus take the blame. Human tries to appease God by making itself better. The only person in control of my destiny with God is Jesus Himself. The atheist bets his soul on evolution and trusts in the conjectures of darwin. The atheist walks in rebellion and loves his sins. An idolator is someone who makes up a god to suit his own filthy lifestyle; he creates a god he feels comfortable with in his sins. The idolator says, "I think God is like this, I will shape a god in my mind that I am comfortable with."
If you make a difference in the world, and make this world a better place to live in, you are still lost and on your way to Hell. You're only good by your own standards; but God's standards is moral Perfection in thought, word and deed. Moral perfection is absolutely impossible for any sinner. God is a holy Judge, and we are heinous criminals in His sight. We have all violated His commandments continually. Jesus paid our fine, so if we simply trust to His atoning Blood, we can walk out of God's Courtroom free with our record cancelled and forgiven. God will commute your death sentence, only for Jesus' sake.
Give up your self-righteousness, and trust in the mercy of God in Christ. Jesus' perfect obedience now makes it possible for His Righteousness to justify the ungodly, and makes him that believes in Jesus' spotless before God. Jesus' death on Calvary was the perfect Atonement to divine justice. Only Jesus' infinite Sacrifice could satisfy infinite divine justice and magnify the broken Law of God. Nothing short of the power of the Holy Ghost and the Gospel can renew the human heart.
Human nature attempts to atone for sin by its own efforts, and to cleanse and purify the human heart by religiousness, but it always fails. By Jesus' passive and active obedience, He satisfied the claims and demands of divine justice. Christ's blood speaks pardon and mercy to the guilty. Jesus paid the debt due to divine justice for you. Jesus was treated as the sinner had richly deserved to be treated. The one and only way of Safety for you is to place Faith in Jesus' precious blood. God's hatred for sin is so deep that He spared not His own Son.
Divine justice is no respecter of persons. There's a fatal Lawsuit against you now, brought on you by divine justice. The depraved intellect of sinful man rails at divine justice. Divine justice haunts every guilty sinner. The Precious Blood of the Incarnate God is the satisfaction to divine vengeance. There is only one way of Salvation, one Atonement, one Propitiation, one Foundation, one Gospel - His name is Jesus. Be obedient to the Gospel - Believe that Jesus was God in human flesh, trust Him because He suffered in your place, believe that divine justice is satisfied by the bloody death of Christ, rely upon the Atonement which Christ has finished, that's what is means to be saved, and to be obedient to the Faith.
Come to God resting upon what Christ has done, depending alone upon the Propitiation which Jesus accomplished. You're in an awful sinful state. You were born in sin, and live in a depraved state. Your sins have made you obnoxious and obstinate to God. You deserve the justice and wrath of God. Human nature is desperately set on rejecting God's offers of divine mercy and charity. There is no human means which can bring a sinful soul to God. Man is such an enemy to God that he will not be reconciled to God, but Jesus still tenderly pleads with you to come to Him today. I leave it all with Jesus.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Gospel Thoughts 3
The Holy Bible (AV1611) is indeed the words of life. Trust and act on God's words, this is Faith. Christ's atoning work on my behalf is my only Hope of eternal life. The world is now groping in darkness, it is incurably religious, attempting to deal with its guilt by religious ceremonies, and to deal with the intuitive sense of their sinfulness with superstition. The Gospel of Christ is the only Remedy for your guilt and sinfulness. There is forgiveness for your sins only in the Blood of Jesus Christ.
Right now, Jesus is my eternal defense Attorney. Jesus will stand by me at the Judgment, and defend my case before God. Jesus knows all about my life and guilty record, but He still cares deeply about my future, and His legal services are absolutely free, but only to the guilty. Jesus makes intercession on my behalf in Heaven now. Satan is my accuser before God, and I have given the devil plenty of ammunition against me. I was in deeper trouble than I could ever imagine, but I trusted to Jesus Christ the Righteous as my Attorney. Jesus knows the Judge of all the Earth intimately and has continual access to His chambers.
My sins are all offensive, blasphemous, cruel, insensitive, wicked and self-centered. I am guilty, but for Jesus' sake I am forgiven. Jesus Himself is the Propitiation (satisfaction) for my sins. He has satisfied the divine wrath of a holy God against me on my behalf. I am guilty, but Jesus paid the penalty; I deserved to die eternally, but Jesus died for my sins, and now my past criminal record is cleared forever before God. I have broken God's Law, but I have trusted to Jesus' blood as my Defense, and now God sees me through Immanuel's Atoning Sacrifice. Jesus is the one who paid the sentence of eternal death that was coming to me. Jesus exchanged places with me. Jesus died for the sins of the whole world, including mine. Jesus' blood is unlimited, but it is also limited to those who accept His free pardon of sin.
No one can come to the Father and find satisfaction from the penalty due to sin except through the atoning blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. There's only one plan of Salvation for sinners, there is only one Defense Attorney for the guilty, there is none other name under heaven whereby I must be saved, there is only one Savior who can satisfy the claims of the broken divine Law and the record of my sin that is against me. There is only one person who stands between me and Hell, and that is Jesus Christ the Righteous Advocate, the Incarnate God who died for sinners. Religious do-gooders wind up in Hell.
Jesus my heavenly Defense Attorney has never lost a case yet, and He will not lose mine. Every time you look at yourself, take ten looks at the Crucified and Risen Savior. My sinful soul is counted free before God, because Jesus loved me and gave Himself for me. God is now just and the Justifier of the ungodly, for God looks on Jesus' wounds, and then pardons me freely only for Jesus' sake. Jesus paid it all. Jesus' forgiveness has no limits. He will not lose my case. He will never leave me, nor forsake me. He won't go back on His word. Jesus will never tire of covering for my sins, I have permanent coverage through His Precious Blood for my transgressions, He will never drop my coverage like some car insurance company, no matter how many claims or crimes I have piled up. I have simply trusted to Jesus, and now I am safe forever.
Human nature says, "Lighten up, loosen up, live a little." But Grace says, "Steer clear of sin and avoid sinning against a forgiving Savior." Don't let your life be directed toward sin, but daily follow after and love the Savior God. A slave obeys out of fear of being punished, an employee obeys because he has to for his paycheck, but a friend obeys out of love because he wants to. A Christian can avoid sinning against God, because he has the Holy Ghost within him to help him to do right. After we are born again, we must learn daily the habit of obeying Christ's commands, and to stop obeying the old man, the flesh, that is, our sinful inclinations and desires.
Right now, Jesus is my eternal defense Attorney. Jesus will stand by me at the Judgment, and defend my case before God. Jesus knows all about my life and guilty record, but He still cares deeply about my future, and His legal services are absolutely free, but only to the guilty. Jesus makes intercession on my behalf in Heaven now. Satan is my accuser before God, and I have given the devil plenty of ammunition against me. I was in deeper trouble than I could ever imagine, but I trusted to Jesus Christ the Righteous as my Attorney. Jesus knows the Judge of all the Earth intimately and has continual access to His chambers.
My sins are all offensive, blasphemous, cruel, insensitive, wicked and self-centered. I am guilty, but for Jesus' sake I am forgiven. Jesus Himself is the Propitiation (satisfaction) for my sins. He has satisfied the divine wrath of a holy God against me on my behalf. I am guilty, but Jesus paid the penalty; I deserved to die eternally, but Jesus died for my sins, and now my past criminal record is cleared forever before God. I have broken God's Law, but I have trusted to Jesus' blood as my Defense, and now God sees me through Immanuel's Atoning Sacrifice. Jesus is the one who paid the sentence of eternal death that was coming to me. Jesus exchanged places with me. Jesus died for the sins of the whole world, including mine. Jesus' blood is unlimited, but it is also limited to those who accept His free pardon of sin.
No one can come to the Father and find satisfaction from the penalty due to sin except through the atoning blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. There's only one plan of Salvation for sinners, there is only one Defense Attorney for the guilty, there is none other name under heaven whereby I must be saved, there is only one Savior who can satisfy the claims of the broken divine Law and the record of my sin that is against me. There is only one person who stands between me and Hell, and that is Jesus Christ the Righteous Advocate, the Incarnate God who died for sinners. Religious do-gooders wind up in Hell.
Jesus my heavenly Defense Attorney has never lost a case yet, and He will not lose mine. Every time you look at yourself, take ten looks at the Crucified and Risen Savior. My sinful soul is counted free before God, because Jesus loved me and gave Himself for me. God is now just and the Justifier of the ungodly, for God looks on Jesus' wounds, and then pardons me freely only for Jesus' sake. Jesus paid it all. Jesus' forgiveness has no limits. He will not lose my case. He will never leave me, nor forsake me. He won't go back on His word. Jesus will never tire of covering for my sins, I have permanent coverage through His Precious Blood for my transgressions, He will never drop my coverage like some car insurance company, no matter how many claims or crimes I have piled up. I have simply trusted to Jesus, and now I am safe forever.
Human nature says, "Lighten up, loosen up, live a little." But Grace says, "Steer clear of sin and avoid sinning against a forgiving Savior." Don't let your life be directed toward sin, but daily follow after and love the Savior God. A slave obeys out of fear of being punished, an employee obeys because he has to for his paycheck, but a friend obeys out of love because he wants to. A Christian can avoid sinning against God, because he has the Holy Ghost within him to help him to do right. After we are born again, we must learn daily the habit of obeying Christ's commands, and to stop obeying the old man, the flesh, that is, our sinful inclinations and desires.
Gospel Thoughts 2
Right now, you may believe on Jesus Christ, and live eternally. If the Holy Spirit has made you feel yourself a sinner, Christ is just the Savior you need, and you may have Him at once. God gave His dear Son to die for sinners. Salvation for sinners, pardon for the guilty, full remission for the ungodly, gracious acceptance for the worst and vilest, this is the Gospel of the blessed God. Trust your soul in the dear hands that were pierced on Calvary for your sins. Now just trust Jesus who loved you to death. Free pardon, gracious Forgiveness is available now.
Trust the merit and power of Jesus' blood. Fix your trust and hope on what Jesus did for sinners on the tree. He who Himself had never sinned, for sinners, sin was made. At Calvary, there is goodness for enemies, mercy for transgressors, kindness for rebels, grace for the godless. Truly repent of your sins, flee to Christ for refuge, ask for more sanctifying grace. This is the Gospel in brief - Christ died for sinners, He was buried and rose from the dead on the third day, He died as a Substitute for me. I trust Jesus, He is now my Substitute. Christ has paid all my debts, and I am clear forever.
Don't seek a righteousness of your own, or endeavor to get rid of your sins' guilt by your own efforts. Self-salvation will not work; it will only bring you to despair. The more you scrub your sin spots, the blacker and bigger the spots become. Self-righteousness only leads to deception, disappointment, despair and destruction. A righteousness must be perfect to be accepted by God, there must be no spot in it, and surely this is not the case with your righteousness. The threat of eternal damnation is looming, bust still the self-righteous sinner continues to resist the Holy Ghost and reject Christ and His free salvation.
If you seek a righteousness of your own, you are a rival to Jesus Christ Himself. You hold up your two cent rags, and say, "These rags are good enough for me, so they will have to be good enough for God." An inward self-righteousness is much worse than open sin. You are perseveringly determined somehow or other to establish a righteousness of your own. You have spent your whole life in a vain attempt to insult your Maker who died for you, by preparing a righteousness of your own, when your Maker has already wrought a perfect Righteousness for you in every way. Your laborious endeavors to manufacture an imaginary righteousness of your own, after God has appointed Jesus to be your soul's Righteousness.
If you could help save yourself, then Christ's bloody Sacrifice was a gross mistake. If your works can help save you, then why did Jesus die? Abhor all ideas of self-salvation. Stop laboring to climb up to Heaven upon the treadmill of your own works. Sinners are only accepted before God by a Righteousness of Another, even Jesus. A righteousness of your own will never do before a thrice-holy God. Away with unclean living, fight against inward evil, follow Jesus and ask Him to sanctify you inwardly and outwardly. Live with Jesus, live for Jesus. Care about what God thinks; let Jesus run your life.
Trust the merit and power of Jesus' blood. Fix your trust and hope on what Jesus did for sinners on the tree. He who Himself had never sinned, for sinners, sin was made. At Calvary, there is goodness for enemies, mercy for transgressors, kindness for rebels, grace for the godless. Truly repent of your sins, flee to Christ for refuge, ask for more sanctifying grace. This is the Gospel in brief - Christ died for sinners, He was buried and rose from the dead on the third day, He died as a Substitute for me. I trust Jesus, He is now my Substitute. Christ has paid all my debts, and I am clear forever.
Don't seek a righteousness of your own, or endeavor to get rid of your sins' guilt by your own efforts. Self-salvation will not work; it will only bring you to despair. The more you scrub your sin spots, the blacker and bigger the spots become. Self-righteousness only leads to deception, disappointment, despair and destruction. A righteousness must be perfect to be accepted by God, there must be no spot in it, and surely this is not the case with your righteousness. The threat of eternal damnation is looming, bust still the self-righteous sinner continues to resist the Holy Ghost and reject Christ and His free salvation.
If you seek a righteousness of your own, you are a rival to Jesus Christ Himself. You hold up your two cent rags, and say, "These rags are good enough for me, so they will have to be good enough for God." An inward self-righteousness is much worse than open sin. You are perseveringly determined somehow or other to establish a righteousness of your own. You have spent your whole life in a vain attempt to insult your Maker who died for you, by preparing a righteousness of your own, when your Maker has already wrought a perfect Righteousness for you in every way. Your laborious endeavors to manufacture an imaginary righteousness of your own, after God has appointed Jesus to be your soul's Righteousness.
If you could help save yourself, then Christ's bloody Sacrifice was a gross mistake. If your works can help save you, then why did Jesus die? Abhor all ideas of self-salvation. Stop laboring to climb up to Heaven upon the treadmill of your own works. Sinners are only accepted before God by a Righteousness of Another, even Jesus. A righteousness of your own will never do before a thrice-holy God. Away with unclean living, fight against inward evil, follow Jesus and ask Him to sanctify you inwardly and outwardly. Live with Jesus, live for Jesus. Care about what God thinks; let Jesus run your life.
Gospel Thoughts 1
There is mercy only for sinners, there is grace only for the ungodly; there is no mercy for the self-righteous religionist who will not own himself as a guilty wretch. The Gospel message is very galling to human nature; to have to stand in the dock and answer, "Guilty! Whatever the consequences may be, I am Guilty! I cannot look back upon my life upon a single day without being convinced of sin. I cannot help save himself, I plead and trust to the mercies of a bleeding and dying Savior." Human nature enjoys the giver of life, but forgets to thank the Giver. We are ashamed of our past words and actions from our childhood to our manhood, and are regretful at the memories of our waywardness, willfulness, perverseness, and rebellion. Our guilt haunts us until we trust and know Jesus as our personal Redeemer. End your vain self-righteous show for it is hard to keep it up.
If you want peace with God, you must take up your true position before God, and plead Guilty. If you are empty and guilty, there is room for mercy. If you are polluted within, there is reason for cleansing. If you are guilty, there is room for Grace. Plead your guiltiness and say, "Lord, pardon my iniquity, for it is great, please forgive me." Let your first desire be pardoned sin, get your sins forgiven, go straight to Christ now for this. Do not labor to attain a better life, or make a profession, or put on outward religiousness. Divine pardon of sins is the primary blessing to seek and obtain from Christ. You can't grow a conscience.
Do you know where you're going when you die? Do you know your sins are forgiven, and do you have it in writing? Are you happy?
The natural man cannot endure to be saved by free mercy, he will not plead guilty and throw himself on the finished work of the great Savior. He will not be treated as a pauper spiritually, he desires to have his finger in his own salvation, and claim at least a little credit for his salvation. Proud human nature will not take Heaven upon God's terms of grace; it holds to its own righteousness as though it were for dear life. Human nature tries to prepare for grace and assist divine mercy, or in some degree it thinks it deserves eternal life based on its own works. Human nature says that Jesus Christ did something or other, in some way or other, connected with salvation; but the Gospel says that Christ Jesus, God in human flesh, died for sinners and did everything that was necessary to pay for and forgive human sin.
The Eternal God Himself became a Jewish man in order to make an Atonement for the sins of His creatures, that is, the sins committed by them against Himself. Believe in Him. The vital part of the Gospel is Christ's Blood Atonement. Let the Atonement which satisfied God's divine justice and wrath for human sin also satisfy your guilty conscience. Christ's Atonement is to my soul the satisfaction for all my sins. Christ Jesus is the great Atonement for human guilt. Jesus Christ suffered that I might not suffer. He was made the Victim, so I could go free. Divine justice fell on Jesus, so mercy could fall on me. Your soul cannot be saved from sin any other way.
The Atonement is the light for your sin-darkened spirit, soul and mind. Come to the Cross, seek His rest, ask for His mercy, plead His atoning blood. Run directly to Jesus, get inside the eternal Stronghold. All my sins were laid on Jesus, and He made a full and complete Atonement for them all. Trust only to the Blood Atonement which flowed from Jesus' veins and wounds. Only trust Jesus, cast your guilty soul upon Him, yield yourself to Him. Repent of sin, lay hold upon His perfect Righteousness. God has been very, very gracious to me. Only Christ's blood can calm your troubled conscience. Only Christ's power and forgiveness can take away your great sin. There is no other Atonement beside that of the Lord Jesus Christ. Believe in Jesus now. Repent and believe in Him for yourself. Clearly set before every sinner the way of free and full Salvation through faith in Christ's atoning blood. Believe on Jesus and live forever. Let your soul embrace the Gospel message. Fly to the Cross, the only place of Safety for your soul.
God Himself came down from Heaven and became a sinless Jewish man. He lived here upon Earth a life of perfect obedience to God's Law, a life of holy service to sinful men. On Calvary's Cross, the sins of the whole world were laid upon Christ Jesus; and on the accursed tree, Jesus endured all the wrath and punishment that we ought to have suffered for our sins. God the Father bruised and smote Christ Jesus, His own Son in the place of sinners. The payment of our enormous sin debt and guilt was demanded by divine Justice, and Jesus paid it in full with His own innocent Blood. Trust in Jesus and you can rest assured that your sins are paid for forever, put away by Christ, completely blotted out once and for all. Jesus has saved my soul, and this world will never hear the end of it.
We are accounted just in God's sight through our faith in Jesus' Precious Blood. The Great Sin-Bearer laid down His life for you. God the Father hath laid on Jesus the iniquity of us all. *II Corinthians 5:21* The way of eternal Safety is the way of Substitution, the way of Atonement, the way of Jesus Christ's Precious Blood. Jesus suffered instead of me. Simply trust and believe with all your heart in the Lord Jesus, relying, depending, leaning, resting on Him. Believe God's words. The real living Savior offered a real Atonement for your real sins, for vile crimes, for shameful offenses. Your great sins need great forgiveness. Jesus stood in the sinner's place; accept the Atonement He has made for your sins. Your debts will be put down beneath Jesus' name, and Christ's merits will be put down beneath your name. The atoning Sacrifice of the Son of God cancels every one of my sin debts forever.
A proud, lost sinner falls in love with his own self-image; he is unable to leave his self-image; he continues to keep his eyes on himself; he loves sinful habits; he has a fixation with himself; he refuses turn his eyes to Jesus Christ; he slowly becomes unable to leave his sinful image, and eventually dies in his own sins - his self-image.
Divine Justice punished the Innocent, so the guilty can go free. Salvation by Substitution meets the demands and claims of eternal Divine Justice. Trust you in the Blood of Jesus, and all your sins shall disappear through His atoning Sacrifice. Cast your soul on the Blood and Righteousness of Jesus, as all your acceptance before God. Christ's Blood and Righteousness is the only ground of confidence and acceptance before the White Throne Judgment. The more you multiply your works to help save yourself, the more you multiply your sins. God gave His Son to bleed and die for the ungodly. The Savior proved His love by His bloody death for the guilty. Jesus did everything that was necessary to freely forgive the guilty. Nothing can be added to Christ's completed cross-work. The work of Salvation is done forever. Substitution, Christ suffering for sins instead of us, the Innocent dying for the guilty, the Lord of glory bearing the sins of rebellious men and women. Only the Holy Ghost can cause you to see your state of ruin and absolute need of the Savior. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin, reveals the truth of Scriptures, magnifies the Lord Jesus Christ, gives faith, and equips us to obey the words of God practically with wisdom.
If you want peace with God, you must take up your true position before God, and plead Guilty. If you are empty and guilty, there is room for mercy. If you are polluted within, there is reason for cleansing. If you are guilty, there is room for Grace. Plead your guiltiness and say, "Lord, pardon my iniquity, for it is great, please forgive me." Let your first desire be pardoned sin, get your sins forgiven, go straight to Christ now for this. Do not labor to attain a better life, or make a profession, or put on outward religiousness. Divine pardon of sins is the primary blessing to seek and obtain from Christ. You can't grow a conscience.
Do you know where you're going when you die? Do you know your sins are forgiven, and do you have it in writing? Are you happy?
The natural man cannot endure to be saved by free mercy, he will not plead guilty and throw himself on the finished work of the great Savior. He will not be treated as a pauper spiritually, he desires to have his finger in his own salvation, and claim at least a little credit for his salvation. Proud human nature will not take Heaven upon God's terms of grace; it holds to its own righteousness as though it were for dear life. Human nature tries to prepare for grace and assist divine mercy, or in some degree it thinks it deserves eternal life based on its own works. Human nature says that Jesus Christ did something or other, in some way or other, connected with salvation; but the Gospel says that Christ Jesus, God in human flesh, died for sinners and did everything that was necessary to pay for and forgive human sin.
The Eternal God Himself became a Jewish man in order to make an Atonement for the sins of His creatures, that is, the sins committed by them against Himself. Believe in Him. The vital part of the Gospel is Christ's Blood Atonement. Let the Atonement which satisfied God's divine justice and wrath for human sin also satisfy your guilty conscience. Christ's Atonement is to my soul the satisfaction for all my sins. Christ Jesus is the great Atonement for human guilt. Jesus Christ suffered that I might not suffer. He was made the Victim, so I could go free. Divine justice fell on Jesus, so mercy could fall on me. Your soul cannot be saved from sin any other way.
The Atonement is the light for your sin-darkened spirit, soul and mind. Come to the Cross, seek His rest, ask for His mercy, plead His atoning blood. Run directly to Jesus, get inside the eternal Stronghold. All my sins were laid on Jesus, and He made a full and complete Atonement for them all. Trust only to the Blood Atonement which flowed from Jesus' veins and wounds. Only trust Jesus, cast your guilty soul upon Him, yield yourself to Him. Repent of sin, lay hold upon His perfect Righteousness. God has been very, very gracious to me. Only Christ's blood can calm your troubled conscience. Only Christ's power and forgiveness can take away your great sin. There is no other Atonement beside that of the Lord Jesus Christ. Believe in Jesus now. Repent and believe in Him for yourself. Clearly set before every sinner the way of free and full Salvation through faith in Christ's atoning blood. Believe on Jesus and live forever. Let your soul embrace the Gospel message. Fly to the Cross, the only place of Safety for your soul.
God Himself came down from Heaven and became a sinless Jewish man. He lived here upon Earth a life of perfect obedience to God's Law, a life of holy service to sinful men. On Calvary's Cross, the sins of the whole world were laid upon Christ Jesus; and on the accursed tree, Jesus endured all the wrath and punishment that we ought to have suffered for our sins. God the Father bruised and smote Christ Jesus, His own Son in the place of sinners. The payment of our enormous sin debt and guilt was demanded by divine Justice, and Jesus paid it in full with His own innocent Blood. Trust in Jesus and you can rest assured that your sins are paid for forever, put away by Christ, completely blotted out once and for all. Jesus has saved my soul, and this world will never hear the end of it.
We are accounted just in God's sight through our faith in Jesus' Precious Blood. The Great Sin-Bearer laid down His life for you. God the Father hath laid on Jesus the iniquity of us all. *II Corinthians 5:21* The way of eternal Safety is the way of Substitution, the way of Atonement, the way of Jesus Christ's Precious Blood. Jesus suffered instead of me. Simply trust and believe with all your heart in the Lord Jesus, relying, depending, leaning, resting on Him. Believe God's words. The real living Savior offered a real Atonement for your real sins, for vile crimes, for shameful offenses. Your great sins need great forgiveness. Jesus stood in the sinner's place; accept the Atonement He has made for your sins. Your debts will be put down beneath Jesus' name, and Christ's merits will be put down beneath your name. The atoning Sacrifice of the Son of God cancels every one of my sin debts forever.
A proud, lost sinner falls in love with his own self-image; he is unable to leave his self-image; he continues to keep his eyes on himself; he loves sinful habits; he has a fixation with himself; he refuses turn his eyes to Jesus Christ; he slowly becomes unable to leave his sinful image, and eventually dies in his own sins - his self-image.
Divine Justice punished the Innocent, so the guilty can go free. Salvation by Substitution meets the demands and claims of eternal Divine Justice. Trust you in the Blood of Jesus, and all your sins shall disappear through His atoning Sacrifice. Cast your soul on the Blood and Righteousness of Jesus, as all your acceptance before God. Christ's Blood and Righteousness is the only ground of confidence and acceptance before the White Throne Judgment. The more you multiply your works to help save yourself, the more you multiply your sins. God gave His Son to bleed and die for the ungodly. The Savior proved His love by His bloody death for the guilty. Jesus did everything that was necessary to freely forgive the guilty. Nothing can be added to Christ's completed cross-work. The work of Salvation is done forever. Substitution, Christ suffering for sins instead of us, the Innocent dying for the guilty, the Lord of glory bearing the sins of rebellious men and women. Only the Holy Ghost can cause you to see your state of ruin and absolute need of the Savior. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin, reveals the truth of Scriptures, magnifies the Lord Jesus Christ, gives faith, and equips us to obey the words of God practically with wisdom.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
The Glorious Gospel
Here's the Glorious Gospel of the Blessed God - The Gospel of Christ is the death of atheism and self-righteousness. Salvation can never be of human merit, for there is no such thing. You don't have one drop of good in your evil nature. You have no good works worth mentioning. The less a man thinks of himself, the more he will think of Christ. Trust in Christ's Blood only and completely, not your works. If you conceal your sin, you will damn your soul. Come out in the open, place yourself among the Guilty at the Cross. If you are full of sin and have no merit, you may come to Christ now. You have rejected Christ, you have broken God's Law, you are lost and under the wrath of God. *John 3:36* You are certainly guilty in the sight of God, the Bible says so.
Seek now for Mercy through Christ's atoning Sacrifice alone. Christ Jesus, God Incarnate, was crucified for guilty sinners, just like you. Forgiven bad people (sinners) go to Heaven, good people (self-righteous) go to Hell. It is not your goodness, but His goodness,; not your merits, but His Mercy; not human goodness, but divine Grace. A sinner goes to Heaven only because God is good, not because the sinner is good in any way. You must look out of yourself to Another (Christ Himself) for free and full forgiveness of all your sins. Great sinners need the Great Savior who died for the ungodly. The guilty man needs and seeks mercy in Christ. Human efforts are a dead end. Jesus is the sinner's only Friend. Don't play the fool with your soul, trust your soul in the hands of the living Savior. You can never be saved by any of your works, for they are all faulty and defiled. You must be saved completely by the Merits of Another, even the crucified and risen Son of God.
Just trust Christ's Atoning Blood now. A sinner can only be made Righteous through what Christ has done. A guilty man must be saved only by the mercy of God in Christ. Human nature rebelliously continues on in its deadly doings. Jesus will only love sinners Freely. The Grace of God and Eternal Life is as free as the air you breathe. Jesus freely gives and forgives His enemies. The best and wisest thing to do is to trust only to the Merits of Lamb of God.
Your meeting with your Maker is certain; it cannot be evaded. It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the Judgment. You only have once to die, and the day is fixed. If you die wrong (in your sins), you cannot come back to die better a second time. You have but once to die. Find Christ before death finds you. No man knows when the time of his death shall be. Death is stealthily approaching you. Life is the most valuable of all human possessions - "all that a man hath will he give for his life." That is why men have life insurance.
Faith is the penniless hand reaching out to the King of Heaven for His Heavenly Alms and Charity. A wise man is more afraid of his own righteousness than his unrighteousness. The love of sin and the rejection of God's Son is a sure recipe for eternal damnation. If you neglect Christ and die in your sins, your damnation will be just and sure. He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.
Blessed is the man who is afraid of himself. Evolution is a practical joke darwin played on clueless atheists; darwinism is a fatal lie that leads atheists on a fool's errand right off into the lake of fire. To trample upon the bleeding love of God is a deadly thing. Leave your sins, quit self, and trust in Christ's blood alone - this is the living way.
Every atheist is morally sick, and every religionist is self-righteous, and only Christ's Gospel Medicine can help and cure them. When you have nothing to pay, Christ will then frankly forgive all your sins. The carnal mind has no taste for the Gospel of the Grace of God. Self-righteousness kicks at the idea that human works cannot help save from the wrath of God. The most moral and excellent man needs Jesus Christ just as much as the most depraved and debauched wretch. The self-righteous man cannot endure the fact that we all must be saved merely by free grace through simple faith in Jesus' atoning blood. Only the penniless hand of Faith gets filled at the Cross. Be nothing, be nobody, only trust Christ Jesus, God in human flesh, who suffered the wrath due to your sins. Never trust yourself, simply believe in Jesus. Go now to Jesus for everything. When your sins begin to bother and burden you, only then will you come to Jesus.
Let's get right down to it - the atheist is hoping with all his being that darwin is right, and the Bible is wrong. When a wicked man dieth, his expectation shall perish: and the hope of unjust men perisheth. The atheist worships self, sex, money, and education ardently.
Now understand - There is hope now for all sinners who come to the Cross with their sin debt. Christ Jesus is my Hope. *I Timothy 1:1* The hope of the righteous shall be gladness: but the expectation of the wicked shall perish. The wicked is driven away in his wickedness: but the righteous hath hope in his death.
The atheist stubbornly goes on in his sins and flirts with destruction. Eternal damnation awaits every Christ-rejecting atheist. In Christ's salvation, there is nothing of man, nothing of merit, nothing of self. Simply and wholly hang upon God's promise, and trust the merit of His Son. In the Gospel, there is no respect to human merit or human virtue; God gives freely to undeserving sinners for Jesus' sake. You must be saved by the Righteousness of Another. Believe in the merit of Christ's Precious Blood.
Every atheist is all alone in this world and hopeless. The atheist grasps after worldly vanity, sins his years away, and then loses his soul. The atheist sets his hope and expectation on what darwin said, and winds up in the lake of fire where he belongs. The atheist has a false and deadly hope. Frailty, Mortality, Reality, and Eternity are just around the corner; Soberness and Truth and Judgment are just over the hilltop.
If you are a guilty, worthless sinner, have nothing to recommend you to God, and have no good works, then simply trust the merits of Christ, trust to the Atonement made by Jesus' bloody death, and you shall be saved, your sins shall be forgiven, your inward nature shall be changed, and you shall become a new creature in Christ Jesus. Eternal life cannot be earned by temporal human merit. The goodness of God grants eternal life to those who are sick and tired of their sin and look to Jesus for all their salvation.
The atheist's false gods are always money, sex, education, human intellect, and scientific advancements. Human nature will believe and enjoy anything and everything but Jesus Christ Himself. The carnal mind is at enmity with Jesus Christ the Righteous, because He is "RIGHTEOUSNESS" Incarnate. The atheist turns his back on his Creator, and he's going to pay for it. If you live like the devil, you will reap what you have sowed. Hardness of heart, hatred of Christ, the love of sin, and the esteem of yourself leads to hell.
Christ died for the ungodly. Nothing but childlike faith in Jesus' blood can save a sinner. The atheist pretends there is no God, and puts his trust in darwin. Sin deserves eternal death, and you'll get it, if you die in your sins. The only way of escape from your sins is simple faith in the Blood of God manifest in the flesh.
You can ignore cancer, and wind up dying when you didn't have to. You can ignore your sins, and wind up dying and going to hell, and losing your soul, when you didn't have to. Faith in Jesus Christ can only come by hearing about what Jesus Christ did for you. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. You don't have to go to hell without Jesus Christ. You are shut up to either believe in Jesus Christ alone, or die in your sins.
You must first Believe with all thine heart in Jesus Christ's atoning Sacrifice now for free pardon and Righteousness, for you have no righteousness at all. All Hell's going to break loose if you die without Jesus Christ. If you don't watch it, human pride will damn you. Trust your sinful soul with Christ, ask now for immediate pardon through His precious blood.
Seek now for Mercy through Christ's atoning Sacrifice alone. Christ Jesus, God Incarnate, was crucified for guilty sinners, just like you. Forgiven bad people (sinners) go to Heaven, good people (self-righteous) go to Hell. It is not your goodness, but His goodness,; not your merits, but His Mercy; not human goodness, but divine Grace. A sinner goes to Heaven only because God is good, not because the sinner is good in any way. You must look out of yourself to Another (Christ Himself) for free and full forgiveness of all your sins. Great sinners need the Great Savior who died for the ungodly. The guilty man needs and seeks mercy in Christ. Human efforts are a dead end. Jesus is the sinner's only Friend. Don't play the fool with your soul, trust your soul in the hands of the living Savior. You can never be saved by any of your works, for they are all faulty and defiled. You must be saved completely by the Merits of Another, even the crucified and risen Son of God.
Just trust Christ's Atoning Blood now. A sinner can only be made Righteous through what Christ has done. A guilty man must be saved only by the mercy of God in Christ. Human nature rebelliously continues on in its deadly doings. Jesus will only love sinners Freely. The Grace of God and Eternal Life is as free as the air you breathe. Jesus freely gives and forgives His enemies. The best and wisest thing to do is to trust only to the Merits of Lamb of God.
Your meeting with your Maker is certain; it cannot be evaded. It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the Judgment. You only have once to die, and the day is fixed. If you die wrong (in your sins), you cannot come back to die better a second time. You have but once to die. Find Christ before death finds you. No man knows when the time of his death shall be. Death is stealthily approaching you. Life is the most valuable of all human possessions - "all that a man hath will he give for his life." That is why men have life insurance.
Faith is the penniless hand reaching out to the King of Heaven for His Heavenly Alms and Charity. A wise man is more afraid of his own righteousness than his unrighteousness. The love of sin and the rejection of God's Son is a sure recipe for eternal damnation. If you neglect Christ and die in your sins, your damnation will be just and sure. He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.
Blessed is the man who is afraid of himself. Evolution is a practical joke darwin played on clueless atheists; darwinism is a fatal lie that leads atheists on a fool's errand right off into the lake of fire. To trample upon the bleeding love of God is a deadly thing. Leave your sins, quit self, and trust in Christ's blood alone - this is the living way.
Every atheist is morally sick, and every religionist is self-righteous, and only Christ's Gospel Medicine can help and cure them. When you have nothing to pay, Christ will then frankly forgive all your sins. The carnal mind has no taste for the Gospel of the Grace of God. Self-righteousness kicks at the idea that human works cannot help save from the wrath of God. The most moral and excellent man needs Jesus Christ just as much as the most depraved and debauched wretch. The self-righteous man cannot endure the fact that we all must be saved merely by free grace through simple faith in Jesus' atoning blood. Only the penniless hand of Faith gets filled at the Cross. Be nothing, be nobody, only trust Christ Jesus, God in human flesh, who suffered the wrath due to your sins. Never trust yourself, simply believe in Jesus. Go now to Jesus for everything. When your sins begin to bother and burden you, only then will you come to Jesus.
Let's get right down to it - the atheist is hoping with all his being that darwin is right, and the Bible is wrong. When a wicked man dieth, his expectation shall perish: and the hope of unjust men perisheth. The atheist worships self, sex, money, and education ardently.
Now understand - There is hope now for all sinners who come to the Cross with their sin debt. Christ Jesus is my Hope. *I Timothy 1:1* The hope of the righteous shall be gladness: but the expectation of the wicked shall perish. The wicked is driven away in his wickedness: but the righteous hath hope in his death.
The atheist stubbornly goes on in his sins and flirts with destruction. Eternal damnation awaits every Christ-rejecting atheist. In Christ's salvation, there is nothing of man, nothing of merit, nothing of self. Simply and wholly hang upon God's promise, and trust the merit of His Son. In the Gospel, there is no respect to human merit or human virtue; God gives freely to undeserving sinners for Jesus' sake. You must be saved by the Righteousness of Another. Believe in the merit of Christ's Precious Blood.
Every atheist is all alone in this world and hopeless. The atheist grasps after worldly vanity, sins his years away, and then loses his soul. The atheist sets his hope and expectation on what darwin said, and winds up in the lake of fire where he belongs. The atheist has a false and deadly hope. Frailty, Mortality, Reality, and Eternity are just around the corner; Soberness and Truth and Judgment are just over the hilltop.
If you are a guilty, worthless sinner, have nothing to recommend you to God, and have no good works, then simply trust the merits of Christ, trust to the Atonement made by Jesus' bloody death, and you shall be saved, your sins shall be forgiven, your inward nature shall be changed, and you shall become a new creature in Christ Jesus. Eternal life cannot be earned by temporal human merit. The goodness of God grants eternal life to those who are sick and tired of their sin and look to Jesus for all their salvation.
The atheist's false gods are always money, sex, education, human intellect, and scientific advancements. Human nature will believe and enjoy anything and everything but Jesus Christ Himself. The carnal mind is at enmity with Jesus Christ the Righteous, because He is "RIGHTEOUSNESS" Incarnate. The atheist turns his back on his Creator, and he's going to pay for it. If you live like the devil, you will reap what you have sowed. Hardness of heart, hatred of Christ, the love of sin, and the esteem of yourself leads to hell.
Christ died for the ungodly. Nothing but childlike faith in Jesus' blood can save a sinner. The atheist pretends there is no God, and puts his trust in darwin. Sin deserves eternal death, and you'll get it, if you die in your sins. The only way of escape from your sins is simple faith in the Blood of God manifest in the flesh.
You can ignore cancer, and wind up dying when you didn't have to. You can ignore your sins, and wind up dying and going to hell, and losing your soul, when you didn't have to. Faith in Jesus Christ can only come by hearing about what Jesus Christ did for you. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. You don't have to go to hell without Jesus Christ. You are shut up to either believe in Jesus Christ alone, or die in your sins.
You must first Believe with all thine heart in Jesus Christ's atoning Sacrifice now for free pardon and Righteousness, for you have no righteousness at all. All Hell's going to break loose if you die without Jesus Christ. If you don't watch it, human pride will damn you. Trust your sinful soul with Christ, ask now for immediate pardon through His precious blood.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Avoiding Divine Justice
The Divine Justice of Almighty God causes sinful men to dread Him. Men try to set forth sin as a little thing, and ignore God's divine justice. But God is terrible in His Justice, He abhors sin, He cannot endure it, and He will by no means clear the guilty. The conscience tells every man this. God is bound by the justice and holiness of His nature to punish you for your sin. God, apart from Christ Jesus, is the object of dread to the guilty. At the Cross of Calvary, we can see what God did so His justice could be satisfied, and how His love and mercy can now flow to unworthy sinners. If you will humbly approach God by the Precious Blood of His Son, and cry to God for mercy, you can freely receive the forgiveness of sins. The pardoning love of God can only be found in the wounds of the Lamb of God (John 1:27). God doesn't want your good works (self-righteousness), He wants your bad works (sins). Jesus gave Himself for our sins, not for our goodness. For your sake, Jesus bore your sins in His own body, and suffered the wrath of infinite justice, so you could be freely forgiven.
This is the secret that the Devil and worldly religions desperately try to hide from poor, lost sinners. The main object of Satan is to becloud the Cross and puzzle sinners concerning the Atonement. The word ‘Atonement’ in the Holy Bible means ‘Satisfaction.’ Men and women all over the Earth are searching for something that will satisfy the righteous demands of Almighty God’s Law and Divine Justice. Every unsaved man and woman has apprehensions about death. They sense something terrible is going to take place. Being unsaved, they know something bad is coming, but they don't know exactly what it is. Their conscience warns them; the Holy Spirit tries to convince them.
What's coming is Divine Justice and the Wrath of God. This is why all men fear death – their conscience is troubled, and they fear the coming Judgment of God on their sins (Romans 2:5; II Peter 2:9; 3:7; Jude 1:15). But only one thing can *satisfy* God's Divine Justice - the Blood Atonement of His Son – the Lord Jesus Christ. There is merit enough in what Jesus suffered to put away all your sins (past-present-future). Jesus died in the sinner's place as a full vindication of Divine Justice, and on His Atonement you can fix all your trust. If you try to mix anything from yourself with Christ's Atonement, you will damn your soul. Your soul is completely covered with sin, it must be cleansed by the Blood of Jesus Christ (I John 1:7).
God was manifest in the flesh - He that made the heavens became a Jewish peasant; His name was Jesus of Nazareth. God incarnated Himself and suffered in the place of sinful men, so that the Divine Justice of God might be fully satisfied, and so that any sinner could find richmercythrough the Savior's Blood. The Bible says, “we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the Atonement” (Romans 5:11). The only way a sinner can joy in God and be satisfied is to ‘receive’ the Atonement as a free gift. Many roads lead to Hell, but Jesus’ Precious Blood is the only way to Heaven.
Nothing you can do could ever *satisfy* God's Divine Justice, only Christ's Finished Work can do that. Your finite efforts can never satisfy God's infinite justice. God accepteth no man's person. God will only accept what Christ accomplished for sinners. God is only "well pleased" with Jesus' obedience and suffering. Only the Holy Ghost can break down a sinner and help him understand his dangerous sinful state and the divine justice he is facing in his sins, and then to forsake his own righteousness, and to seek shelter under the finished atoning work of Jesus Christ.
God is absolutely holy, pure and good and He is angry with unregenerate sinners daily because of their sinful nature. God hates all evil, all immorality, injustice, and wrongdoing - all sin of every kind. God hates sin because He is infinitely pure and just. The LORD is thrice-holy, He cannot endure sin at all. God is a consuming fire, and the matchless purity of His nature burns against everything that is unrighteous. A pure, just and holy God must hate and punish sin. Man because of sin is unholy, depraved, and unrighteous, and he provokes God’s anger daily with his willful and deliberate sinning.
A sinner will not seek an Atonement for his sin until the Holy Spirit through Divine Grace makes him conscious of the facts that he is truly an enemy of God, unable to help himself, and is under the wrath of God. God’s anger will only be appeased when the rebel sinner meets God where God’s own Blood was shed. Jesus stepped in between the avenging justice of God and the guilty sinner, and the sinner is spared. God’s Blood was shed on the cross of Calvary by Jesus Christ and the Blood Atonement is the only way to restore the spiritual relationship between God and a sinner. Your Sins have disturbed your relationship with God, and only God’s Blood can restore it. You must rest and repose your entire confidence upon Christ’s Precious Blood. Jesus paid the dreadful debt and answered all the demands due to Divine Justice for you.
The Bottom Line: You need the Blood Atonement, because you are guilty and facing God's Divine Justice and Eternal Wrath. Death is certain for you, there is no escape (Hebrews 9:27). There is a quarrel and conflict between God and you. You sin and break God’s Law many times daily just in your thought life. You have an unrighteous and wicked opposition to God because His word and ways – God’s Laws – are too pure, too just, and too holy for you. You have lied, stolen, cheated, rejected Christ, lusted, and cursed. Your guilty conscience condemns you.
The wrath of God abides on you now. But Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners just like you. Jesus lived a sinless life in perfect obedience to God’s Law. He knew you couldn’t live the law perfectly, so He did it for you. Then, Jesus died for your sins on the cross. He endured the divine vengeance and justice of God that was due to your sins. He *satisfied* the demands of the Law and Divine Justice of God by suffering the wrath of God in your place, and then He rose from the dead the third day. You must simply put your trust in what *JESUS DID FOR YOU*, and stop trusting in yourself or your religion. Jesus gave Himself 'for you'. You can beat-one with God today.
Your good works are absolutely no good. The very best you can do will land you in hell. Your sin or your religion is not worth going to hell over. Flee the wrath of God to come on sin. God is ready to pardon you today if you will meet Him at the Cross. Just look unto Jesus, only His Precious Blood (The Atonement) can wash your sins away. Don’t try to save yourself. Ask Jesus to personally save you by His grace today. Jesus only saves lost sinners that realize they are hopeless and hell-bound. Christ Jesus invites you to "Come" to Him today.
You must freely Receive Christ’s Precious Blood Atonement. You cannot buy it, make it, earn it, complete it, or add anything to it, you must receive it. “It is finished.” Jesus Christ gave Himself for your sins, not your goodness. Christ died for the ungodly, not for good people. Bad people don’t go to hell, and good people don’t go to heaven. Self-righteous Christ rejecters go to Hell, and ungodly sinners that look to Jesus Christ alone for their Atonement go to Heaven. You cannot make ‘Atonement’ for your sins by your own goodness, merits, morality, or religious efforts. Life is short, death is sure, sin the curse, Christ the cure. Choose Christ, not sin. Take Him, not self. Receive Him into your heart.
Come to Jesus sinner, you that are laboring and heavy laden. Leave your religious labors. Leave your self-reliant efforts. Your offenses have really provoked God to wrath, and He is very angry with you every day. Leave your sins behind. Leave your presumptions and guesses. Leave your superstition and religious nonsense. Leave all in which up to now you have trusted, and come on to Jesus! Don't look back; come to the Cross as a lost sinner. Rely solely upon the Savior. Look unto Him and His Precious Blood to cleanse your heart from sin. Come to Him who bore the load of your past, present, and future sins upon the Cross of Calvary, where He was made to be Sin for you. Come to Jesus, God's divinely appointed Substitute and Sacrifice for guilty sinners like you. Trust in Him as having suffered in your place. Look to Him for the full payment of your sin debt which is due from you to the wrath of God. This is the only way to *satisfy* God – the only way. No wrath from God remains for the sinner who trusts in the Blood Atonement of Jesus Christ. Jesus has risen from the dead and is alive right now.
Salvation is contained in one word: "Come!" Repentance takes place when you leave the place where you now stand. As a lost sinner you are standing underneath a spiritual ton of bricks called sin and the wrath of God. Come to the cross, kneel there as an empty sinner and be saved. Faith comes when you put your trust and reliance upon the Lord Jesus Christ as your Blood Sacrifice (The Atonement) for sin. Come now - not tomorrow, or next month, or next year. Your delay will only make your sin burden heavier and more dangerous. Flee to the cross now, fall down flat at Jesus feet, and let Him lift off your sin load. Weary sinner, rest and recline upon His promise now, and let your soul rest in Him. Come now! By an instantaneous act of faith you will obtain instantaneous grace and peace. Come and rely upon Jesus, and He will give you rest. Here's a thought - Little children are blind to the danger of a hot stove, and lost men are blind to the danger of Hell Fire. We are so quick to warn little children that the stove will burn their *flesh* here in time, but we are so slow to warn the lost sinner that Hell Fire will burn their *soul* in Eternity.
What's coming is Divine Justice and the Wrath of God. This is why all men fear death – their conscience is troubled, and they fear the coming Judgment of God on their sins (Romans 2:5; II Peter 2:9; 3:7; Jude 1:15). But only one thing can *satisfy* God's Divine Justice - the Blood Atonement of His Son – the Lord Jesus Christ. There is merit enough in what Jesus suffered to put away all your sins (past-present-future). Jesus died in the sinner's place as a full vindication of Divine Justice, and on His Atonement you can fix all your trust. If you try to mix anything from yourself with Christ's Atonement, you will damn your soul. Your soul is completely covered with sin, it must be cleansed by the Blood of Jesus Christ (I John 1:7).
God was manifest in the flesh - He that made the heavens became a Jewish peasant; His name was Jesus of Nazareth. God incarnated Himself and suffered in the place of sinful men, so that the Divine Justice of God might be fully satisfied, and so that any sinner could find richmercythrough the Savior's Blood. The Bible says, “we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the Atonement” (Romans 5:11). The only way a sinner can joy in God and be satisfied is to ‘receive’ the Atonement as a free gift. Many roads lead to Hell, but Jesus’ Precious Blood is the only way to Heaven.
Nothing you can do could ever *satisfy* God's Divine Justice, only Christ's Finished Work can do that. Your finite efforts can never satisfy God's infinite justice. God accepteth no man's person. God will only accept what Christ accomplished for sinners. God is only "well pleased" with Jesus' obedience and suffering. Only the Holy Ghost can break down a sinner and help him understand his dangerous sinful state and the divine justice he is facing in his sins, and then to forsake his own righteousness, and to seek shelter under the finished atoning work of Jesus Christ.
God is absolutely holy, pure and good and He is angry with unregenerate sinners daily because of their sinful nature. God hates all evil, all immorality, injustice, and wrongdoing - all sin of every kind. God hates sin because He is infinitely pure and just. The LORD is thrice-holy, He cannot endure sin at all. God is a consuming fire, and the matchless purity of His nature burns against everything that is unrighteous. A pure, just and holy God must hate and punish sin. Man because of sin is unholy, depraved, and unrighteous, and he provokes God’s anger daily with his willful and deliberate sinning.
A sinner will not seek an Atonement for his sin until the Holy Spirit through Divine Grace makes him conscious of the facts that he is truly an enemy of God, unable to help himself, and is under the wrath of God. God’s anger will only be appeased when the rebel sinner meets God where God’s own Blood was shed. Jesus stepped in between the avenging justice of God and the guilty sinner, and the sinner is spared. God’s Blood was shed on the cross of Calvary by Jesus Christ and the Blood Atonement is the only way to restore the spiritual relationship between God and a sinner. Your Sins have disturbed your relationship with God, and only God’s Blood can restore it. You must rest and repose your entire confidence upon Christ’s Precious Blood. Jesus paid the dreadful debt and answered all the demands due to Divine Justice for you.
The Bottom Line: You need the Blood Atonement, because you are guilty and facing God's Divine Justice and Eternal Wrath. Death is certain for you, there is no escape (Hebrews 9:27). There is a quarrel and conflict between God and you. You sin and break God’s Law many times daily just in your thought life. You have an unrighteous and wicked opposition to God because His word and ways – God’s Laws – are too pure, too just, and too holy for you. You have lied, stolen, cheated, rejected Christ, lusted, and cursed. Your guilty conscience condemns you.
The wrath of God abides on you now. But Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners just like you. Jesus lived a sinless life in perfect obedience to God’s Law. He knew you couldn’t live the law perfectly, so He did it for you. Then, Jesus died for your sins on the cross. He endured the divine vengeance and justice of God that was due to your sins. He *satisfied* the demands of the Law and Divine Justice of God by suffering the wrath of God in your place, and then He rose from the dead the third day. You must simply put your trust in what *JESUS DID FOR YOU*, and stop trusting in yourself or your religion. Jesus gave Himself 'for you'. You can beat-one with God today.
Your good works are absolutely no good. The very best you can do will land you in hell. Your sin or your religion is not worth going to hell over. Flee the wrath of God to come on sin. God is ready to pardon you today if you will meet Him at the Cross. Just look unto Jesus, only His Precious Blood (The Atonement) can wash your sins away. Don’t try to save yourself. Ask Jesus to personally save you by His grace today. Jesus only saves lost sinners that realize they are hopeless and hell-bound. Christ Jesus invites you to "Come" to Him today.
You must freely Receive Christ’s Precious Blood Atonement. You cannot buy it, make it, earn it, complete it, or add anything to it, you must receive it. “It is finished.” Jesus Christ gave Himself for your sins, not your goodness. Christ died for the ungodly, not for good people. Bad people don’t go to hell, and good people don’t go to heaven. Self-righteous Christ rejecters go to Hell, and ungodly sinners that look to Jesus Christ alone for their Atonement go to Heaven. You cannot make ‘Atonement’ for your sins by your own goodness, merits, morality, or religious efforts. Life is short, death is sure, sin the curse, Christ the cure. Choose Christ, not sin. Take Him, not self. Receive Him into your heart.
Come to Jesus sinner, you that are laboring and heavy laden. Leave your religious labors. Leave your self-reliant efforts. Your offenses have really provoked God to wrath, and He is very angry with you every day. Leave your sins behind. Leave your presumptions and guesses. Leave your superstition and religious nonsense. Leave all in which up to now you have trusted, and come on to Jesus! Don't look back; come to the Cross as a lost sinner. Rely solely upon the Savior. Look unto Him and His Precious Blood to cleanse your heart from sin. Come to Him who bore the load of your past, present, and future sins upon the Cross of Calvary, where He was made to be Sin for you. Come to Jesus, God's divinely appointed Substitute and Sacrifice for guilty sinners like you. Trust in Him as having suffered in your place. Look to Him for the full payment of your sin debt which is due from you to the wrath of God. This is the only way to *satisfy* God – the only way. No wrath from God remains for the sinner who trusts in the Blood Atonement of Jesus Christ. Jesus has risen from the dead and is alive right now.
Salvation is contained in one word: "Come!" Repentance takes place when you leave the place where you now stand. As a lost sinner you are standing underneath a spiritual ton of bricks called sin and the wrath of God. Come to the cross, kneel there as an empty sinner and be saved. Faith comes when you put your trust and reliance upon the Lord Jesus Christ as your Blood Sacrifice (The Atonement) for sin. Come now - not tomorrow, or next month, or next year. Your delay will only make your sin burden heavier and more dangerous. Flee to the cross now, fall down flat at Jesus feet, and let Him lift off your sin load. Weary sinner, rest and recline upon His promise now, and let your soul rest in Him. Come now! By an instantaneous act of faith you will obtain instantaneous grace and peace. Come and rely upon Jesus, and He will give you rest. Here's a thought - Little children are blind to the danger of a hot stove, and lost men are blind to the danger of Hell Fire. We are so quick to warn little children that the stove will burn their *flesh* here in time, but we are so slow to warn the lost sinner that Hell Fire will burn their *soul* in Eternity.
Complete Satisfaction will immediately follow your unfeigned faith in the Blood of the Crucified God. Leave off doubting Christ, begin to believe in HIM at once. Don't dare try to bring your works before God, own up to your thousands upon thousands of sins, which all accuse you before God. Loathe the very thought of self-righteousness, for the only thing a sinner can merit is eternal damnation. Believe Christ Jesus to be God in the flesh; trust Him because He suffered in your place; believe that Divine Justice is satisfied by the bloody death of Christ; rely upon that Satisfaction which Christ has rendered to God on your behalf. Trust Him now with the burden of all your sin. Remember now - the only thing that can *satisfy* God's Divine Justice is Christ Jesus Himself - His Blood and Righteousness. Trust to Him on the spot, and your sins are gone forever.
Tremble at His Words
Nothing ever escapes the attention of God; either at home; or at work; or at worship; or at play; or on vacation; or while spending money; or while surfing the internet; or on business trips - nothing in thought, word, or deed, in private or public. The eyes of the Lord are in EVERY place, BEHOLDING the evil and the good. Thou God seest 'me'. This Biblical truth alarms all atheists and many religionists.
For God’s eyes are upon all your ways: they are not hid from His face, neither is your iniquity hid from His eyes (Jer 16:17). The Lord is great in counsel, and mighty in work: for God’s eyes are open upon all the ways of the sons of men: to give every one according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings (Jer 32:19). How much more abominable and filthy is man, which drinketh iniquity like water? (Job 15:16). For thy heart is not right in the sight of God (Acts 8:21). Can any [sinner] hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord (Jer 23:24). But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord (Gen 6:8). For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him. (II Chron 16:9). For God’s eyes are upon the ways of man, and He seeth all your goings. There is no darkness, nor shadow of death, where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves (Job 34:21-22).
God numbers your steps: and watches over your sin (Job 14:16). God shall judge the 'secrets' of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel. (Romans 2:16). Until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts (I Cor 4:5). For God looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven (Job 28:24). Every one of us shall give account of himself to God (Romans 14:12). Why dost thou strive against God? for He giveth not account of any of His matters (Job 33:13). Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! (Isaiah 45:9) But we have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God (II Cor 4:2). Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in God’s sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do (Heb 4:13).
Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the Lord pondereth the hearts (Prov 21:2). If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not He that pondereth the heart consider it? and He that keepeth thy soul, doth not He know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works? (Prov 24:12). And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth (Gen 6:12). For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, and He pondereth ALL his goings (Prov 5:21). God withdraweth not his eyes from the righteous (Job 36:7). Sanctify the Lord of hosts himself; and let him be your fear, and let Him be your dread (Isaiah 8:13).
The Lord is in his holy temple, the Lord's throne is in heaven: His eyes behold, His eyelids try, the children of men (Psalm 11:4). The eyes of the Lord, run to and fro through the whole earth (Zech 4:10). Wherefore hast thou despised the commandment of the Lord, to do evil in His sight? (II Sam 12:9). Lord, thou hast set our iniquities before Thee, our secret sins in the light of Thy countenance (Psalm 90:8). Shall not God search this out? for He knoweth the secrets of the heart (Psalm 44:21). And the mean man shall be brought down, and the mighty man shall be humbled, and the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled: But the Lord of hosts shall be exalted in judgment, and God that is holy shall be sanctified in Righteousness (Isaiah 5:15-16).
For God’s eyes are upon all your ways: they are not hid from His face, neither is your iniquity hid from His eyes (Jer 16:17). The Lord is great in counsel, and mighty in work: for God’s eyes are open upon all the ways of the sons of men: to give every one according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings (Jer 32:19). How much more abominable and filthy is man, which drinketh iniquity like water? (Job 15:16). For thy heart is not right in the sight of God (Acts 8:21). Can any [sinner] hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord (Jer 23:24). But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord (Gen 6:8). For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him. (II Chron 16:9). For God’s eyes are upon the ways of man, and He seeth all your goings. There is no darkness, nor shadow of death, where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves (Job 34:21-22).
God numbers your steps: and watches over your sin (Job 14:16). God shall judge the 'secrets' of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel. (Romans 2:16). Until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts (I Cor 4:5). For God looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven (Job 28:24). Every one of us shall give account of himself to God (Romans 14:12). Why dost thou strive against God? for He giveth not account of any of His matters (Job 33:13). Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! (Isaiah 45:9) But we have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God (II Cor 4:2). Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in God’s sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do (Heb 4:13).
Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the Lord pondereth the hearts (Prov 21:2). If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not He that pondereth the heart consider it? and He that keepeth thy soul, doth not He know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works? (Prov 24:12). And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth (Gen 6:12). For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, and He pondereth ALL his goings (Prov 5:21). God withdraweth not his eyes from the righteous (Job 36:7). Sanctify the Lord of hosts himself; and let him be your fear, and let Him be your dread (Isaiah 8:13).
The Lord is in his holy temple, the Lord's throne is in heaven: His eyes behold, His eyelids try, the children of men (Psalm 11:4). The eyes of the Lord, run to and fro through the whole earth (Zech 4:10). Wherefore hast thou despised the commandment of the Lord, to do evil in His sight? (II Sam 12:9). Lord, thou hast set our iniquities before Thee, our secret sins in the light of Thy countenance (Psalm 90:8). Shall not God search this out? for He knoweth the secrets of the heart (Psalm 44:21). And the mean man shall be brought down, and the mighty man shall be humbled, and the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled: But the Lord of hosts shall be exalted in judgment, and God that is holy shall be sanctified in Righteousness (Isaiah 5:15-16).
Plain Preaching 5
The atheist like every other sinner is on a desperate search for HOPE. But there is *no hope* for any man outside of Jesus Christ. The only cure for the sin plague within your soul is the Precious Blood of God who manifest in the flesh (Christ Jesus). Christ died for the guilty. Mercy is only for the guilty.
Evolution is a deadly and devilish hell-spun theory that was invented to bewilder and decoy educated Christ rejectors. The atheist is so far gone that he chooses to look to sinful man, rather than the Son of God. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled on his children was to convince them that he doesn't even exist. Atheists relish their sins: this is why they despise the Bible and Christ so.
Evolution is worldly education's favorite superstition. The atheist says within in heart, "I will go after my own way, I want to keep my sins and indulge in my vile habits, and continue on my own sinful pleasures." Atheists cleave to the theory of evolution for dear life, for evolution is their only hope of escaping the Judgment to come. Atheism is the epitome of human nature. Evolution is only another fruit from the vile tree of Unbelief. The atheist hates the Gospel, for the Gospel says that you cannot have your own way and love sin. The offense of the Cross says that evolution is dead wrong.
Evolution is an idol according to darwin's own understanding. The atheist looks to darwin, but nothing in him is ever bettered, but rather his inward condition only grows worse and worse. Lean not to thine own understanding. Evolution says there is no God, and calls Jesus Christ a liar. The man that calls Jesus Christ a liar is the biggest and blindest fool you've ever met. The atheist trifles with his soul and his eternal destiny.
Every sinner lives in a state of thoughtlessness and carelessness until the Holy Ghost awakens him to his extreme danger without Christ. The moment a real sinner simply believes on Jesus, and trusts only in the Crucified God; a royal divine pardon at once he receives, and Free Salvation in full through God’s Precious Blood. The last thing an atheist wants to do is part with his sin-loving pride. The atheist forgets God altogether, and trusts to vain man only. The atheist hides behind the fairy tale of evolution, but that is only a refuge of lies that will not hold up at death and in Eternity.
Every atheist is dead in his sins. A dead man has no appetite. You'll never see them trying to feed a dead man down at the funeral home. Dead folks don't have an appetite. The atheist has an appetite for filth and self. An atheist is dead in his sins and cannot feed upon the words of God or the living Savior. The New Birth gives life and a new nature which has an appetite for purity. A crow eats dead rotten things, but a dove never will. The crow and the dove have different appetites, just the atheist and the Christian. Darwinian quackery can never solve one problem a sinner has.
Evolution is a deadly and devilish hell-spun theory that was invented to bewilder and decoy educated Christ rejectors. The atheist is so far gone that he chooses to look to sinful man, rather than the Son of God. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled on his children was to convince them that he doesn't even exist. Atheists relish their sins: this is why they despise the Bible and Christ so.
Evolution is worldly education's favorite superstition. The atheist says within in heart, "I will go after my own way, I want to keep my sins and indulge in my vile habits, and continue on my own sinful pleasures." Atheists cleave to the theory of evolution for dear life, for evolution is their only hope of escaping the Judgment to come. Atheism is the epitome of human nature. Evolution is only another fruit from the vile tree of Unbelief. The atheist hates the Gospel, for the Gospel says that you cannot have your own way and love sin. The offense of the Cross says that evolution is dead wrong.
Evolution is an idol according to darwin's own understanding. The atheist looks to darwin, but nothing in him is ever bettered, but rather his inward condition only grows worse and worse. Lean not to thine own understanding. Evolution says there is no God, and calls Jesus Christ a liar. The man that calls Jesus Christ a liar is the biggest and blindest fool you've ever met. The atheist trifles with his soul and his eternal destiny.
Every sinner lives in a state of thoughtlessness and carelessness until the Holy Ghost awakens him to his extreme danger without Christ. The moment a real sinner simply believes on Jesus, and trusts only in the Crucified God; a royal divine pardon at once he receives, and Free Salvation in full through God’s Precious Blood. The last thing an atheist wants to do is part with his sin-loving pride. The atheist forgets God altogether, and trusts to vain man only. The atheist hides behind the fairy tale of evolution, but that is only a refuge of lies that will not hold up at death and in Eternity.
Every atheist is dead in his sins. A dead man has no appetite. You'll never see them trying to feed a dead man down at the funeral home. Dead folks don't have an appetite. The atheist has an appetite for filth and self. An atheist is dead in his sins and cannot feed upon the words of God or the living Savior. The New Birth gives life and a new nature which has an appetite for purity. A crow eats dead rotten things, but a dove never will. The crow and the dove have different appetites, just the atheist and the Christian. Darwinian quackery can never solve one problem a sinner has.
Plain Preaching 4
For the preaching of the Cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the Power of God (I Corinthians 1:18, 24). Every man by nature is in a lost and perishing condition, through their sinning, and their need of a True Righteousness. Wicked and ungodly men are carried away with their own lusts and blinded by Satan, the god of this world. Free Salvation by the blood of the Crucified Creator boggles the mind of the sin-loving atheist. Reconciliation to God by the blood and merits of His Son. Here the Good News for lost sinners - Imputed Righteousness, Free Pardon, Full Atonement, and Divine Satisfaction through Jesus offering up Himself as a Sinless Bloody Sacrifice for human sin. Man can have no part in saving himself - human nature furiously kicks against that. Free salvation is very disagreeable to human carnal reason.
You must be saved freely by the Merits and Blood of Another Person. You can't have anything to do with your salvation. Just as if you needed triple-bypass heart surgery, you can't have anything to do with your surgery. You must simply yield to the surgeon, and let him do everything for you. The same is truth with divine Salvation, it is out of your hands altogether - simply yield to the Savior and let Him do everything inwardly for your sin-sick heart. The message of the Cross is despised because it counts human merit as DUNG (Philippians 3:8). The atheist is so in love with his sin, that he rejects the Crucified and Risen Creator. All Christ rejecters love their sins. There is no other way to be saved, there is no other way escape the damnation your sins deserve, but faith in Christ Jesus' atoning blood - God sent His Son into this world to die for your sins. A sinless man named Jesus of Nazareth loved you to death on Calvary's Cross.
The Lord Jesus Christ said, "VERILY I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a LITTLE CHILD, he shall not enter therein." (Mark 10:15; Luke 18:17) You must humble yourself to enter into the kingdom of God. The door to Heaven is very low, but wide open. You must stoop to enter the door to Glory Land. Christ Jesus is the DOOR (John 10:9). Your high opinion of yourself must go. Your love for preeminence will damn you. You must humble yourself as a little child, (to have low thoughts of yourself, preferring others to yourself, not seeking control over others, putting away malice, prejudice, vanity, envy and pride) and come to Jesus' feet, trusting in HIM with helpless dependence. If you do not get off your high horse, you will be inevitably doomed and damned. God set it up so if you're a proud sucker, you'll stumble over pride right off into the Lake of Fire. Wake up and wise up before its everlasting too late.
Evolution was created so that godless atheists could get 'some' sleep at night. Evolution is a deadly spiritual morphine that makes atheists not feel their conscience and guilt so acutely, but even though the feeling the gone, the cancer of sin is still devouring them. Darwin has hoodwinked many an atheist with his monkey-man fables.
The religions of this world are vain attempts to get around the true and living Holy God of the Bible - Jesus Christ. Man-made religions rebel against Biblical truth, and love to believe what they dream up. Man worships religion, not Jesus Christ. When Christ Jesus came into this world, He messed up man's religious systems, and they hated Him with a passion. Man despises morality, purity, and absolute Truth. Man knows there is a Creator intuitively, but continues to love his sin and darkens his understanding. Carnal man wants to silence the Truth. Man wants to be unaccountable and unlimited in his sins. A Creator makes man accountable for his sins. Do-gooders go to Hell, and no-gooders go to Heaven. Don't forget, you're not God.
The universe was tailor made to support life. The evolutionist says that every man evolved from an animal. Evolution says, Man began as an animal, but now he wants to be his own god. The Bible says, Man was created in the image of God, and now he digresses and lives worse than an animal. The atheist conceals the Truth, ignores the Creator, and stifles his Conscience. The atheist desires to silence the Truth. Lost man worships the creation, not the Creator. The natural man hates God's Authority - God's Words. Man doesn't want to have to answer to anyone for his sins. Human nature abhors accountability and limitations. Man rebels against God's holiness. Man hates God rule, because he wants to be unaccountable and unfettered in his sinning. Man hates God's holiness, because man is unholy. Every man is sinful and guilty and without excuse. Self-righteous man makes up excuses, so he can ignore and avoid Jesus Christ. Face it - The Creator will one day judge the sinner. By nature you have nothing to offer the Holy Angry Judge - you need the Crucified and Risen Mediator.
There's a God, and you're not Him.
There's a God, and you're going to face Him.
There's a God, He knows what you're doing.
There's a God, His name is Jesus Christ.
Trust *HIM*, not yourself.
You must be saved freely by the Merits and Blood of Another Person. You can't have anything to do with your salvation. Just as if you needed triple-bypass heart surgery, you can't have anything to do with your surgery. You must simply yield to the surgeon, and let him do everything for you. The same is truth with divine Salvation, it is out of your hands altogether - simply yield to the Savior and let Him do everything inwardly for your sin-sick heart. The message of the Cross is despised because it counts human merit as DUNG (Philippians 3:8). The atheist is so in love with his sin, that he rejects the Crucified and Risen Creator. All Christ rejecters love their sins. There is no other way to be saved, there is no other way escape the damnation your sins deserve, but faith in Christ Jesus' atoning blood - God sent His Son into this world to die for your sins. A sinless man named Jesus of Nazareth loved you to death on Calvary's Cross.
The Lord Jesus Christ said, "VERILY I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a LITTLE CHILD, he shall not enter therein." (Mark 10:15; Luke 18:17) You must humble yourself to enter into the kingdom of God. The door to Heaven is very low, but wide open. You must stoop to enter the door to Glory Land. Christ Jesus is the DOOR (John 10:9). Your high opinion of yourself must go. Your love for preeminence will damn you. You must humble yourself as a little child, (to have low thoughts of yourself, preferring others to yourself, not seeking control over others, putting away malice, prejudice, vanity, envy and pride) and come to Jesus' feet, trusting in HIM with helpless dependence. If you do not get off your high horse, you will be inevitably doomed and damned. God set it up so if you're a proud sucker, you'll stumble over pride right off into the Lake of Fire. Wake up and wise up before its everlasting too late.
Evolution was created so that godless atheists could get 'some' sleep at night. Evolution is a deadly spiritual morphine that makes atheists not feel their conscience and guilt so acutely, but even though the feeling the gone, the cancer of sin is still devouring them. Darwin has hoodwinked many an atheist with his monkey-man fables.
The religions of this world are vain attempts to get around the true and living Holy God of the Bible - Jesus Christ. Man-made religions rebel against Biblical truth, and love to believe what they dream up. Man worships religion, not Jesus Christ. When Christ Jesus came into this world, He messed up man's religious systems, and they hated Him with a passion. Man despises morality, purity, and absolute Truth. Man knows there is a Creator intuitively, but continues to love his sin and darkens his understanding. Carnal man wants to silence the Truth. Man wants to be unaccountable and unlimited in his sins. A Creator makes man accountable for his sins. Do-gooders go to Hell, and no-gooders go to Heaven. Don't forget, you're not God.
The universe was tailor made to support life. The evolutionist says that every man evolved from an animal. Evolution says, Man began as an animal, but now he wants to be his own god. The Bible says, Man was created in the image of God, and now he digresses and lives worse than an animal. The atheist conceals the Truth, ignores the Creator, and stifles his Conscience. The atheist desires to silence the Truth. Lost man worships the creation, not the Creator. The natural man hates God's Authority - God's Words. Man doesn't want to have to answer to anyone for his sins. Human nature abhors accountability and limitations. Man rebels against God's holiness. Man hates God rule, because he wants to be unaccountable and unfettered in his sinning. Man hates God's holiness, because man is unholy. Every man is sinful and guilty and without excuse. Self-righteous man makes up excuses, so he can ignore and avoid Jesus Christ. Face it - The Creator will one day judge the sinner. By nature you have nothing to offer the Holy Angry Judge - you need the Crucified and Risen Mediator.
There's a God, and you're not Him.
There's a God, and you're going to face Him.
There's a God, He knows what you're doing.
There's a God, His name is Jesus Christ.
Trust *HIM*, not yourself.
Plain Preaching 3
Every atheist and religionist is the poor Victim of wrong information, and it is a total tragedy. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a solemn and serious thing - it is solid Truth. Darkness, doom, damnation, and despair is your inevitable future without Jesus Christ. You are a poor, polluted, perverse and guilty sinner; alienated from the life of God, and exposed to the wrath of God and eternal condemnation, and deserving eternal death. You are living carelessly and corruptly, neglecting God's Son. You have rebelled against your Creator in a deliberate and resolute fashion. You are unprepared to die. You are lost in sin, your condition is hopeless, you are trapped in your self. Your feet are running toward hell at an alarming pace. Your conscience faithfully alarms and worries you.
Lost sinner, come to your senses now - Believe the grand old truth of eternal redemption by the blood of Jesus, God’s atoning blood. Bow low and adore the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. You are now an evil undone sinner in need of the Incarnate God who died for sinners. Every unregenerate, unconverted sinner is in great imminent danger of losing his soul forever. I will never flatter you with empty smooth religious words.
Guilty blood is now flowing through your veins; but Innocent Blood flowed through Jesus' veins. Christ loved you and gave Himself for you. Jesus was the Innocent Victim for your sins. Jesus was and is really God in human flesh, He was really and totally sinless. Jesus kept the strict and perfect divine Law perfectly. Even His enemies could find no fault in HIM. Absolute perfection was God's requirement. Jesus knew no sin, He did no sin, He was in all pointed tempted like as we are, yet without Sin. Only the Holy Spirit can alert you and open your eyes to the evil and danger of your sins. Jesus’ work on Calvary is the only possible way of salvation. Almighty God is only pleased and satisfied with Christ's blood and merits. Your soul is stained and saturated with your iniquities; only Christ's Righteousness can protect you from the Justice of God.
Darwin's smooth prescription of evolution, and the religionist’s deadly remedy of salvation by human merit is not true – they are all hellish lies that came from the mind of Satan to damn your soul. Be wise - Make the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ your soul's sole hope today. Come now - trust and worship at Jesus' blessed feet. If you die unprepared, unconverted, and unsaved, there remains nothing but a fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation for you. The Atonement did away with any need for human merit. Eternal punishment must fall upon your sins. If you die in your sins neglecting Christ’s cure, you will have to suffer that punishment. The Atonement cannot be repeated or added to by human efforts. The Blood of Jesus Christ can cleanse and absolve your guilty soul from ALL SIN. Humbly plead Jesus' precious name and blood. The God of all grace poured out His own life's blood on Calvary's Cross for your guilty soul's sake. This eternal life-giving blood is the only means of escaping the fury and wrath of an offended God. The only thing that can take away human sin is God's Blood. Close now with the Blood of Jesus Christ by the grace of God through simple childlike faith in *HIM*. See John 6:47.
The fact of the matter is, the love of sin darkens the eyes of every atheist. The allowance of known sin in your life darkens the mental eye. Men cannot see truth, because they love falsehood (evolution). The Gospel cannot be seen, because it is too pure for the atheist's loose living and lewd thoughts. Christ’s holy example is too severe for the atheist; Christ's Spirit is too pure for lovers of carnal pleasure. When a man rejects the Gospel, they also tolerate laxity of morals, and give into and go after the ways of this evil world. Sin pricks the sensitive eyeballs of the mind! “How can ye believe, which receive honor one of another?” The fear of man's frown or laughter keeps atheists from Christ. The love of worldly honor prevents many atheists from believing in Jesus Christ. As long as a man admires himself, he will never adore Christ the living God. When sinful habits, like a handful of mud, seal up the eyes, the man becomes an agnostic, a doubter, an infidel, an atheist. To have a clear spiritual eye, a man must have a clean heart within. The pure in heart shall see God: the pure in heart see God’s truth and God's Son, they appreciate Him and delight in HIM. Only the Holy Spirit can wash the filth of sin out of your eyes, so you can walk in the Light, as God is in the Light.
Christ Jesus said, "I am the light of the world: he that followeth ME shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on ME should not abide in darkness." Whenever you enter a room that is dark, you must turn on a light in order to function in that room. A mind without Christ is like that dark room without any light. A human mind cannot function properly without divine Light entering into it. Christ the Lord is the LIGHT of life, and only He can give a sinner LIGHT and LIFE. The people which sat in darkness saw great Light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death Light is sprung up. The only Light in this dark world of sin today is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. You can stop searching now. Jesus came into this world to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide their feet into the way of peace. Every atheist is abiding in the pitch-black darkness of his sin, and every time he hears the name of Christ, he runs further and further into his darkness. This is complete suicidal insanity. Every atheist hates the light, just like an owl or bat does. What communion hath light with darkness? Jesus is tenderly calling you out of your darkness into His marvelous light. God is light, and in HIM is no darkness at all.
Jesus said, "Without ME ye can do NOTHING." If you live your whole life without receiving and knowing and following Jesus Christ, you may think you accomplished a lot, but it will be whole lot of NOTHING. Your whole life will be wasted, and your soul will be lost forever. Sin is very deceitful, and so are sinners who don't know Christ. The entrance of God's words giveth LIGHT. Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness. Don't blow out the little bit of light that is in your mind, don't keep violating your conscience, and rejecting Christ. And the Light shineth in darkness (the human mind); and the darkness comprehended it not. And this is the condemnation, that Light is come into the world (God manifest in the flesh), and men loved darkness rather than Light (The Lamb of God), because their deeds were evil.
Lost sinner, come to your senses now - Believe the grand old truth of eternal redemption by the blood of Jesus, God’s atoning blood. Bow low and adore the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. You are now an evil undone sinner in need of the Incarnate God who died for sinners. Every unregenerate, unconverted sinner is in great imminent danger of losing his soul forever. I will never flatter you with empty smooth religious words.
Guilty blood is now flowing through your veins; but Innocent Blood flowed through Jesus' veins. Christ loved you and gave Himself for you. Jesus was the Innocent Victim for your sins. Jesus was and is really God in human flesh, He was really and totally sinless. Jesus kept the strict and perfect divine Law perfectly. Even His enemies could find no fault in HIM. Absolute perfection was God's requirement. Jesus knew no sin, He did no sin, He was in all pointed tempted like as we are, yet without Sin. Only the Holy Spirit can alert you and open your eyes to the evil and danger of your sins. Jesus’ work on Calvary is the only possible way of salvation. Almighty God is only pleased and satisfied with Christ's blood and merits. Your soul is stained and saturated with your iniquities; only Christ's Righteousness can protect you from the Justice of God.
Darwin's smooth prescription of evolution, and the religionist’s deadly remedy of salvation by human merit is not true – they are all hellish lies that came from the mind of Satan to damn your soul. Be wise - Make the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ your soul's sole hope today. Come now - trust and worship at Jesus' blessed feet. If you die unprepared, unconverted, and unsaved, there remains nothing but a fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation for you. The Atonement did away with any need for human merit. Eternal punishment must fall upon your sins. If you die in your sins neglecting Christ’s cure, you will have to suffer that punishment. The Atonement cannot be repeated or added to by human efforts. The Blood of Jesus Christ can cleanse and absolve your guilty soul from ALL SIN. Humbly plead Jesus' precious name and blood. The God of all grace poured out His own life's blood on Calvary's Cross for your guilty soul's sake. This eternal life-giving blood is the only means of escaping the fury and wrath of an offended God. The only thing that can take away human sin is God's Blood. Close now with the Blood of Jesus Christ by the grace of God through simple childlike faith in *HIM*. See John 6:47.
The fact of the matter is, the love of sin darkens the eyes of every atheist. The allowance of known sin in your life darkens the mental eye. Men cannot see truth, because they love falsehood (evolution). The Gospel cannot be seen, because it is too pure for the atheist's loose living and lewd thoughts. Christ’s holy example is too severe for the atheist; Christ's Spirit is too pure for lovers of carnal pleasure. When a man rejects the Gospel, they also tolerate laxity of morals, and give into and go after the ways of this evil world. Sin pricks the sensitive eyeballs of the mind! “How can ye believe, which receive honor one of another?” The fear of man's frown or laughter keeps atheists from Christ. The love of worldly honor prevents many atheists from believing in Jesus Christ. As long as a man admires himself, he will never adore Christ the living God. When sinful habits, like a handful of mud, seal up the eyes, the man becomes an agnostic, a doubter, an infidel, an atheist. To have a clear spiritual eye, a man must have a clean heart within. The pure in heart shall see God: the pure in heart see God’s truth and God's Son, they appreciate Him and delight in HIM. Only the Holy Spirit can wash the filth of sin out of your eyes, so you can walk in the Light, as God is in the Light.
Christ Jesus said, "I am the light of the world: he that followeth ME shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on ME should not abide in darkness." Whenever you enter a room that is dark, you must turn on a light in order to function in that room. A mind without Christ is like that dark room without any light. A human mind cannot function properly without divine Light entering into it. Christ the Lord is the LIGHT of life, and only He can give a sinner LIGHT and LIFE. The people which sat in darkness saw great Light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death Light is sprung up. The only Light in this dark world of sin today is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. You can stop searching now. Jesus came into this world to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide their feet into the way of peace. Every atheist is abiding in the pitch-black darkness of his sin, and every time he hears the name of Christ, he runs further and further into his darkness. This is complete suicidal insanity. Every atheist hates the light, just like an owl or bat does. What communion hath light with darkness? Jesus is tenderly calling you out of your darkness into His marvelous light. God is light, and in HIM is no darkness at all.
Jesus said, "Without ME ye can do NOTHING." If you live your whole life without receiving and knowing and following Jesus Christ, you may think you accomplished a lot, but it will be whole lot of NOTHING. Your whole life will be wasted, and your soul will be lost forever. Sin is very deceitful, and so are sinners who don't know Christ. The entrance of God's words giveth LIGHT. Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness. Don't blow out the little bit of light that is in your mind, don't keep violating your conscience, and rejecting Christ. And the Light shineth in darkness (the human mind); and the darkness comprehended it not. And this is the condemnation, that Light is come into the world (God manifest in the flesh), and men loved darkness rather than Light (The Lamb of God), because their deeds were evil.
Plain Preaching 2
You better get this - You are a sinner, and nothing else but a sinner (I Timothy 1:15). A Christ-rejecter cannot do anything good at all, because he is sin-Full. Without Jesus Christ, your whole life is just one big continual *Sin* - just one long string of sins, one after another continually. Without Jesus Christ, all you can do is SIN. Humanism teaches that there is a 'little good' in all of us, but that is a gross Lie. The plowing of the wicked is Sin. That means, hard work and sincere human effort without God is nothing but Sin, according to the Bible.
There's not a drop of good in any unsaved human being; and the only good in any saved human being is the Spirit of Christ (Romans 7:18). You have done infinite wrong against an infinitely good God. Your sins don't come out of nowhere; your vile thoughts and dirty ways come from own your own stinking sinfulness. And Christ Jesus Himself is the only Person in the universe that can save you from the force and power of sin within you. Americans in 2013 worship education, income and sex.
Evolution is bass ackwards from all other things in life. Evolution teaches that everything gets better and better on its own, that a flat-out lie. Anyone that has any sense at all, knows that everything falls apart and deteriorates, especially the human body. How can any man who owns a used car be an evolutionist? Everything wears out, falls apart, nothing ever gets better with time, no matter what you do, everything eventually falls apart, decays, deteriorates, including you. That is a primary truth of life, but the evolutionist doesn't want to face it, because he loves his sin so. If you don't believe that, just buy a house or car, and watch it fall apart month by month right before your eyes. There will be something that goes wrong every time you turn around. This is a basic truth in life that human nature doesn't like to face, because it's negative. If you're unsaved, you are going to get worse and worse abiding in your sinfulness. You will either get more sinful or more self-righteous, one of the two. You have to have a screw loose to be an evolutionist.
The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised HIM from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto Righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto Salvation. For the Scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on the Lord Jesus Christ shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon HIM. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ SHALL be saved.
The atheist deliberately turns his back on truth, and peddles and publishes the lie of evolution. He is willingly ignorant of the Creator. The evolutionary theory is a convenient little tool for the atheist to keep his favorite sins. The atheist loves his sin more than he loves his own soul. The atheist is big-headed, he thinks he knows better than Almighty God. He will not swallow his pride. He refuses to submit to God's Son. Full reliance on the Blood of Christ shed for sinners is the only way for your sins to be forgiven freely. You can't do enough good things to earn your way into heaven. You are beyond self-cleansing or self-saving. Your empty efforts cannot put away any of your sins. Christ Jesus created you, He has kept you alive, and He died for you. You are a condemned sinner headed for destruction.
The atheist's inward thoughts, "I am not going to leave my sin, I don't want Christ in my life, away with Him, I don't need God, I'm not getting saved, I don't want deliverance from my sins, for I delight in them, I want to live it up now, you only live once you know; this is my life, nobody is tell me how to live, I am going to live the way I like and end up in hell, if there is a hell." The atheist is indifferent; he thumbs his nose at God's Son and continues to love his sins more than he wants Christ's free and perfect salvation. Your good works are your worst enemies. The atheist fears men, he is afraid of what his friends would say if he got saved from his sins - he is chicken.
The atheist fears his sinful companions more than His Merciful Maker. They couldn't face their godless friends if they choose the Savior. I have to run with my crowd. The atheist's pokes fun at the Bible, Christ, sin, death and hell. But they are not brave enough to leave the sinful crowd. It might cost them some ridicule or a few dollars. Wide is the road that leads to destruction, and many will go down that broad road. Well, everybody else does it. Your sin-loving buddies may laugh you into hell, but they won't laugh you out. The atheist is short-sighted; he lives for the nasty now and now; he doesn't want to think about Eternity. Sinful pleasure for a moment, but Christ-less perdition forever. The atheist lives as if there is no hereafter, they don't want to think about death. But know thou, God will bring thee into Judgment. Death is coming, then the Judgment.
There's not a drop of good in any unsaved human being; and the only good in any saved human being is the Spirit of Christ (Romans 7:18). You have done infinite wrong against an infinitely good God. Your sins don't come out of nowhere; your vile thoughts and dirty ways come from own your own stinking sinfulness. And Christ Jesus Himself is the only Person in the universe that can save you from the force and power of sin within you. Americans in 2013 worship education, income and sex.
Evolution is bass ackwards from all other things in life. Evolution teaches that everything gets better and better on its own, that a flat-out lie. Anyone that has any sense at all, knows that everything falls apart and deteriorates, especially the human body. How can any man who owns a used car be an evolutionist? Everything wears out, falls apart, nothing ever gets better with time, no matter what you do, everything eventually falls apart, decays, deteriorates, including you. That is a primary truth of life, but the evolutionist doesn't want to face it, because he loves his sin so. If you don't believe that, just buy a house or car, and watch it fall apart month by month right before your eyes. There will be something that goes wrong every time you turn around. This is a basic truth in life that human nature doesn't like to face, because it's negative. If you're unsaved, you are going to get worse and worse abiding in your sinfulness. You will either get more sinful or more self-righteous, one of the two. You have to have a screw loose to be an evolutionist.
The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised HIM from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto Righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto Salvation. For the Scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on the Lord Jesus Christ shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon HIM. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ SHALL be saved.
The atheist deliberately turns his back on truth, and peddles and publishes the lie of evolution. He is willingly ignorant of the Creator. The evolutionary theory is a convenient little tool for the atheist to keep his favorite sins. The atheist loves his sin more than he loves his own soul. The atheist is big-headed, he thinks he knows better than Almighty God. He will not swallow his pride. He refuses to submit to God's Son. Full reliance on the Blood of Christ shed for sinners is the only way for your sins to be forgiven freely. You can't do enough good things to earn your way into heaven. You are beyond self-cleansing or self-saving. Your empty efforts cannot put away any of your sins. Christ Jesus created you, He has kept you alive, and He died for you. You are a condemned sinner headed for destruction.
The atheist's inward thoughts, "I am not going to leave my sin, I don't want Christ in my life, away with Him, I don't need God, I'm not getting saved, I don't want deliverance from my sins, for I delight in them, I want to live it up now, you only live once you know; this is my life, nobody is tell me how to live, I am going to live the way I like and end up in hell, if there is a hell." The atheist is indifferent; he thumbs his nose at God's Son and continues to love his sins more than he wants Christ's free and perfect salvation. Your good works are your worst enemies. The atheist fears men, he is afraid of what his friends would say if he got saved from his sins - he is chicken.
The atheist fears his sinful companions more than His Merciful Maker. They couldn't face their godless friends if they choose the Savior. I have to run with my crowd. The atheist's pokes fun at the Bible, Christ, sin, death and hell. But they are not brave enough to leave the sinful crowd. It might cost them some ridicule or a few dollars. Wide is the road that leads to destruction, and many will go down that broad road. Well, everybody else does it. Your sin-loving buddies may laugh you into hell, but they won't laugh you out. The atheist is short-sighted; he lives for the nasty now and now; he doesn't want to think about Eternity. Sinful pleasure for a moment, but Christ-less perdition forever. The atheist lives as if there is no hereafter, they don't want to think about death. But know thou, God will bring thee into Judgment. Death is coming, then the Judgment.
Plain Preaching 1
If you want to know why God has something against you, it's real simple, it's because you want to run your life. You don't want Jesus Christ to run your life; it just that's simple, that's all there is too it. The problem is you want to do, what you want to do, when you want to do it. The reason you reject Christ is because if you receive Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit will bring Christ into you, and you won't be able to do what you want to do then. Human nature doesn't like having checks or restraints put on it.
You have sinned against God, and come short of His glory. You are a rebel against your Maker, lay down your arms. Your conscience has been stained repeatedly by your sins. God knows all about your sins, He knows what you have done, when and where and why. God is Light, and spiritual light exposes everything in our lives. Be honest, get real, admit your guilt. Sonship comes by faith in Jesus (Justification), fellowship comes by walking (moral thoughts and conduct) with Jesus (Sanctification).
Stay close to Jesus. Expose your life to the light of Scripture and the Holy Spirit. Honesty with God leads to harmony with one another. Jesus can cleanse and forgive all sin, only Jesus can wipe the sin from your heart. Be honest about your sins, stay close to Jesus, get real about with walking with Jesus, admit everything when you sin against God, stop wasting your life messing around with sin.
The downward spiral of Sin is this - first denial, then minimization, normalization, rationalization, justification, and celebration. Denial, that wasn't me. Minimization, it's not that big of a deal. Normalization, everybody does it today. Rationalization, you don't know my circumstances. Justification, I don't see anything wrong with it, it doesn't bother me. Celebration, my life has never been better, life is good, God doesn't mind, loosen up. You begin to twist the Scriptures, so you can embrace your sin.
Human nature says, "Sin is isn't really sinful, there is no reason to feel guilty about anything you do, don't blame yourself because your behavior is not your fault, you are not a sinner, you are a victim of your society (unemployment, poverty, lack of education), refuse to accept blame which only causes stress, let go your guilty feelings, enjoy your sin responsibly." Today, sin is being redefined, and depravity is being downplayed, because men love sin. Justifying your sin leads to self-deception. Confess your sins, open admission to everything, agree with God about your sins. Admit you have disobeyed God, and agreeing that you have no excuse for sinning against Him. Your sinfulness and specific sins; what you are, and what you've done; the root of sin, and the fruit of sin must be dealt with by faith in the Blood of Jesus.
You do not want Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, telling you who should marry and not marry, what you should eat and not eat, what hours you should keep. You don't want God's Son telling what books He wants you to read, or to listen to the music He wants you to listen to. Jesus should decide who your friends and companions are, how you spend your money, your occupation, your diet, your place of employment, and your place of recreation. If you had to choose one Man, to completely rule over your life, who would you choose? Well, any wise man would choose Jesus Christ, and not himself.
The proud earthly wisdom of a natural man in his love for his sins leads him to reject Jesus Christ repeatedly. If you die in your natural state without being born again of the Spirit of God, you will go straight to Hell when you die. God makes a fool out of smart-alecks that reject His Son. By human wisdom the world knows not God. The way down to Hell is this - Men first become unthankful and forget God, then they refuse to glorify God, then they adopt evolution (man came from animals), and then they wind up being sodomites (sex perverts) (See Romans 1). The spirit of this world wants you to accept sex perversion as normal. Every atheist is totally crooked from top to bottom, because he is a Christ rejecter. God gives every atheist a reprieve from divine justice every day he lives.
To this end was Jesus Christ born, and for this cause came He into the world, that He should bear witness unto the Truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth His voice. If you don't hear Jesus Christ's voice, you are not of the truth. He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God. Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil. Acknowledge Christ, ask His counsel, guidance, and advice all the time, ask Him for wisdom, seek Christ for Help and Direction, consult His words, submit to His will, and He will lead you into the truth and light.
Never depend on your own reasoning. Let Christ control your thoughts and desires. Departing from your inward evil is the beginning of wisdom. Without the Fear of the Lord, you don't have any true Wisdom. When a man fears his Maker, he will place his faith in Christ, and fix his dependence on Him, acknowledge Him, and seek Him for direction, and he will careful not to offend the Holy Ghost.
Every atheist worships money and earthly security, but not eternal riches and security. An atheist turns up his nose at the Bible, and he naturally acts independently of God, loves his sin, and winds up losing his soul in the Lake of Fire (the second death). Let your first care to be for your own soul - your sins must be freely forgiven by Jesus Christ, and your soul must be saved eternally by the Blood of Jesus Christ. This world today is filled with innumerable distractions to keep your mind off what really matters - your sins, your soul, and the Crucified Creator.
You have sinned against God, and come short of His glory. You are a rebel against your Maker, lay down your arms. Your conscience has been stained repeatedly by your sins. God knows all about your sins, He knows what you have done, when and where and why. God is Light, and spiritual light exposes everything in our lives. Be honest, get real, admit your guilt. Sonship comes by faith in Jesus (Justification), fellowship comes by walking (moral thoughts and conduct) with Jesus (Sanctification).
Stay close to Jesus. Expose your life to the light of Scripture and the Holy Spirit. Honesty with God leads to harmony with one another. Jesus can cleanse and forgive all sin, only Jesus can wipe the sin from your heart. Be honest about your sins, stay close to Jesus, get real about with walking with Jesus, admit everything when you sin against God, stop wasting your life messing around with sin.
The downward spiral of Sin is this - first denial, then minimization, normalization, rationalization, justification, and celebration. Denial, that wasn't me. Minimization, it's not that big of a deal. Normalization, everybody does it today. Rationalization, you don't know my circumstances. Justification, I don't see anything wrong with it, it doesn't bother me. Celebration, my life has never been better, life is good, God doesn't mind, loosen up. You begin to twist the Scriptures, so you can embrace your sin.
Human nature says, "Sin is isn't really sinful, there is no reason to feel guilty about anything you do, don't blame yourself because your behavior is not your fault, you are not a sinner, you are a victim of your society (unemployment, poverty, lack of education), refuse to accept blame which only causes stress, let go your guilty feelings, enjoy your sin responsibly." Today, sin is being redefined, and depravity is being downplayed, because men love sin. Justifying your sin leads to self-deception. Confess your sins, open admission to everything, agree with God about your sins. Admit you have disobeyed God, and agreeing that you have no excuse for sinning against Him. Your sinfulness and specific sins; what you are, and what you've done; the root of sin, and the fruit of sin must be dealt with by faith in the Blood of Jesus.
You do not want Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, telling you who should marry and not marry, what you should eat and not eat, what hours you should keep. You don't want God's Son telling what books He wants you to read, or to listen to the music He wants you to listen to. Jesus should decide who your friends and companions are, how you spend your money, your occupation, your diet, your place of employment, and your place of recreation. If you had to choose one Man, to completely rule over your life, who would you choose? Well, any wise man would choose Jesus Christ, and not himself.
The proud earthly wisdom of a natural man in his love for his sins leads him to reject Jesus Christ repeatedly. If you die in your natural state without being born again of the Spirit of God, you will go straight to Hell when you die. God makes a fool out of smart-alecks that reject His Son. By human wisdom the world knows not God. The way down to Hell is this - Men first become unthankful and forget God, then they refuse to glorify God, then they adopt evolution (man came from animals), and then they wind up being sodomites (sex perverts) (See Romans 1). The spirit of this world wants you to accept sex perversion as normal. Every atheist is totally crooked from top to bottom, because he is a Christ rejecter. God gives every atheist a reprieve from divine justice every day he lives.
To this end was Jesus Christ born, and for this cause came He into the world, that He should bear witness unto the Truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth His voice. If you don't hear Jesus Christ's voice, you are not of the truth. He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God. Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil. Acknowledge Christ, ask His counsel, guidance, and advice all the time, ask Him for wisdom, seek Christ for Help and Direction, consult His words, submit to His will, and He will lead you into the truth and light.
Never depend on your own reasoning. Let Christ control your thoughts and desires. Departing from your inward evil is the beginning of wisdom. Without the Fear of the Lord, you don't have any true Wisdom. When a man fears his Maker, he will place his faith in Christ, and fix his dependence on Him, acknowledge Him, and seek Him for direction, and he will careful not to offend the Holy Ghost.
Every atheist worships money and earthly security, but not eternal riches and security. An atheist turns up his nose at the Bible, and he naturally acts independently of God, loves his sin, and winds up losing his soul in the Lake of Fire (the second death). Let your first care to be for your own soul - your sins must be freely forgiven by Jesus Christ, and your soul must be saved eternally by the Blood of Jesus Christ. This world today is filled with innumerable distractions to keep your mind off what really matters - your sins, your soul, and the Crucified Creator.
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