Friday, February 24, 2012

Faith Is (2)

Sin is an exceeding great and evil thing that will damn your soul, and the Blood of Jesus Christ is an exceeding precious thing that is able to save your soul unto the uttermost. Blessed is the man that closes with the Blood of God's Son. Now understand the Gospel: Whosoever believes on the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved. Salvation by grace through faith in Christ's atoning Blood is as plain as the nose on your face. Jesus Christ gave Himself to die for our sins, that whosoever believeth in Him might not perish, but have Everlasting Life. All men are sinners. Salvation from sinning against God is only found in Jesus' bloody Sacrifice. God is Just and the Justifier of the sinner that believes in Jesus.

Think much of Jesus Christ - the Lord anointed, the Savior. Read about Him, study His person, His finished work, His character, His Cross, His Blood, His Resurrection, His Intercession. The Cross creates Faith. Looking to the Lamb of God is the way to get Faith. Read the Bible carefully and prayerfully with the eye of Faith, with the aid of the Holy Ghost. Think seriously and often about the way of Salvation by Jesus Christ. Trust heartily in Him. Trust is the essence of saving Faith. Not just believing Gospel facts, but trusting to a living Person who was crucified for your sins, and then rose again from dead, and is now alive forever more. Jesus becomes your Substitute when you trust Him. Salvation lies in the simple act of trusting in the risen Savior. Faith says, "I will follow Christ, for He is the greatest, the wisest, and the best."

Your faith must be fixed on Christ's atoning blood. Childlike repose on the Savior. Childlike, contrite, sincere faith and trust in Jesus. You cannot trust yourself, and trust Christ too. Believe only in Jesus, and not in yourself, and His Righteousness will be yours. God imputes His Righteousness to sinners who believe on His Son, without works. Come now and rely upon Jesus, and His Righteousness is yours. Salvation is by Jesus Christ, and received by Faith alone, bestowed as a Free Gift upon the unworthy. Christ must be received as divine Charity, or not at all. *John 6:47* H-A-T-H spells, got it. *I John 5:12* If you take Christ into yourself by Faith, He can never be taken from you. When you breathe in air, the air is yours. When you swallow down water, the water is yours. You need to swallow down the Gos-pill by faith. Faith swallows down Christ spiritually into the starving, thirsting soul. Receive Christ Himself down into your heart, and Christ is yours forever.

Believe on Jesus now, trust yourself with Him. Have done with all other confidences. Make this your testimony - Jesus is all my Salvation. Trust in His power and blood to save your soul. Leave feelings and doings behind; fix your faith in what Jesus did for sinners, just like you. Take God at His word. What is your ruling passion? True faith in God turns a man as a rudder turns a ship. Faith in Jesus is the sure sin-killer. Faith is the root grace that cleanses the heart of sinful man. The beginning of Faith is looking unto Jesus now. Look away from everything else, and Trust to Jesus' Blood and Righteousness. None but Jesus can help my guilty soul. Single eye, single hope - Christ is All. Looking unto Jesus is the way. Study well the sin-bearing Lamb of God. True faith is the operation of the Spirit of God. The Gospel puts man down where he belongs, and lifts Jesus Christ up where He belongs. Faith is the lifeline directly to Jesus Christ Himself.

Trust Jesus, and then Avow your faith in Christ, that is, Come out and declare openly and frankly and boldly that you belong to Jesus Christ - tell your family and buddies and strangers about your faith in Jesus Christ. True faith is every-day faith. Childlike, gentle, grateful, obedient faith in the pardoning Savior. Avoid all appearance of evil, separate from all that Christ disapproves of. Live out-and-out for Jesus Christ. Love and obey God practically in your daily life. By the grace of God and for the glory of God, endeavor to avoid all your sins privately and publicly.