What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? Do I have eternal life right now? Have I ever been delivered from the love of sin? What sin can I quit today for Jesus' sake? Are my sins forgiven through faith in The Lord Jesus Christ's shed blood? What can I do to glorify Christ with my body, heart, mind, and life? These are the important questions of life.
Fools make a mock at sin, that is, sin is a joke and fun to the reckless soul. Men try to hide the uneasiness within their heart, mind, and conscience by making light of sin, God, judgment, and hell. The goodness and blood of Jesus Christ is a protest to the lost man's evil condition. The bold brash speech of the Christ-rejecting atheist is merely an attempt to conceal the unrest of his heart within which he refuses to confess. In secret, Christ-less men love their sins. The way an atheist tries to extinguish their conscience proves that he is aware of his need. They prefer the momentary pleasures of sin to the blessedness of Eternity. An atheist will be damned in order maintain his dignity and pride.
Atheists will not come to Christ, they think they are good enough without Him. The sinful pleasures of today will be followed by a miserable Eternity. Atheists sell their soul for a little sin and amusement in this mad world. They think nothing of their never-dying soul. The atheist longs to indulge in his favorite sin or vice that will give his sinful heart a temporary pleasure. He chooses evil and forsakes the good. By nature, every man's sin is more dear to him than his own soul and eternal destiny, he doesn't want to part with his sins. The godless man feels the bitterness of his heart. Insane fools play with their sin and ruin their souls.
Lost men make light of their sin, love their sin, and neglect their Maker and Eternity. Only a madman would continue to mess around with sin after being made aware of his danger. You can never be happy at war with your Creator. It will never profit you to keep your sin and lose your soul. Without Christ, you are besotted with the love of Sin. Throw your pride and love for sin down at the feet of Jesus.
Atheists will not come to Christ, they think they are good enough without Him. The sinful pleasures of today will be followed by a miserable Eternity. Atheists sell their soul for a little sin and amusement in this mad world. They think nothing of their never-dying soul. The atheist longs to indulge in his favorite sin or vice that will give his sinful heart a temporary pleasure. He chooses evil and forsakes the good. By nature, every man's sin is more dear to him than his own soul and eternal destiny, he doesn't want to part with his sins. The godless man feels the bitterness of his heart. Insane fools play with their sin and ruin their souls.
Lost men make light of their sin, love their sin, and neglect their Maker and Eternity. Only a madman would continue to mess around with sin after being made aware of his danger. You can never be happy at war with your Creator. It will never profit you to keep your sin and lose your soul. Without Christ, you are besotted with the love of Sin. Throw your pride and love for sin down at the feet of Jesus.
Be wise now - Trust, adore, worship and wait for the blessed Son of God, and He will make you pure within. When a man is satisfied with himself, he will want nothing of Christ. If a man can do everything for himself, he has no need for the Savior. The lost man’s ear is stopped up with the love of sin. How can you love sin and believe in Christ? The dislike and neglect of Christ is only caused by a love of sin. Men hug their sins, so they will not embrace the Savior. A man’s opposition to Christ and the Bible is only caused by his love for sin and self-righteousness. The atheist is madly in love with his sin. The Savior died because of your sins, how can you live any longer in your sin?
No man is this life is ever free from the commission of sin, yet every truly converted man is delivered from the love of sin. The prevalence of sin, toleration of sin, love of sin, the willful continuance in sin is condemning evidence that a sinner is still laden with guilt. The Holy Spirit renews men inwardly, taking away the love of sin, giving them new life, a new heart, and a right spirit. Inward longings and desires after Christ come from the New Birth. The blood of Christ and the work of the Holy Ghost must be applied to every man’s soul.
The Gospel Net delivers men from the life and love of sin. Walk uprightly, or you will walk crookedly. Give up all known secret sin. Don’t live according to your lusts. Give up your hopeless hope call self-righteousness. You cannot have your sins and heaven too. You must give up sin or give up hope. Quit your sinning today, go to the Cross for help. Feel the evil of sin which killed Jesus. Salvation from the punishment of sin, immediate redemption from the love of sin, conscious deliverance from the power of sin, growing salvation from the propensity to sin, ultimate salvation from the tendency to sin. If you want to kill the love of sin, live in the love of Christ. He who loves Christ, hates his sins.
The love of Jesus is sanctifying, it consumes sins. Desire for purity prevails over the love of sin. Those who refuse to give up their favorite sins will always pretend the Gospel is difficult to understand, impossible to accept, and excuse themselves for going on in their sins. The lover of sin will always throw the blame of his sin and unbelief upon his Maker. Godly Repentance turns a man inside out, and purges the innermost part of the soul, killing the love of sin within at the roots of the spirit. Jesus saves from the innermost to the uttermost. Our thoughts about sin are turned upside down at the foot of the Cross. Sin is sweet and profitable to the atheist, but bitter to the Christian. The true penitent will not enjoy his secret sin. You are, what you are alone. There is a deadly poison hidden under the sweetness of sin. The real penitent hates sin as sin, and turns from it with purpose of heart.
Beware of superficial repentance. God is not mocked, you just can't fool an Omnipresent, Omniscient Creator. Jesus must save you from the power and practice of sin. Take Jesus to be your complete salvation. Till sin is not loved, there can be no heaven for you. Sinful folks are always welcome at Christ’s Hospital. He heals and makes sinners whole. If you are sunken in your sin, Jesus can pull you out, call upon His name, He will rescue you. Your pretentious graces, fictitious attainments, empty boastings, and hollow pretences must all go.
True Repentance is a broom which sweeps the house of the soul from attic to basement. Every regenerated heart is anxious to be free from his sin. Sin’s power is felt within, we cry out against it, O wretched man that I am! We cannot bear sin, we groan to free from sin completely. Sin is a hateful and horrible thing. Sin must be evicted and divorced. Sin darkens the eye of the soul, and blinds the mental eye. Men cannot see truth, because they love sin and falsehood. Loose lives and lewd thoughts cannot understand the Gospel.
The Gospel is too pure for lovers of sin, too severe for the worldly man, too holy for lovers of carnal pleasure. Lovers of sin always tolerate laxity of morals. Sin pricks the eyeballs of the mind. How can ye believe which receive honor one of another? The love of worldly honor and gain and reputation doom the soul of man. Agnostics, doubters, and cavilers always procrastinate and make alibis for their sinful ways. A clear eye comes from a clear heart. The pure in heart shall see God; they see God’s Truth and Son with singleness of heart. The pardoned man is anxious about how he shall be kept from sinning against God in the future. The burnt child dreads the fire; they tremble even at the sight of a flame.
True Repentance is a broom which sweeps the house of the soul from attic to basement. Every regenerated heart is anxious to be free from his sin. Sin’s power is felt within, we cry out against it, O wretched man that I am! We cannot bear sin, we groan to free from sin completely. Sin is a hateful and horrible thing. Sin must be evicted and divorced. Sin darkens the eye of the soul, and blinds the mental eye. Men cannot see truth, because they love sin and falsehood. Loose lives and lewd thoughts cannot understand the Gospel.
The Gospel is too pure for lovers of sin, too severe for the worldly man, too holy for lovers of carnal pleasure. Lovers of sin always tolerate laxity of morals. Sin pricks the eyeballs of the mind. How can ye believe which receive honor one of another? The love of worldly honor and gain and reputation doom the soul of man. Agnostics, doubters, and cavilers always procrastinate and make alibis for their sinful ways. A clear eye comes from a clear heart. The pure in heart shall see God; they see God’s Truth and Son with singleness of heart. The pardoned man is anxious about how he shall be kept from sinning against God in the future. The burnt child dreads the fire; they tremble even at the sight of a flame.
The two-edged sword of the Gospel cuts two ways – one edge hits the love of sin; the other edge hits the pride of self-righteousness. Unbelief, despair, love of sin, misery, despondency, and doubts are the results of the neglect of Christ. The Cross will make you hate the sins which crucified the Savior. Salvation is the escape from a life of sin, the love of sin, and the power of sin. There may be faults, falls, shortcomings, infirmities, but the old love of sin must go.
Sin shall not have dominion over you. If you are bound for holiness, you are bound for heaven. The love of Christ drives out the old habits, and sets us from sin which we have long indulged. The Cross changes the desire of our spirit. Have done with your sinful habits. You must be born again first. You will never find salvation while you are still longing and hankering for sin, and messing around with your old dirty ways. Fall on your face, Trust Christ's blood and grace.
Sin shall not have dominion over you. If you are bound for holiness, you are bound for heaven. The love of Christ drives out the old habits, and sets us from sin which we have long indulged. The Cross changes the desire of our spirit. Have done with your sinful habits. You must be born again first. You will never find salvation while you are still longing and hankering for sin, and messing around with your old dirty ways. Fall on your face, Trust Christ's blood and grace.
What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? Have I ever been delivered from the love of sin? Where are my sins? What sin can I quit today for Jesus' sake? What can I do to glorify Christ with my body, mind, and life? These are the important questions of life.