The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a Contrite spirit. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a Contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth Eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a Contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the Contrite ones. For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the Lord: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a Contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.
The Holy Spirit Himself is the only Person who can cause a sinner to begin to soberly think about his sins, his soul, Christ's love and blood, and Eternity. The Holy Spirit through His operations causes the sinner's heart to become Contrite, broken, humble. A Christian should witness and communicate the Gospel to the lost sinner, but the Holy Spirit must move, work, and give the Increase, or nothing eternal will ever happen in the heart. The Contrite spirit senses he has broken God's laws, rejected the Savior, and has justly earned divine justice and recompense. The Contrite heart doesn't think much of himself; he is the heart that begins to have trouble with his sins, and he realizes that he has sinned carelessly against a merciful Creator who bled and died for him. Sins will begin to irritate and bother the Contrite heart, and then he turns and comes to the Cross for relief and redemption. The Contrite heart condemns himself and repents, he seeks Mercy in the Precious Blood of Christ, and then the Lord Jesus Christ in mercy lifts Him up.
The Contrite ones are those that are allergic to sin and sensitive to the Holy Spirit; they are poor in spirit; they don't want to offend God; they want to stay in communion with the Spirit. The Contrite heart will never boast of its own goodness, but only the Goodness of the Lamb of God. The contrite spirit sighs and aches when it sins against Christ Jesus. When you despise your sins, God will have mercy on you; but as long as you love your sins and esteem yourself, God despises you. The Contrite ones tremble at God's words and seek to obey His words the best they can at all times and in all situations.
Dear Lord Jesus, I have no righteousness of my own, or any claim to your Mercy. If you were to damn me, You would be just in doing so; but if You save my soul through Your Blood, I will thank You and be in gratitude to You forever. O Holy Spirit, please give me a Contrite heart, and help me to despise and depart from my sins.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Sunday, June 21, 2015
The Right Way to Plead 3
Humble yourself and plead with your Merciful Maker. Send your prayers straight up to Christ only, look to Him who is gracious. Plead in faith the name and merits of God's only begotten Son. Plead for Christ's blessing and presence. Lift your whole soul up to Christ Jesus in adoring love - let your thoughts, desires, longings, pleading, and praise be set toward Him. The best pleadings are those that cleave to the Lamb of God. Go and plead your need before the Throne of Grace.
Plead your sins, tell the Savior how wretched and undone you are without His grace. Plead your sinfulness as a reason for God's mercy. Plead all your needs before Him. Come unto Jesus empty, bring nothing but your sin and misery. Salvation is not what you bring to Christ, salvation is what you take and receive from Christ. As long as you remain an unbeliever, you are without Christ, condemned already, an enemy of God by wicked works, the wrath of God abides on you, and in extreme danger of eternal damnation.
This is only way to plead - not your merits, but your misery, your sins, your guiltiness before God. Plead the Precious Blood, and you will not fail. Jesus came not to call good people, but sinners to repentance. The Son of Man didn't come to seek and save the good, but the lost. Never plead your innocence and goodness. The right way to plead is your misery, impotence, danger, guilt, your miserable and undone condition. Read and study the word of God, and plead the Holy Sprit to give you light. Plead for more and more grace. Humbly plead Guilty, and leave your soul in Jesus' hands. Let your faith be fixed alone on Jesus. If you mix anything of yours with Christ, you are undone. God will only save you for Christ's sake.
Plead for God's grace and love. Christ has risen from the dead, plead at His feet. For Jesus' sake must be your plea. Bow your head and heart humbly, plead the Precious Blood on your guilty soul. It is an insult to offer a pardon to a self-righteous man. Asking, seeking, pleading, knocking, importunate prayers. Nothing can save your soul but undeserved mercy, pity, and free grace. Come to the place where God can meet you in free pardon. Stand as a condemned criminal at the judgment bar, and plead Guilty and then plead Jesus' blood and merits, only there God can have pity on you.
Jesus is the Propitiation for human sin. Whosoever believeth in Jesus' blood shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Trust in Him, rest your guilty soul alone upon Him. Cast your sin burden on the Lord Jesus Christ. Lay hold on Christ Himself by faith, plead His promises, trust His grace. Let your only desire be to please the Lord. Let your life be always looking unto Jesus, pleading with Jesus, thinking of Jesus, trusting in Jesus, cleaving to Jesus, following Jesus with purpose of heart.
Trust your cares and doubts aways at the Cross - cast your guilty soul on His blood and merits, only this can hold you up. All we like sheep have gone astray, and broke the law of God, all wandering some different way, but all downward towards hell. But Christ's life and blood paid the Ransom for sinners. The Lord of glory became a Jewish man and died for guilty men.
Jesus' blood was freely shed to satisfy the law's demands, and take away our guilt. You have delighted in sin a long time, but your conscience was pricked, you own your guilt, and then you look to Jesus' blood for mercy. Plead for lost sinners that have no love for the Savior. Renounce all hope of self-salvation, plead guilty, plead Christ's finished cross-work, and you are accepted in the Beloved.
Plead your sins, tell the Savior how wretched and undone you are without His grace. Plead your sinfulness as a reason for God's mercy. Plead all your needs before Him. Come unto Jesus empty, bring nothing but your sin and misery. Salvation is not what you bring to Christ, salvation is what you take and receive from Christ. As long as you remain an unbeliever, you are without Christ, condemned already, an enemy of God by wicked works, the wrath of God abides on you, and in extreme danger of eternal damnation.
This is only way to plead - not your merits, but your misery, your sins, your guiltiness before God. Plead the Precious Blood, and you will not fail. Jesus came not to call good people, but sinners to repentance. The Son of Man didn't come to seek and save the good, but the lost. Never plead your innocence and goodness. The right way to plead is your misery, impotence, danger, guilt, your miserable and undone condition. Read and study the word of God, and plead the Holy Sprit to give you light. Plead for more and more grace. Humbly plead Guilty, and leave your soul in Jesus' hands. Let your faith be fixed alone on Jesus. If you mix anything of yours with Christ, you are undone. God will only save you for Christ's sake.
Plead for God's grace and love. Christ has risen from the dead, plead at His feet. For Jesus' sake must be your plea. Bow your head and heart humbly, plead the Precious Blood on your guilty soul. It is an insult to offer a pardon to a self-righteous man. Asking, seeking, pleading, knocking, importunate prayers. Nothing can save your soul but undeserved mercy, pity, and free grace. Come to the place where God can meet you in free pardon. Stand as a condemned criminal at the judgment bar, and plead Guilty and then plead Jesus' blood and merits, only there God can have pity on you.
Jesus is the Propitiation for human sin. Whosoever believeth in Jesus' blood shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Trust in Him, rest your guilty soul alone upon Him. Cast your sin burden on the Lord Jesus Christ. Lay hold on Christ Himself by faith, plead His promises, trust His grace. Let your only desire be to please the Lord. Let your life be always looking unto Jesus, pleading with Jesus, thinking of Jesus, trusting in Jesus, cleaving to Jesus, following Jesus with purpose of heart.
Trust your cares and doubts aways at the Cross - cast your guilty soul on His blood and merits, only this can hold you up. All we like sheep have gone astray, and broke the law of God, all wandering some different way, but all downward towards hell. But Christ's life and blood paid the Ransom for sinners. The Lord of glory became a Jewish man and died for guilty men.
Jesus' blood was freely shed to satisfy the law's demands, and take away our guilt. You have delighted in sin a long time, but your conscience was pricked, you own your guilt, and then you look to Jesus' blood for mercy. Plead for lost sinners that have no love for the Savior. Renounce all hope of self-salvation, plead guilty, plead Christ's finished cross-work, and you are accepted in the Beloved.
Come To Your Senses
This is a wake call for the lost soul lingering in sin and self-righteousness. Let's spell it out plainly, so you won't miss Him: *J-E-S-U-S*, you must implicitly trust *HIM*, and not yourself at all. Faith in His Blood is key to your soul's eternal safety. Bypass all religion, and proceed immediately to the Cross and trust to the Lamb of God alone who paid the consequences for all your sins and satisfied the divine justice and wrath of God you deserve. *Romans 5:9* The righteousness you will need to get to heaven on your own is 100% perfect righteousness without sin from the day you're born, until the day you die. Anything less, and you're not good enough to go to Heaven. Whatever religion you follow, whatever works you do, it won't matter. If you have sinned one time in your life (and you have), that means you're not good enough to go to Heaven. If after that one sin, you never commit another one, you can never undo that one sin against God. You need to stop trying to pay for your own sins - you can't. Christ died for the ungodly.
Your present condition is that you are insecure and deteriorating; you're falling apart every day. You've made a mess of things. You don't need a new leaf, you need a new life. You can't cover up your sins with your good works. You've got into sin that you can't get out of. You've rejected Christ, and thought you could live without Him. It's a lot easier to get into sin, than to get out of sin. You're going nowhere fast. If you fool around with sin, the first thing you know, it's got you. He that commits sin is the servant of sin.
You're a sinner by nature, and you can't stop sinning, period. You have built up a sin debt that is going to send you straight to Hell. No 'religion' or program or pill on this earth can help you - you're in a real mess. Christ Jesus Himself is everything your sinful soul needs - that's right.
You have sin trouble. You are were born in sin, you are a sinner by nature and by practice. You are lost in the darkness of sin, condemned, and under the wrath of God (John 3:36). You are dead in trespasses and sins, you are alone in the world without hope and without God. Your bad outweighs your good, because you have no good. You are sitting in the cell of Sin on Eternal Death Row awaiting execution. You're going to have to face your record at the White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:11-15). Sin has definitely complicated your life. You need help from on high - Ye must be born again of the Spirit of God (John 3:8). Your filthy rags of self-righteousness don't impress God one bit.
You have sin trouble. You are were born in sin, you are a sinner by nature and by practice. You are lost in the darkness of sin, condemned, and under the wrath of God (John 3:36). You are dead in trespasses and sins, you are alone in the world without hope and without God. Your bad outweighs your good, because you have no good. You are sitting in the cell of Sin on Eternal Death Row awaiting execution. You're going to have to face your record at the White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:11-15). Sin has definitely complicated your life. You need help from on high - Ye must be born again of the Spirit of God (John 3:8). Your filthy rags of self-righteousness don't impress God one bit.
Only Jesus Christ can bail you out of the deadly mess your sins have gotten you into. Jesus will take your all indebtedness and pay for it, if you will simply yield, submit, and let Him do the work within you. You'd be crazy to turn Him down, and lose your soul in the Lake of Fire. Come to your senses sinner. You have a sin debt you can never pay, but God's Son paid for all your sins with His own blood. Go to HIM now by Faith, and exchange your sins for His Righteousness. Jesus is the real deal. You can never be sufficiently righteous in yourself to make it to Heaven. Fix all your faith and confidence in the Bleeding Lamb of God who died that sinners might live. The real Gospel is never popular with self-righteous, sin-loving human nature. Humanistic self-loving sinners hate the free Gospel of the Grace of God.
It doesn't matter if you see yourself better than most people. You must be Perfect in God's sight, not in your sight. In God's sight, no sinner is good enough. Jesus Christ is 100% Righteous, you are 100% sinful, you must forsake yourself, and rely on His Blood and receive His Righteousness to cover your naked sinful soul. Christ's Righteousness is the ONLY way to Heaven. There's no one good enough to go to Heaven, you must repent and abandon your trust in your vain religion and self-righteousness. You'll die in your sins without Jesus Christ. At Calvary's Cross you are now freely offered a full pardon of all your sins. You can't get any glory, and you don't get to boast in anything you've done, you must trust and glory only in what Christ Jesus has done FOR YOU - this is the Gospel. Your only hope of Heaven is Christ's Righteousness, and not your own. Just as you are without trying to better yourself, simply come to Christ for everything you need - that is all.
You must personally ask Jesus Christ Himself to give you His Righteousness, because you have no righteousness at all. You're not good enough, and you can't *live it*. Never trust yourself, the only way to be saved from your sins is simply to believe in the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Abandon your self-righteousness now. Flee from the wrath to come on your sins. Say this, "God be merciful to me a sinner." Religion says that a man can help save himself from sin by his own good works, but that is a lie. You have failed, sinned, transgressed, and come short of the glory of God. You've never been good enough, and you'll never be good enough - Submit yourself Now to the Righteousness of God - Jesus Christ Himself. There's no way to please God without HIM. Jesus has already paid for ALL your sins, they are all completely paid for - Simply Trust His Blood Atonement Now. Come to your senses. Believe that Jesus Christ was God manifest in the flesh, He was virgin born, sinless, crucified, buried, and risen from the dead for ruined sinners. And then stop trusting your human goodness, stop trusting your efforts, and place all your trust on the Person and Blood of Jesus Christ. Christ died for the ungodly, and whosoever believeth in Him hath everlasting life.
Christ Jesus, God Manifest in the Flesh, came into the world to save sinners, especially you. You want to go to Heaven, trust Jesus Christ's shed blood; you want to go to Hell, just trust something else. Please have mercy on your sin-laden soul, take it to the only Person who can save and protect it from the Wrath of God (John 3:36; Romans 5:9; John 19:30). Give up your evil practices, renounce your sins, abhor your own righteousness, trust in nothing but Jesus' doing and dying. Atheism is simply a devilish hostility and hatred of the Holy Scriptures and Jesus Christ Himself - THE TRUTH. Human nature naturally hates the holiness and goodness of God. Genuine faith and trust in the Sinless Blood and Perfect Righteousness of Jesus Christ will eternally protect your soul from the wrath of God.
Religion teaches that if you're good enough, long enough, you may eventually earn the favor of God and eternal life. Religion says believe in yourself, and you'll get past the White Throne Judgment. Trust in self, and any confidence in your own efforts will surely land you in the Lake of Fire. Believing in yourself, helping yourself, esteeming yourself, and doing the best you can - this is the fastest way to Hell. You must have the absolute Righteousness of God, or you will never please God, because He is *HOLY*, and you are not. To believe in Christ is to *give up* trusting in yourself and to wholly trust in the Person and Blood of Jesus Christ Himself. It is all about HIM, not you. The Gospel offends human nature. If you are weary of striving to earn heaven, come to Jesus and He will give your lost soul REST. God's own Purity and Holiness is given to needy sinners as a free gift at the foot of the Cross. Only the Imputed Righteousness of Jesus Christ to your soul can make you acceptable in God's Sight. Come to your senses about your danger and guilt, and then come on to the Cross with the rest of us sinners.
The Right Way to Plead 2
We must receive the Giver, accept the Gift of God, Eternal Life, and then bless the Giver, Jesus Christ Himself. Salvation is of free mercy, go directly to the Cross and cast yourself on Christ's free mercy. Confess your need of God's mercy. Plead your misery and sinfulness low at Jesus' feet. Plead your inability, your danger, your lost state, and undone condition. You are utterly lost without Christ. Jesus, please rescue me by your Power and Love.
Your soul is teeming with sins; you are beset with sin. Let Jesus be the Captain of your salvation; only He can win the battle with your sins. God's mercy is free. Trust in Jesus' Precious Blood, and you shall have free instantaneous, perfect, everlasting Pardon, safety on earth, glory in Heaven, all for nothing, all for nothing, the free gift of a gracious God to undeserving rebels. Your need is your only right. Plead your need, your sin and wretchedness. Plead with Jesus the compassion of His heart. Plead His unspeakable love and precious blood. Not what you hope to do, but acknowledge your helplessness. Plead God's promises in Jesus.
This is how to plead, not your merits, but your guiltiness before God. These are your only arguments. I can do nothing, I have nothing to bring. The right way to plead is Guilty! It is foolish for a beggar to plead that he is not in want. To say, "I am not guilty," is to say, "I don't need mercy," to say, " I have not transgressed," is to say, "I don't need to be forgiven," is to commit spiritual suicide, and shut the door of grace in your own face. Plead Jesus' Atonement. Plead guilty to the charges against you, and ask for God's free mercy only available at the bloody Cross of Calvary.
Be doubly earnest in pleading with the Holy Ghost to come and aid your labors. Ye must be converted, ask God for repentance, ye must be born again, and be purchased with the Savior's Blood and regenerated by the Holy Ghost. You have to the Blood of Jesus to plead and trust, you have His Righteousness to cover you, and His Blood Atonement to satisfy God and your conscience. Lord, I am a guilty soul, I have no merit to plead, I appeal only to your rich and free Mercy in Jesus, I trust in your love and blood alone. Through Jesus Christ God forgives sinners freely. I trust in your dear Son. Save me for His sake. Lord Jesus, save my soul now, do as Thou hast said.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
*Romans 5:9*
It was November of 1986 in Pensacola, FL, and a Christian gentleman named Mr. Ron Sutek asked me to read the book of Romans until I bumped into the Lord Jesus Christ. I did just that; and I can't remember how many times it took, but I bumped into the living Savior in Romans 5:9. It was something about that word *BLOOD* that caught my attention. Shortly after that, I knelt down by my bedside in Barracks 3469, Room 104C on NAS Pensacola, and I met the true and living God (Christ Jesus) when I trusted to His Precious Blood. Now. I was a lost cause, a hopeless case, a miserable wretch, but now I'm on my to New Jerusalem for Free, because of the dear Lamb's Innocent Blood that paid the awful penalty for my sins. Have you ever bumped into Jesus? I know this: If you ever do, you won't be able to keep it a Secret. smile emoticon
Much more then, being now justified by His Blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. *Romans 5:9*
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Will Your Good Outweigh Your Bad?
One breakage of the perfect law of God involves transgression against the whole of it (James 2:10). In order to be saved by works, there must be an absolutely perfect, continuously perfect obedience to all of God's divine law, in thought, and word, and deed; and that obedience must be rendered cheerfully, and from the heart at all times. This is what Christ Jesus did for you while He lived here on earth. You cannot keep the perfect Law of God, because you're a sinner. Please read on to see if your good will outweigh your bad at the White Throne Judgment.
“Cursed is every man that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the Law to do them.” (Galatians 3:10) Unconverted man, are you guilty, or not guilty? Have you continued perfectly “in all things that are written in the book of the Law to do them?” You wouldn't dare plead, “Not guilty.” But at times human nature is bold enough to do so. Only the Holy Ghost can convince a man he is a sinner.
Do you know what the Law really is? The human unregenerate mind may understand the outer shell of the Law, but remember that within the Law it is spiritual; there is a much broader and deeper spirit of the Law than the mere words on the written page of the Bible.
Please take a few minutes and look into God’s Holy Mirror (The Ten Commandments) and see if you have broken it at all …
1st Commandment - “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.” What! Have you ever loved anything better than God? Have you ever made a god of your belly, or of your income or business, or of your family, or of your own Self? Oh! surely you do not say you are guiltless here. Whatever you throw money at is what you love most. Have you always put God first in your life, and loved Him with all your heart, soul, mind, strength, and wallet? Of course not – Only Jesus Christ kept the 1st Commandment perfectly. The Bible tells us that no sinner has ever kept this commandment (Psalm 14:2-3). Have you loved your neighbor, or been selfish with your time and money? Th 1st Commandment means we should love God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. Have you always put God first in your life? Anything we love more than God is a self-made ‘god’.
2nd Commandment - “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.” What! Have you ever in your whole life set up anything in the place of God? If your conscience would speak to you truly, it would say, “You have been a mammon (money) worshipper, you have been a belly worshipper, you have bowed down before gold and silver; you have cast yourself down before man's honor and applause, you have bowed before sinful pleasure, you have made a god of drunkenness, lust, uncleanness, or unchaste pleasures!” Who is God to you? Have you created a god in your mind to suit yourself? When we set up an ‘I-dol in our heart’ (I, Me, Self, My way) - this is called idolatry.
3rd Commandment - Will you dare to say you have ever taken the name of the Lord thy God in vain? If you have ever sworn profanely, yet surely in common conversation you have sometimes made use of God’s name when you ought not to have done so. Have you always hallowed that most holy name - Jesus Christ? Have you ever called upon God without necessity? Have you ever read God's words with a trifling spirit? Have you ever heard His Gospel without paying hearty reverence to it? Surely you are guilty here. Have you taken God’s holy name in vain? Have you ever used “God,” “Jesus,” or “Christ,” as a cuss word? (“Oh my G-d!, GD!, or JC!) If you’ve taken God’s name in vain, what you’ve done is taken the name of the God who gave you life, and used it as a cuss word to express disgust. That is called blasphemy, and if you’ve done it, that makes you a “blasphemer.” In Psalm 139:20, the Bible says that God’s enemies take His name in vain. Have you ever used God’s name as a curse word? Oh, my G-d! or Jesus Christ! This is called Blasphemy. We will give account to God for every idle word that we speak in the day of Judgment.
4th Commandment – And as for that Fourth Commandment, which relates to the keeping of the Sabbath — “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy,” — have you ever broken it? Oh, just shut your mouth and plead guilty, for these four commandments were enough to completely condemn you! Do you set aside a day each week to sincerely worship God? Have you ever done any work on the sabbath? “The Law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul.”
5th Commandment - “Honour thy father and thy mother.” What! Will you say you have kept this commandment throughout all of your youth up until now? Were you ever disobedient or rebellious in your youth? Have you ever kicked against your mother’s love, and striven against your father’s rebuke? Turn over the pages of your history till you come to your childhood: see if you cannot find it written there. Ah yes, and in your manhood too, you may confess that you have not always spoken to your parents as you should, or always treated them with that honor they deserved, and which God commanded you to give them. Have you always honored your father and mother in all things? Honor means to make them proud, and not to shame or grieve them. Have you ever brought your parents shame? You may have forgotten all the sins of your youth, but God hasn’t. The pure light of God’s Law shines and shows us all the unseen dust in the air (heart sins) of our life. Have you always honored your parents in a way that is pleasing in God’s sight? What about all the secret sins of your youth (disrespect, defiance, rebellion, selfishness, disobedience, secret hatred, backtalk)?
6th Commandment - “Thou shalt not kill.” – You may never have killed anyone, but have you ever been angry at someone or hated them? He that is angry with his brother is a murderer; you are surely guilty here. We break God’s law with our thoughts and intents about people, as well as our actions. Have you ever wished someone was dead?
7th Commandment - “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” You have committed unclean things and you are this very day stained deeply with lust; but if you have been chaste, I am sure you are not guiltless. Has no lascivious thought every crossed your mind? Has no impurity ever stirred your imagination? Surely if you should dare to say No, you would be brazen-faced with impudence. Have you ever looked at someone and had lustful thoughts? If you’ve ever looked with lust, that makes you an “adulterer” in heart. Jesus said, “Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart.” (Matthew 5:28) Lustful imaginations are adultery of the mind. Remember - God sees and hears your thought life (Proverbs 15:3). “God shall bring thee into judgment with every secret thing. God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ. Having eyes full of adultery."
8th Commandment - “Thou shalt not steal.” – Have you ever stolen anything (no matter how small)? Candy, time at work, money, items from work, school, or store. If you have, that makes you a ‘thief’. Have you stolen your own life from God, which He gave you and lived it all for yourself? If so, you have robbed God. All have sinned; there is no man that sinneth not. You have done the deed, you have committed robbery. But if you have tried to be honest, yet surely there have been times in which you have felt an inclination to defraud your neighbor, and there may have been some petty, or maybe some gross frauds which you have secretly and silently committed, on which the law of the land could not lay its hand, but which, nevertheless, was a breach of this Law. Have you ever stolen anything? (No matter how small the item, or how long ago?) Stealing just one thing (regardless of its size or monetary value), according to God’s standards, makes you a “thief.” In I Corinthians 6:10, God says, “No thieves… shall inherit the kingdom of God. Be honest now - Have you ever been lazy on the job and stole time and pay?
9th Commandment - Have you ever repeated a story to your neighbor’s disadvantage, which was untrue? Have you ever misconstrued his motives? Have you ever misinterpreted his intentions? Have you ever told a lie? (White lies and exaggerations count.) Telling just one lie, according to God’s standards, makes you a “liar”. In Revelation 21:8, God says, “all liars shall have their part in the lake of fire. In Proverbs 12:22, Lying lips are an abomination to the LORD. Have you ever told a lie in all your days? Have you always been perfectly honest in all of your dealings with others? If you have ever told a lie (or exaggerated), that makes you a liar. The Bible warns in Revelation 21:8, that “All liars shall have their part in the lake of fire.” “For by the Law is the knowledge of sin.”
10th Commandment - And who among us can dare to say that he is guiltless of the last of the Ten Commandments — “Thou shalt not covet?” for we have all desired to have more than God has given us; and at times our wandering heart has lusted after things which God forbidden. Why, to plead not guilty, is to plead your own foolishness; for surely, my friend, the very reading of the law is enough to condemn your sinful soul. The Law makes all of us cry, “Guilty O Lord, guilty! I need your mercy now.” Have you ever coveted anything that belonged to another person (their spouse, house, car, clothes, health, job, toys, looks, or anything)? The Bible says the “covetous” will not inherit the kingdom of God. Covetousness (secret unlawful desires) leads to selfishness and greed. God sees our thoughts and desires. Covetousness is where all sin begins. Have you jealously desired ‘anything’ that belongs to others (spouse, health, position, looks, house, car, money, clothes)? Greed is a result of covetousness (playing the lottery, gambling).
Almost everyone thinks they’re a good person in their own eyes. But the question we should be asking is this: “Am I good enough to go to Heaven?” How would you know? The way to find out is to ask yourself if you have obeyed the Ten Commandments (God’s Mirror). Most people say things like this, “Well, if anyone’s good enough to get to Heaven, it is me. I try to do my best everyday, but we all make mistakes. I’m not as bad as some people. Everyone sins at one time or another; we’re all human.”
If you are honest with yourself, you will admit that you cannot keep all of God’s commandments perfectly. The Bible says, “There is none that doeth good [moral perfection], no, not one. Whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” God’s law demands perfect righteousness in order to enter heaven. You have no real righteousness to offer God, because your sin has defiled you. Only the Lord Jesus Christ lived a perfect, sinless life. You must go to Jesus Christ for “True Righteousness.” You need God’s holiness in order to meet God safely at the Judgment. You can only receive God’s holiness as a free gift; you cannot earn it, because you’re a sinner; you’ve already sinned in your past. Your self-righteousness is no good. Only a man’s self-righteousness can damn him, and only Jesus’ righteousness can save him. You’re in a precarious situation, because you’ve broken God’s law, and rejected God’s Precious Son. Isn’t it true, that every time, you’ve lied, deceived, stolen, or been greedy, lustful, or dishonest, you knew it was wrong? The Bible says, “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good [conscience], and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” “The law entered that the offence might abound.” “Christ died for the ungodly.”
After reading this, do you still think your good will outweigh your bad at White Throne Judgment? Do you think you’ve kept all the Ten Commandments perfectly? When God judges you by His holy standard, will you be innocent or guilty? What is your eternal destiny going to be…will you end up in Heaven or Hell when you die? The greatest sin anyone can commit is Rejecting or Neglecting God’s Son. Your sins made Jesus bleed; flee now to His Cross for eternal safety.
Only One Person ever kept the commandments of God perfectly on Earth and that was God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus of Nazareth was God manifest in the flesh; He shed His atoning blood, so He could forgive your sins freely. He died for your sins and then rose from the dead the third day according to the Scriptures. Only simple faith in His Perfect Righteousness and Precious Blood ‘alone’ can save you from your sins. Your sins deserve eternal hell fire and wrath. JESUS suffered your penalty on Calvary’s Cross. Come to Him now and exchange your guilt for His grace, your sins for His righteousness. He rose from the dead the third day. He is willing to save now. The Bible says, "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." “Ye must be born again.” Please don’t turn Jesus away. Rely and depend on Him alone. Come to Him just as you are with all your sin. Let Him wash your soul and heart clean in God’s blood. Trust Him alone!
The Right Way to Plead 1
Leave off attempting to work for your salvation by an obedience of your own. Christ must save you from top to bottom, head to toe; God's great salvation is *All for Nothing*. To argue human merit is to plead against yourself. Take your place as a condemned criminal in the sight of God. Simple faith in God's dear bleeding Son is the only way to be reconciled to God. You must receive the Atonement freely, you cannot earn it, deserve it, complete it, or add anything of yours to it. The Atonement is a Free Gift. The precious Gospel word is "Receive". Broken, ruined, condemned sinners must "Receive" divine grace. If you have nothing to offer, you are the very sinner who can 'Receive' Christ's free salvation. Salvation from sin is a divine gift from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself - God manifest in the flesh.
Salvation can never be deserved, but only freely bestowed by God on the unworthy sinner, without any regard to human merit. We must accept the Gift, and then bless the Giver. Salvation is of free mercy, go now directly to the Cross and cast your guilty soul on Christ's divine blood. Confess your need of God's free forgiveness of sins through Christ's doing and dying. Plead not human goodness for you have none, but divine mercy and the merits Jesus alone. Plead earnestly and importunately and contritely with humility and resignation in Jesus' name, and you shall be heard. Never put your trust in anything that comes from you, but look only to Jesus. Appeal for mercy through Jesus' merits and blood. Free justification through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation.
Pleading is the very marrow of prayer. Plead the blood and merits of Jesus instantly. The master-key of prayer is the blood and name of Jesus who died to save sinners and rose again, and now He ever lives in heaven to save unto the uttermost. Plead with God and fight your sins with hope in His mercy. Plead the promises of God in simple childlike faith. Go and plead your need before God, plead your sins, tell God you are wretched and undone without His grace and mercy. Plead the greatness of your sins as the reason for mercy, the damnable character of your sins, the certainty of your damnation. This is the way to plead - not your merits, but your misery, your sins, your guiltiness before God - these are the sinner's arguments.
The right way to plead is to plead your misery, impotence, and danger. Plead your miserable and undone condition. Confess your sin, own your guiltiness. Then come and plead the blood of Jesus Christ. There is no answer for your sins and guilt but Christ's atoning blood. Jesus came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance; He came not to save the good, but the ungodly. Christ justifies the ungodly - the unrighteous man Jesus make righteous through His own blood and merits.
Plead now, spread out your case before God, order your arguments, plead the precious blood of Jesus, set the wounds of Christ before the Father's eyes, bring up the atoning Sacrifice, mention always the Atonement of the great Substitute for sinners, look to Calvary's Lamb. Receive Christ's merits, and be emptied of your own. Salvation is the pure gift of God, not of your works, not the result of human merit, but of free favor only; not of man, but of the Lord Jesus Christ alone. Leave off your doing, and let Christ do all for you; leave off looking to yourself, and just come as a lost sinner and look to Jesus.
Humble, contrite, importunate pleaders are heard in heaven. All your hope lies in divine mercy, for you have no merit. Take up your true position as a condemned sinner. Confess your sins, honestly plead guilty, admit your condemnation, heartily acknowledge your wickedness. Plead Jesus only. If you love Jesus keep His commandments, feed His sheep, give yourself to His service, promote His glory. Look to the finished Propitiation, the Great Forgiver, the living Mediator, the infinite merits of Immanuel. You must come to Jesus with nothing, and ask Him for everything - He is the way, the whole way, the free way, nothing to pay, nothing to do, nothing to be, nothing to bring, no human merits, no deservings, no preparations; the forgiveness of sins is all of grace; all the pure gift of God. The neglect of private prayer devours the strength of the Christian.
Only plead your misery, your inability, your danger, your demerit, your sinfulness. God only saves sinners by grace. Self-righteousness is an offense to God's gospel and an insult to the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Plead with God your miserable and undone condition. You are utterly lost without Christ. God's mercy is Free. Trust in Jesus Christ alone and you shall have free, instantaneous, perfect, everlasting, divine pardon; safety on earth, glory in Heaven, all for nothing, the free gift of a gracious God to undeserving rebels. Your need of a Savior is your only right. Plead your need, your sin, your wretchedness. Plead for God's mercy in the free gift of Christ. Plead with Jesus, the compassion of His heart. Plead Jesus' love and blood, not what you have done or hope to do. Only acknowledge your misery. You are a spiritual beggar who needs heavenly alms. The beggar's need is his best plea. Simple faith in Him who loved you and gave Himself for you saves the guilty soul. Away with self, cleave to Christ, let Him be glorified. The true suppliant will never mention his own righteousness. Sinners can never merit anything but eternal death, Eternal Life must be the free gift of God. Rags are the attire of a beggar. Your ruin and miseries are your arguments for mercy, not your good doings. Christ my Ransom died in my place.
This is how to plead - not your merits, but your misery, your sinfulness, your guiltiness before God. These are your only arguments. I can do nothing, I have nothing to bring. The right way to plead is "Guilty!" It is foolish for a beggar to plead that he is not in want. You are guilty, you need mercy, you have transgressed God's law, you need to be forgiven. Don't commit spiritual suicide. You are a guilty soul, you have no merits to plead, appeal to God's free mercy. God only freely forgives sinners through the infinite merits of Jesus Christ's sinless blood. Plead guilty to all charges, then plead Christ's Blood Atonement. Be doubly earnest in pleading with the Holy Ghost to have mercy on your soul.
You must be converted, repent, ye must be Born Again (John 3:7), and be purchased with the Savior's precious blood, and regenerated by the Holy Spirit. Only the Blood Atonement of the Lamb of God can satisfy the divine demands of God, and purge you of the power, guilt, love, and habit of sin. Away with 'all' your fancied good works, vain boastings, and empty religious doings. There was never a sinner saved yet who merited it.
Every sinner without Christ has no hope, no God, and he's no good; he is a wretch undone, misery incarnate, he is perishing and guilty, and his soul will soon be lost forever in outer darkness where there is no light, and in the the flames of hell where there is no hope of escape. Evolution is a fatal delusion of the grossest kind. Trust your soul in Jesus' hands, never build on your own righteousness, look only to the bleeding wounds of Immanuel (God with us). By simple faith and trust, Lay hold on the Gospel and Eternal Life, lay hold on Christ Jesus Himself the Savior of sinners. Simply trust in the Blood of the Crucified One. Never trust to anything but Christ Jesus.
Sin only breeds pride, and then misery and shame. Leave off loving your sins, for those darling secret sins of yours will drag you down into the pit of hell where you belong. Your own conscience tells you that you are guilty before God when you lie, steal, and lust. Your soul is covered with sin, and only Christ's Precious Blood take it away, only He can cleanse and forgive you. There is no hope for a poor sinner apart from the Cross of Jesus. Take care that you heartily plead the blood and mercy of Jesus Christ. A prayerless and thankless soul is a Christ-less soul. Your lost soul is teeming with sin. Simply trust Christ, simply trust HIM with your soul now.
Only the sinless bloody Sacrifice of the Lamb of God can satisfy the demands of God's divine law and justice. You must not trust in your doings at all, leave off your doing altogether, there must be a complete denial of all your doings. Stop trusting in yourself today. God be merciful to me a sinner, please save my soul for His dear sake who shed His own blood for my guilty soul. Cry out to God for mercy, plead with Christ for His free pardon of sin. Plead the precious blood Atonement of Christ for guilty sinners. God gives rich, free, unmerited mercy to underserving sinners who call upon Jesus' name.
Place all your confidence in the grace of God in Christ. God will never reject the sincere cry for the Blood of His dear Son. Come to the Cross as a rebellious and guilty sinner having no merit. Simply receive, believe, take and enjoy Christ Himself now. Plead for strength to do God's will. Plead the Sinless Savior's blood now. Use no other argument when you plead with God but the name and blood of His dear Son. Your soul is starving and in a case of destitution, a wretch undone, your need is your best plea. *Every day*, you are just the person who needs a Savior, confess your need, plead for mercy at the foot of the Cross.
Salvation can never be deserved, but only freely bestowed by God on the unworthy sinner, without any regard to human merit. We must accept the Gift, and then bless the Giver. Salvation is of free mercy, go now directly to the Cross and cast your guilty soul on Christ's divine blood. Confess your need of God's free forgiveness of sins through Christ's doing and dying. Plead not human goodness for you have none, but divine mercy and the merits Jesus alone. Plead earnestly and importunately and contritely with humility and resignation in Jesus' name, and you shall be heard. Never put your trust in anything that comes from you, but look only to Jesus. Appeal for mercy through Jesus' merits and blood. Free justification through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation.
Pleading is the very marrow of prayer. Plead the blood and merits of Jesus instantly. The master-key of prayer is the blood and name of Jesus who died to save sinners and rose again, and now He ever lives in heaven to save unto the uttermost. Plead with God and fight your sins with hope in His mercy. Plead the promises of God in simple childlike faith. Go and plead your need before God, plead your sins, tell God you are wretched and undone without His grace and mercy. Plead the greatness of your sins as the reason for mercy, the damnable character of your sins, the certainty of your damnation. This is the way to plead - not your merits, but your misery, your sins, your guiltiness before God - these are the sinner's arguments.
The right way to plead is to plead your misery, impotence, and danger. Plead your miserable and undone condition. Confess your sin, own your guiltiness. Then come and plead the blood of Jesus Christ. There is no answer for your sins and guilt but Christ's atoning blood. Jesus came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance; He came not to save the good, but the ungodly. Christ justifies the ungodly - the unrighteous man Jesus make righteous through His own blood and merits.
Plead now, spread out your case before God, order your arguments, plead the precious blood of Jesus, set the wounds of Christ before the Father's eyes, bring up the atoning Sacrifice, mention always the Atonement of the great Substitute for sinners, look to Calvary's Lamb. Receive Christ's merits, and be emptied of your own. Salvation is the pure gift of God, not of your works, not the result of human merit, but of free favor only; not of man, but of the Lord Jesus Christ alone. Leave off your doing, and let Christ do all for you; leave off looking to yourself, and just come as a lost sinner and look to Jesus.
Humble, contrite, importunate pleaders are heard in heaven. All your hope lies in divine mercy, for you have no merit. Take up your true position as a condemned sinner. Confess your sins, honestly plead guilty, admit your condemnation, heartily acknowledge your wickedness. Plead Jesus only. If you love Jesus keep His commandments, feed His sheep, give yourself to His service, promote His glory. Look to the finished Propitiation, the Great Forgiver, the living Mediator, the infinite merits of Immanuel. You must come to Jesus with nothing, and ask Him for everything - He is the way, the whole way, the free way, nothing to pay, nothing to do, nothing to be, nothing to bring, no human merits, no deservings, no preparations; the forgiveness of sins is all of grace; all the pure gift of God. The neglect of private prayer devours the strength of the Christian.
Only plead your misery, your inability, your danger, your demerit, your sinfulness. God only saves sinners by grace. Self-righteousness is an offense to God's gospel and an insult to the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Plead with God your miserable and undone condition. You are utterly lost without Christ. God's mercy is Free. Trust in Jesus Christ alone and you shall have free, instantaneous, perfect, everlasting, divine pardon; safety on earth, glory in Heaven, all for nothing, the free gift of a gracious God to undeserving rebels. Your need of a Savior is your only right. Plead your need, your sin, your wretchedness. Plead for God's mercy in the free gift of Christ. Plead with Jesus, the compassion of His heart. Plead Jesus' love and blood, not what you have done or hope to do. Only acknowledge your misery. You are a spiritual beggar who needs heavenly alms. The beggar's need is his best plea. Simple faith in Him who loved you and gave Himself for you saves the guilty soul. Away with self, cleave to Christ, let Him be glorified. The true suppliant will never mention his own righteousness. Sinners can never merit anything but eternal death, Eternal Life must be the free gift of God. Rags are the attire of a beggar. Your ruin and miseries are your arguments for mercy, not your good doings. Christ my Ransom died in my place.
This is how to plead - not your merits, but your misery, your sinfulness, your guiltiness before God. These are your only arguments. I can do nothing, I have nothing to bring. The right way to plead is "Guilty!" It is foolish for a beggar to plead that he is not in want. You are guilty, you need mercy, you have transgressed God's law, you need to be forgiven. Don't commit spiritual suicide. You are a guilty soul, you have no merits to plead, appeal to God's free mercy. God only freely forgives sinners through the infinite merits of Jesus Christ's sinless blood. Plead guilty to all charges, then plead Christ's Blood Atonement. Be doubly earnest in pleading with the Holy Ghost to have mercy on your soul.
You must be converted, repent, ye must be Born Again (John 3:7), and be purchased with the Savior's precious blood, and regenerated by the Holy Spirit. Only the Blood Atonement of the Lamb of God can satisfy the divine demands of God, and purge you of the power, guilt, love, and habit of sin. Away with 'all' your fancied good works, vain boastings, and empty religious doings. There was never a sinner saved yet who merited it.
Every sinner without Christ has no hope, no God, and he's no good; he is a wretch undone, misery incarnate, he is perishing and guilty, and his soul will soon be lost forever in outer darkness where there is no light, and in the the flames of hell where there is no hope of escape. Evolution is a fatal delusion of the grossest kind. Trust your soul in Jesus' hands, never build on your own righteousness, look only to the bleeding wounds of Immanuel (God with us). By simple faith and trust, Lay hold on the Gospel and Eternal Life, lay hold on Christ Jesus Himself the Savior of sinners. Simply trust in the Blood of the Crucified One. Never trust to anything but Christ Jesus.
Sin only breeds pride, and then misery and shame. Leave off loving your sins, for those darling secret sins of yours will drag you down into the pit of hell where you belong. Your own conscience tells you that you are guilty before God when you lie, steal, and lust. Your soul is covered with sin, and only Christ's Precious Blood take it away, only He can cleanse and forgive you. There is no hope for a poor sinner apart from the Cross of Jesus. Take care that you heartily plead the blood and mercy of Jesus Christ. A prayerless and thankless soul is a Christ-less soul. Your lost soul is teeming with sin. Simply trust Christ, simply trust HIM with your soul now.
Only the sinless bloody Sacrifice of the Lamb of God can satisfy the demands of God's divine law and justice. You must not trust in your doings at all, leave off your doing altogether, there must be a complete denial of all your doings. Stop trusting in yourself today. God be merciful to me a sinner, please save my soul for His dear sake who shed His own blood for my guilty soul. Cry out to God for mercy, plead with Christ for His free pardon of sin. Plead the precious blood Atonement of Christ for guilty sinners. God gives rich, free, unmerited mercy to underserving sinners who call upon Jesus' name.
Place all your confidence in the grace of God in Christ. God will never reject the sincere cry for the Blood of His dear Son. Come to the Cross as a rebellious and guilty sinner having no merit. Simply receive, believe, take and enjoy Christ Himself now. Plead for strength to do God's will. Plead the Sinless Savior's blood now. Use no other argument when you plead with God but the name and blood of His dear Son. Your soul is starving and in a case of destitution, a wretch undone, your need is your best plea. *Every day*, you are just the person who needs a Savior, confess your need, plead for mercy at the foot of the Cross.
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