The REAL ISSUE is that your sinful, guilty Soul needs RIGHTEOUSNESS to face God at the coming Judgment, and you don't have any righteousness of your own. You desperately need the Righteousness of Another: GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS is a living MAN seated at the right hand of God, right now: His name is JESUS CHRIST THE RIGHTEOUS. *I John 2:1; Acts 4:12* Quit wasting your time, Come to JESUS and Rest in His Righteousness: Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of GOD, and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. *Matthew 6:33* For they being ignorant of GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD. For CHRIST IS the end of the Law for RIGHTEOUSNESS to every one that believeth. *Romans 10:3-4*
Human nature maniacally says, Live for yourself, Love yourself, Save yourself. BUT, The Holy Spirit Himself and His working discovers our inward sinfulness, blots, spots, blemishes, filthiness, and foulness, and the faithful Holy Spirit persuades us to wash our Soul clean in the PRECIOUS BLOOD of the Lamb of God. The Holy Spirit's sharp axe called the Law is laid unto the Root of our self-righteousness; sin revives and we die. But then the Holy Spirit visits the Soul, and we feel His convincing, His awful withering of our self-goodness, and He begins to dry up the vain glory of self-righteousness. You begin to feel the awful weight and burden of Sin and its curse, bitterness and bondage, and you can never rest until you come and submit to JESUS' RIGHTEOUSNESS. You must be brought to the end of yourself, and only the Holy Spirit can do that for you. When the Holy Spirit begins to move, You will begin to feel the very Evil of Sin within you, only then will you highly value the LAMB OF GOD HIMSELF and His PRECIOUS BLOOD.
Self-righteous Pride is the sin that damns a man or woman forever and ever. Christ Jesus is God's RIGHTEOUSNESS manifested. God Almighty manifested Himself here on Earth putting on human flesh, in the person of Jesus Christ, in order to bleed and die for His sinful creation. If you reject Christ, it is because you think your righteousness is greater than God's RIGHTEOUSNESS. A person can't go to Hell for murder, suicide, adultery, theft, kidnapping, or worse. A man goes to hell for what he doesn't do; a man goes straight to Hell when he doesn't accept and submit to God's RIGHTEOUSNESS. Self-righteousness is the soul-damning sin. Never forget: JESUS is the Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing but *THE TRUTH*. JOHN 14:6
The greatest mistake of human nature is to attempt to build a refuge of righteousness in their own strength based on their own doings. RIGHTEOUSNESS is not found in the LAW, but at the CROSS where the LAMB OF GOD offered up Himself, and became Sin for us. RIGHTEOUSNESS is not obedience to a commandment, statute or precept, but receiving a Sinless Person, Christ Jesus. Righteousness comes not by obedience to commandments, but by submission to CHRIST. To Submit to God's Righteousness means to renounce your own "righteousness" and acknowledge your complete failure and inability to save yourself. The willful, stubborn resistance of human nature rebels and refuses to renounce self-righteousness, and to simply receive Christ's Righteousness Freely. There is coming a day of Judgment and on that day it will not matter who you think you are or what you have done, but only what The Lord Jesus Christ has Finished.
Deadly human nature loves to feel, experience, and do. Human natures exalts its efforts and experiences what God has said and what Christ has done. Human nature tries to better and perfect itself, and try to help save itself in some way or other. Christ was God manifest in the flesh, you are not. Christ was Sinless, you are not. God will only give you Christ's Righteousness, for Jesus' sake. Be ye reconciled to God; Put your full Trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross: Fix your Faith in the Finished Blood ATONEMENT of The Lamb of God, Christ Jesus, who became Sin, bore Sin in His own body on the Cross, and took the sinner's place, He did all this for you.
Be wise now: Take Christ at His word, and Rest entirely on what Christ did for you. All you can do to stay out of Hell is forsake your righteousness and trust GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS: THE LORD JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF. Self-righteous do-gooders wind up in hell. Never ever dote upon such a perverse falsehood to think, that you could ever make yourself righteous and acceptable with God in yourself. If you do well, you will be accepted, and the best you can do is to admit your own inability, quit trusting your own righteousness, and simply trust CHRIST'S RIGHTEOUSNESS. Not by works which you can do, but according to God's mercy, Christ will save you freely. Behold the LAMB OF GOD, which taketh away the SIN of the world; never look at yourself.
For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth HIS LOVE toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through HIM. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. JESUS loved you enough to die in your place, and die for your sins and pay the penalty due to your sins. JESUS died for His enemies; Christ died for the ungodly. You are like a foolish child that loves to stomp, sit down, and play in the mud puddles of SIN.
Have you ever been Born Again of the Spirit of God? If you are counting on anything you have done or will do to obtain the New Birth, you have never truly experienced the New Birth inwardly. You can never make yourself RIGHTEOUS in the sight of God by your own doings; You must be MADE RIGHTEOUS by the power of the Spirit of God. *Romans 5:19; I Corinthians 1:30; II Corinthians 5:21* You must believe on SOMEBODY (CHRIST JESUS): You don't do the works, JESUS loved you to death literally, and He has already done all the work FOR YOU - IT IS FINISHED!
God' standard of Holiness is the Law (Exodus 20; The Ten Commandments), and you have violated that standard innumerable times, secretly and publicly, throughout your lifetime. There is none RIGHTEOUS, no, not one. All have sinned, and come SHORT of the Glory of God. Now understand: The Glory of God is JESUS CHRIST. Christ Jesus was sinless and lived a sinless life in the sight of God the Father, perfectly fulfilled the Law, and He is the only absolute Righteous person who ever lived. The FATHER raised JESUS from the dead to prove His sinless death was forever effectual and able to save sinners to the uttermost. God is Right, and you are wrong; JESUS is sinless, and you are not. You need GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS: THE MAN CHRIST JESUS. If you reject God's Righteousness and die in your sins, God will judge your secrets by JESUS CHRIST the Day of Judgment. God will bring every work and deed of yours into Judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. If JESUS had not done among them the works which none other man had done, then you had not had sin: but NOW have you both seen and hated both JESUS and His FATHER. You hate JESUS CHRIST without a cause.
Human nature vehemently says, "I am right and God is wrong!" Human nature dreams up religions, sacraments, ideologies, philosophies, vain beliefs, traditions, good deeds, and moral standards as a a basis of trying to justify itself before God. The self-righteous man sincerely and zealously seeks to "be good' in his own eyes, and tries his best to make a Liar out of His Creator by competing his imaginary goodness with the perfect HOLINESS of JESUS CHRIST. Christ Jesus is GOD's RIGHTEOUSNESS, and your righteousnesses are as filthy rags. The Holy Bible calls your sins and your so-called goodness nothing but FILTH. You can never be as Righteous as JESUS CHRIST, for He knew no sin, and did no sin.
You see, the very root of the matter is RIGHTEOUSNESS. Human nature devises many ways to justify himself and try to dodge and avoid the real issue which is RIGHTEOUSNESS. Self-justification is what will damn you to Hell. Human nature has erected many religions throughout history: Darwinism, Protestantism, Taoism, Humanism, Catholicism, Buddhism, Mahometanism and the like, for the sole purpose of avoiding the root issue. The REAL ISSUE is GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS, and His name is JESUS CHRIST. Human nature tries to substitute man's righteousness for God's Righteousness, or tries to mix man's righteousness with God's Righteousness which is an impossibility. Human nature insanely insists on trusting all or parts of self-righteousness to save the soul, and refuses to forsake self-righteousness, and submit to Christ's RIGHTEOUSNESS. The root problem inside you is that you are self-righteous, that is, you think you are better than most of the folks around you, and are completely unaware and ignorant of the HOLINESS of God.
Muhammad, Islam's founder, said that Christ never died on a cross. Muhammad, the Pope, Joseph Smith, and Buddha in their own conceits made up their own religions in a vain attempt to make themselves appear or feel righteous in their own eyes or in the sight of men. Muhammad called Jesus Christ a prophet, but Muhammad did not believe that Jesus Christ ever died on a Cross atoning for the sins of the whole world. The "Jesus Christ" that Muhammad dreamed up never died on a cross, and He never died for anyone's sins. Muhammad only recognized JESUS as a prophet, like Moses, David, or Baalam. Muhammad rejected God's Righteousness; he tried to be righteous in himself without God's Righteousness. When Muhammad died, he didn't have to face Allah, because Allah is only a strange god that was devised in Muhammad's depraved mind. Muhammad had to face JESUS CHRIST, and give Him account of himself to God manifest in the flesh (See Acts 17:30-31).
Religions want you to think, that they can give you salvation you can lose at any time through their rituals, water, sacraments, or ordinances without experiencing the New Birth inwardly from the Spirit of God. The New Birth comes by you believing on JESUS CHRIST, Receiving HIM down into your inward parts, and trusting only to HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. You see, religions are what lost self-righteous humans concoct and invent, so they can do something to try and gain God's favor and mercy without trusting and receiving GOD'S SON. Men love DARKNESS rather than LIGHT, because their deeds are EVIL. Religionists set up their own moral standards and rituals, because they are seeking to justify themselves by their own self-righteous deeds. The quickest way to hell will always be through religion.
Think much of JESUS CHRIST, Trust His RIGHTEOUSNESS, and not yourself at all. God set up the conditions for a Soul to be saved, and you must be saved on God's terms, not yours. Your opinion or thought has no value whatsoever. You must be saved by the Atoning Precious Blood of The Lord Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh. God will only show His Mercy to you is through His Beloved Son's RIGHTEOUSNESS and BLOOD. If you do not put your faith solely in Christ Jesus' Precious Blood, you will meet your Creator in wrath and judgment.
If you die in your sins without Christ, you will wish for all Eternity, you would have listened intently to the Gospel and trusted to Christ alone, and not what you THOUGHT. God's RIGHTEOUSNESS died between two transgressors on Calvary's Cross. The Lord Jesus Christ was born sinless, He lived a sinless life, then God the Father made JESUS to be SIN for us on the Cross, that we might be made the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD in JESUS. Jesus died a perfect death, The Lamb of God offered up Himself, He offered the Perfect Blood Atonement for human sin on the Cross according to the Scriptures, and He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures. And now, JESUS is able to save sinners to the uttermost that come unto God BY HIM, seeing HE ever liveth to make intercession for them. But as many as received HIM, to them gave HE power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on HIS NAME.
Human nature wants to do some great thing to try and save itself, but that will only damn you quicker. There is a Fountain filled with Blood drawn from Emmanuel's veins and sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains. The dying thief rejoiced to see that Fountain in his day, and there may I, though VILE as he, wash all my sins away. Only under the Blood of God manifest in the flesh can your Soul be forever clean and safe from the wrath to come. Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of God, and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. Believe on THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, Submit to HIM and Receive HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, and thou shalt be saved from the imminent wrath of God. That's THE REAL ISSUE.