The Lord Jesus Christ
* Jesus is not just an example to follow, He is the one and only Savior of sinners. You don't just learn lessons from the life of Christ, you must first receive eternal life from the blood of Christ.
* We're not going to heaven by the "rocket of reason" or the "ladder of logic" but by the "railroad of redemption"---the old R & R---Redemption and Reconciliation.
* Eternity is only a breath away.
* There's only two places where there's no hope. One is hell because when you go to hell, you've lost hope. The other is in heaven because when you're in heaven, you don't need hope.
* Works don't lead us to heaven. They follow us to heaven.
* A rich man is poor when he has no treasure in heaven.
* You must be heaven born to be heaven bound.
Just For Fun
* It's a terrible thing for a man to think he has the gift of preaching when nobody has the gift of listening!
* On gossips: Don't let gossips use your ears for garbage cans.
* If you wrestle with a pig, you'll both get dirty; but the pig will love it!
* We don’t have to agree. You have the right to be wrong if you want to.
* Some people brighten up a room just by leaving it.
* I’ve never seen a bride that wasn’t beautiful. I have seen a few that just barely made it.
The atheist is an orphan of the apes, and he ends up making a monkey out of himself.
Sin and Temptation
* Sin is a clinched fist in the face of God.
* One word describes men by nature - Sin.
* Nothing is a sin anymore in America.
* Victory or idolatry, Christ or things.
* No one has ever sinned themselves beyond the free grace and dying love of God.
* Anything you love more, fear more, serve more, or value more than God is your idol.
* As Christians we must be in collision with the devil not in collusion with him.
* Everything that is not nailed down is coming loose. And the devil is pulling nails as fast as he can.
* Bitterness is an acid that destroys its own container.
* Acting religious is sort of like a polished pig. You can scrub him clean, brush his teeth, and dress him in a blue ribbon; but as soon as you're not looking, he'll run right back into the mire. A scrubbing on the outside will never change his inner nature.
* You can't sweeten the well by painting the pump.
* If you were sinking in quicksand, the devil would pat you on the head.
* If Satan can't make you bad, he'll make you real busy.
* All of us fail. Use your failures as a guidepost to lead you on.
* Be humbly grateful, not grumbly hateful.
* God is the healer of broken dreams and the restorer of stolen years.
* The door to the room of opportunities swings on the hinges of opposition.
* Do your best and then sleep in peace. God is always awake.
* I asked my wife, "Will you love me when I'm old and gray?" She answered, "Sure I do." * Forgiveness is not an emotion. It's a choice.
* Home is the University of Life with parents as the professors, children as students, and life as the lab.
* If you marry a child of the devil (an unsaved person), you'll get the devil for a daddy-in-law.
* The more I learn about Jesus, the more I love my wife.
* Sometimes the marriage that starts out as an ideal, and then it becomes an ordeal, and then they are looking for a new deal.
The Word of God
* How can we know the God of the Bible, unless we first read and know the Bible of God?
* I read other books. The Bible reads me.
* To understand the part of the Bible you don't understand is to obey the part you do understand, and before long you'll begin to understand what you don't understand. Understand?
* If you have a Bible that's falling apart, you probably have a life that's not.
* The Bible is God’s love letter to his children. If you don’t understand the Bible, it’s because you’re reading someone else’s mail.
* Any time you see a ‘therefore’ in the Bible, STOP and see what it’s there for.
* If there's dust on your Bible, there's drought in your heart.
A Word to the Wise
* Character is what you are in the dark. You are what you are alone.
* God did not call us to sit, soak, and sour, BUT TO SERVE.
* You have all of God you want. If you don't have any more, it's because you're satisfied as you are.
* Lukewarm Christians are some of the best alibis of lost sinners.
* Don’t make a decision by majority vote. The majority is almost always wrong.
Victorious Living
* Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible, knows the unknowable, and receives the impossible.
* God doesn't want you to serve Him in your poor little weak way. He wants you to serve Him in His mighty, dynamic way.
* God is not interested so much in making you happy and healthy as He is in making you HOLY.
* It is only the life that is lived with the approval of Jesus and in the authority of Jesus that will bring glory to Jesus.
* We become like what we worship. True worship (humble penitent gratitude) will make us more like God.
* If I put things between me and Christ, it is idolatry. If I put Christ between me and things, it is victory!
* It is better to be hated for telling the truth than loved for telling a lie.
Growing in Grace
* A Christian is not a pessimist, nor a dewy-eyed optimist. He is a realist who must visualize and see the situation as it is.
* God blesses you to make you a blessing.
* In all spiritual things we should be natural. And in all natural things we should be spiritual.
* On our list of activities in life: There are some things we need to eliminate, some things we need to deligate, and the rest we need to dedicate.
* It's my business to do God's business, and it's His business to take care of my business.