God forbid that I should "glory" save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Galatians 6:14 The term "Cross" is a divine synonym for the Sinless Substitutionary Blood Atonement of the Lamb of God for human sin. The doctrine of the Atonement is almost forgotten and scarcely mentioned in most churches today. Christ Jesus came into world to save sinners from the wrath of God; He was once offered to bear the sins of the whole world; God hath set Jesus forth to be the Propitiation for our sins. When we were yet without strength, Christ died for the ungodly. Now once in the end of the world hath Jesus appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. Now understand - The Lamb of God Himself shed His own Precious Life's Blood to save my lost sinful soul. Jesus the debt of my sins fully paid; He paid the Ransom for me.
Why did they nail Jesus of Nazareth, God manifest in the flesh, to Calvary's tree? The Answer: He was wounded for my transgressions and bruised for my iniquities; He was led to the slaughter at Calvary for me. Christ Jesus is mighty to Save; He will heed the despairing sinner's cry, and attend unto the lost soul's prayer, and come with tender Compassion and save your soul immediately on the spot.
I always want to bring the Precious Blood to the forefront of your mind's thoughts and try to bring your full attention to the Lamb who bled and died on Calvary. A full Atonement for human sins has been made, and the utmost Ransom has been paid in full. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law, being made a Curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth upon a tree. On Calvary's Cross, He was the Just dying for the unjust, that He might bring us to God. The Innocent Lamb of God bore the crimes of the guilty, so we could be forgiven freely and be forever accepted in the Beloved. Fix your Faith in the Cross, for only Jesus can fix your broken soul. On the fair pages of the Holy Bible, the Gospel of the Grace of God that creates saving faith in the heart of the sinner can still be found.
Whosoever believeth in Jesus is justified from all sin, and in that moment, the sinner is forgiven, justified, and adopted. Salvation is not of your doings, or of your superstitious ceremonies, but simply and alone by an act of trusting to Jesus Himself, and relying on His finished Atonement for your sins. If your faith is not His most Precious Blood, you missed the mark altogether.
Men and women will always glory in something or brag about themselves. Just like a bird that sings in the trees, a man sings about himself to his own shame. Men will boast in something or other, because we are full of vain glory. Men glory in the mere emptiness of themselves and in the things of this world. Some glory in their physical strength or beauty, or in their gold, which is nothing more that refined clay. Some men glory in their intellectual gifts and talents in which they have been entrusted. The money entrusted to our stewardship we sometimes think these finances belong to ourselves, and we rob God of his glory.
The all-sufficient Atonement stirs up the carnal and religious mind to enmity against God. I believe in the Cross, the whole Cross, and Nothing but the Cross. So called preachers today, hide the Atonement and conceal the Cross from hopeless sinners. Only the Blood of Jesus can do hopeless sinners good.
He that hath ears to hear, let him hear this: He that glorieth, let him glory only in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Cross. My sins are all pardoned, my guilt is all gone, I'm saved by the Blood of the Crucified Creator. A Great Price has paid my Pardon, God's own Precious Son.
To live to your own personal glory is a complete waste of your life. Please don't be foolish and perish glorying in earthly things. Do not throw your soul away in the garbage heap of Eternity for this world's applause and men's praise. Don't strive for satisfaction and success in this world's fleeting trifles. Sin's one and only remedy is found in the five bleeding wounds Jesus received on Calvary. The Cross is all your soul needs for True Rest, Divine Security, Full Satisfaction, Perfect Peace and Joy Unspeakable. Simply Gaze upon the Cross until your soul is fully healed. The Atonement is the only Pillow where your weary head can rest. Wheat or chaff, Bread or husks, Medicine or poison, Home or desolate wilderness, it's your choice. Jesus stood in my place, bore my sins, and put my sins away forever. He loved me, and gave Himself for me.
The focus of the world's mockery is always the Cross, but the very core and essence of Biblical Christianity is God's Incarnate's Precious Blood that was shed on Calvary's Cross. The Lord Jesus is the only real substitutionary sacrifice for human guilt and the vindication of divine justice; He is great Substitute that your guilty soul is looking for so desperately. Only Jesus' blood has sin-removing power. The filthiest and vilest sinners are always welcome at the Cross. Jesus' love was poured out at Calvary from His own heart's Blood.
Be wise now and understand, we do not glory in the Incarnation of Christ, even though the angels from heaven sang "Glory to God in the Highest" when Jesus was born in Bethlehem. We do not glory in the Life of Christ, even though He lived a benevolent and sinless life. We do not glory in the Resurrection of Christ, even though this is the only hope for a dying world. We do not glory in the Ascension of Christ, even though He victoriously led captivity captive and sat down on the right hand of God. We do not glory in the Second Advent of Christ, even though one day He will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God, and take all of His saints to be with Him forever. We do not glory in the Words of Christ, even though through these words we believe on The Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. Our soul's free and eternal Salvation hinges and pivots solely upon the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ upon the Cross.
"Cross" = The Sinless Substitutionary Blood Atonement of the Lamb of God for human sin.
Justified Through Faith in His Blood - Worthy is The Lamb!
Thank you Lord Jesus for Saving my soul,
Thank you Lord Jesus for making me Whole,
Thank you Lord Jesus for giving to me thy Great Salvation so Rich and Free.