Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Two Books

For God the Father hath made Jesus to be Sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the Righteousness of God in Christ.  When the Lamb of God died on Calvary's Cross, He bore the sins of the whole world in His own body, and He became Sin for us.  Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.

On that terrible, dark and lonely day, when God manifest in the flesh became Sin for you, God punished the body, soul and spirit of an innocent man, a Righteous Victim, the Lamb of God.  Jesus bore through the full wrath of God in His bosom for sinners just like you.  Every sin you've ever committed (past-present-future) was paid for at Calvary with God's own blood.  If you want to get freedom from God's judgment on sin, you must come to Calvary.  If you want to go to Heaven, trust Jesus Christ; if you want to go to Hell, just trust something else.  Fix your faith solely on the Incarnate God's Atoning Blood and Justifying Righteousness.

The poured out wrath of God fell on Jesus that day when He was bearing your sins in His own body on the tree.  Your sins were charged to Jesus' account, and He paid for those sins in your place.  Do you want Safety from the wrath of God?  Here's where you get it - get to where the wrath of God has already fallen, and your soul will be safe. You better get to Calvary.  Jesus has already taken the sting of Sin and Death; He took the stinger for you; Sin can't sting you any long, because it got Him.  If you want to be Safe, go to Calvary; if you want to go to Hell, just go somewhere else.  There's a million ways to go to Hell.

When a man is born again and put into Christ by the Holy Spirit, that man is put into a position spiritually, that even though he may sin, those sins are no longer charged to his account.  I sin enough every day of my life to condemn me and put me in Hell, but God sees me in Christ now, and He imputes my iniquities not to me, but He accepts me in the Beloved. In Christ, my sins are no longer laid to my charge, because Christ Jesus bore my sins and took them away with His Precious Blood.  This is what the Holy Bible calls the blessedness of Imputation.  No religionist that thinks you can earn and/or lose your Salvation has a clue about Imputation, but Imputation is a central Bible doctrine.  But to him that worketh not, but believeth on the Lord Jesus Christ that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for Righteousness. Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works, Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.  Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.

Here's a simple illustration of Imputation:  There are two books lying on a table, one is a pure white book, and the other book is as red as crimson.  The white book is a record of the life of the Lord Jesus Christ, the record of a perfect, sinless man.  The crimson book is the diary of your entire life; it is filled with all your secret sins, transgressions, iniquities, filthy thoughts, cheating, lying, gossip, lust, wickedness, idolatry, dirty habits, self-righteous deeds and depravity.  Whenever you trust to the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, God takes the white book of that Perfect Man and rights your name across the front it - "The Life and Times of so-and-so".  When God does that, God imputes Christ's Righteousness to your guilty soul.  Then God takes the crimson book with all of your wickedness in it, and He writes across the front of it, "This the life of My Son Jesus Christ". And God takes all your sins and imputes them to Christ's account.  Imputation is when God takes your sins and marks them down on His innocent Son's record, and God put His Son's Righteousness down on your record, for Jesus' sake.  Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord Jesus Christ: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.  If you believe in Imputation, you know that your own works cannot help save you, or play any part in your Salvation.

This is what the Bible calls Imputation, from the Latin verb imputare, which means “to charge (to someone’s account).” Guilt must be paid for; it can’t be swept under the rug. When you are wronged or injured – even in a fender-bender – the aggrieved party demands justice, someone has to answer for it, it’s someone’s fault, either you or the other person. The damage and cost don’t just go away. If it’s going to be put right, someone has to pay the cost. And so it is with God. There is no way He can turn a blind eye to our evil that is damaging to His holiness.

We have all sinned against God’s holy law. God is holy and strictly just; He must punish all sin. How does God confront this problem? How is the damage to Him paid for? Out of infinite love and divine mercy for us, God becomes a Jewish man and charges our infinite sin-debt to Himself, a Sinless Substitute. Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, put Himself in the place of sinners, the unbearable weight of our sin and guilt was charged to His account, He suffered for it, He sank under it, He endured all the wrath of God for us. For God hath made Christ to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Christ. This is the love of God.

You must first sense the bitterness of your sins, before you can experience and know the blessedness of the forgiveness of sins.  You must give up your artificial righteousness, and rest on and trust to Christ's finished work, that is, His Blood that was shed for sinners, and His Righteousness imputed to sinners. Be wise - take up the position as a sinner before God, and plead Guilty, accept the sentence of God's Law towards you as being just and right, and then call upon the Lord Jesus Christ to rescue you from that guilt.  Whosoever believeth on Jesus is justified from all sin.  Appeal only to God's mercy, pity and love, for a sinner has no merit of his own to stand on in the sight of God.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

How Can I Escape?

How can I escape the enslavement of my sins?  When a man honestly and sincerely asks this question, he is on the verge of finding the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, the only Giver of Free Eternal Life.

What is really wrong with the inward nature of human beings?   The atheist says, "Life is only matter and biology; and you are only a pack of neurons.  The only purpose of life is DNA survival."  Atheism reduces human beings to the level of animals, and brings animals up to the level of human beings. Victimology says, "If anything goes wrong in your life, blame someone else, it is always someone else's fault. Whatever the problem is, someone else must have caused it."

Sin is a twisted, devilish corruption in the human heart.  Sin is missing the mark morally, unrighteousness, wickedness, corruption of character, overstepping a moral boundary, and lawlessness.  Sin is not just about your outward actions; sin is the inward evil nature that leads you to reject Christ and to violate the divine moral Laws of your Creator.  Only the Gospel can open your eyes to see the reality and wretchedness of your sinful condition, and to see also the glorious Salvation that Christ offers through His Atoning Blood.

Paul said in Romans 7:8-9, that the commandment (the divine Law) came, then his sin inwardly revived, and then he died.  Read and study that text closely. Only the Holy Spirit through the divine Law can cause the revival of sin within you, and then you will begin to sense your wretchedness and the enslavement to your sins. I was brought low, and then the Lord Jesus Christ helped me.  Once sin truly revives within you, you will then die, that is, you will be truly humbled, your soul will be weaned from all carnal self-confidence, and you will become inwardly despaired and brought low.

When you call upon the Lord Jesus Christ in your distress, God the Holy Ghost will then miraculously apply the Precious Blood of Jesus to your soul, and give your soul the grace of Faith, whereby you will lay hold on Jesus, and give your soul consolation and assurance, whereby you will cast yourself wholly on the Blood and Righteousness of Jesus for all your Salvation.  You will then know you are born again and rejoice in Christ's free pardon of sin, and begin to hate the sins you loved before.  This is the true work of the Holy Spirit in the human heart.  Everything else is nothing but dead religiousness.

Atheistic Psychology says, "There is no such thing as sin and evil; biology is destiny; blame everyone else, everyone else is to blame."  The Gospel upsets us and challenges us about our sins, provokes us to repent, demands that we change, and then sets us free from sin and gives you the freedom to live a private and public life pleasing to God your Creator.  The world loves a Jesus as a moral Example, but not as a Judge or Savior.  Sin is a word this generation avoids today.

Today, if you are self-righteous, self-sufficient, ungodly, careless, worldly:  you are in the snare of sin and Satan, you shall remain there until you repent and trust to Jesus alone; you shall perish, unless you Repent, for it is written “Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” May God Himself through the Holy Spirit save you from perishing, by giving you a sincere interest in the Precious Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ?  Be wise, make Jesus’ Blood and Righteousness your only Trust. Your works can never have a part in your salvation.  Your main business is to come to Christ; come to Him sin-sick, weary, and soul-diseased, and ask Him to cure you of your sin problem. You are not to try be your own savior and physician; simply go directly to Christ, just as you are; the only salvation for your lost soul is to trust implicitly and simply to Christ Jesus Himself.

In atheism, man substitutes himself for God.  In the Gospel, God in the person of Jesus of Nazareth substitutes Himself for sinful man. God Himself stepped out of Eternity into time, He stepped out of His glory down into His fallen creation at Bethlehem, so that He could become a Jewish man, and so that He could live a sinless life for you, and then bear your sins in His own body, and pay the consequences due to your sins by dying in your place on Calvary's tree.  Jesus died on account of your sins.  Only the Gospel correctly identifies your sinful condition and alienation from God, and only the Gospel correctly diagnoses your deadly condition, and then provides the divine Remedy for your sins, and that is the Atoning Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Grasp and face what you really are within with honesty:  an undone sinner in need of God's free and open forgiveness through God Incarnate, the Lord Jesus Christ.

You may think you are nice enough that God likes you just the way you are, and that you don't really need Christ's forgiveness, because God really owes a person as good as you something as great as Eternal Life.  The Gospel is only Good News if you have a real sin problem.  Only bone fide sinners come to the Cross. Do you really believe that sin is an evil, bitter, heinous nature within your heart?  Sin is not merely doing wrong things; sin is a corrupt, rotten nature within every human heart that separates us from God.  Without Christ, you are truly lost and oppressed by your sin nature daily.  Today, people want to be free from moral restrictions and restraints, they want to do what they want, when they want, with whom they want.  Sexual immorality and perversion is rampant in our society.

There is something profoundly wrong and broken within the heart of every man and woman, boy and girl - it is called Sin. You have a broken relationship with the personal Creator God because of your sins.  You have ignored Him and rebelled against your Maker. Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker!  Jesus can save you from the enslavement and love of sin. You need divine intervention from God Himself in order to have your sins forgiven.  Now understand - You are not clever enough to save yourself from your sins.  Human nature insanely thinks that it can help itself out of its sinful condition.

The Good News of the Gospel is that Salvation is free; but the Bad News is that your sinful condition is so hopeless and helpless that you cannot help save yourself from sin.  Think on these words:  Sin, Cross, Jesus, Forgiveness, Blood Atonement.  Today's Christianity teaches of a God without wrath, human beings without sin, a Salvation without Repentance, an Eternity without a Judgment, and a Christ without a Cross.  Salvation is Free, but it cost Jesus His life.  Self-righteousness kicks at that and thinks it can help God out.  Consider the heinousness of your sins, and the Holiness of the Creator God.  You are a great sinner, but Christ Jesus, God manifest in the flesh, is the Great Savior.  You must first sense your emptiness and wretchedness, and then you will sincerely seek the Savior.

Come now by Faith in Jesus' Blood, sit down and rest your soul at the Cross of Christ, and seek Repentance from the Blood Atonement which Christ has offered for your guilt. There is no cure for sin in your heart like a one-on-one encounter with Christ Jesus. Spend much time with Jesus; for it impossible for you to dwell with Jesus and with your sins at the same time.  You can only escape the enslavement of your sins through the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Do Your Soul a Favor

It is inevitable that God must punish all sins ever committed, so God sent His only begotten Son into this sin-cursed world, and then God laid all my sins on Jesus, and then the Lamb of God bore all the punishment due to my sins.  The great ransom price for my sins was the life and blood of Jesus. Your soul needs a clear view of the Cross, the Atoning Blood, and the Substitution of God Incarnate.  Your Creator will soon call you to account for all your sins against Him.  You need understanding from the Holy Spirit concerning the great truths of Substitution and Reconciliation.  Only Christ Jesus can take an undone, guilty sinner and save that sinner to the uttermost through His grace and blood.

One believing look to Jesus, the sinner's Substitute, and all your transgressions will be forgiven freely and eternally.  Yield to Jesus, trust to His blood, and free eternal life is yours instantly.  Believe now the great saving truth of Atonement by Substitution.  Your soul will remain in Satan's bondage year after year until you look only and simply to the Lamb of God and His finished, redemptive work of Calvary.  Your sins were laid on Jesus, so they could be removed from your soul forever. Get this truth down deep into your heart:  Jesus was made to be Sin for us, that we might be made the Righteousness of God in Christ. Accept JEHOVAH'S single way of Salvation by faith in His Son's Precious Blood.  Whosoever believeth in Jesus shall receive the remission of sins freely by grace.

Now listen closely, do your soul a favor - rely now only on the merits of Jesus' Blood and Righteousness.  I accept Jesus as my Sin-Bearer now; I lay my hand on Him as my Sacrifice by Faith, and my sins are transferred to Him forever.  Sin cannot be in two places at the same time:  my sins are laid upon Jesus, and taken off of my soul. The remission of sins is only by Substitution:  Christ stood in the sinner's place, He took upon Himself the sinner's sins, and then shed His own blood to pay the debt that sin caused.  The only available hiding-place for your guilty soul is at the foot of the Cross underneath the Blood of the Incarnate God.  Christ's Blood and Righteousness are the hinges upon which my destiny hangs for time and Eternity.  Depend upon Jesus Himself; lean hard upon Him with all of the weight of your sins by Faith in His Blood alone; rest upon Jesus; make His Atoning Blood your soul's only Dependence.

Be wise, prepare for these five words:  Infirmity, Frailty, Mortality, Reality, Eternity.  The Precious Blood of Christ Jesus, God's dear Son, cleanseth us from all sin.  Study closely the matchless plan of Atonement by Sinless Sacrifice and Propitiation by Substitution.  Believe this scriptural fact:  God Himself becoming manifest in the flesh, and bleeding and dying as a human being to save sinners from the love of sin and the wrath to come.  Your Creator's only method of Salvation is by Substitution through the Mediator, the man Christ Jesus.  The truth of Atonement by Jesus' suffering and bleeding has a ring to it that catches the guilty sinner's ear.

Your guilty conscience can only be quieted by Jesus' blood.  The only Physician for sin-sick, broken hearts is the Lord Jesus Christ, and His Medicine is His own Blood.  The divine Ointment of Jesus' Blood must be applied by the Holy Spirit to your wounded spirit.  Jesus' Himself bore my sins in His own body on the tree, and now with His stripes my soul is healed from the love of sin.  There is no eternal cure for human sin but God's own Blood that flowed from Immanuel's veins.

The condemnation due to my sins was laid on Jesus at the Cross, so now I am clear before the bar of God's divine justice.  Jesus put Himself into my place by bearing my sins, and now He has put me into His place through the miracle of His Redemption.  Through Christ's redeeming love and blood, God is now able to show His full mercy to sinners like me without any violation to His demanding justice.

Come to Jesus now, confess your iniquities, believing in His Atoning Sacrifice, and you shall be completely accepted and pardoned.  On Christ's back fell the stripes that were due to my sins.  He was wounded for my transgressions; He was bruised for my iniquities; and now my sins are forever forgiven for Jesus' sake, and only because Jesus bore the full penalty of my sins. Jesus laid down His sinless life to Ransom me from  the evil of my sins.  My guilt was laid on Jesus, so I could be graciously forgiven.

Like a defenseless bird being chased by a hawk, flee now to the wounds of Jesus for your soul's eternal Safety.  My sin debt has been paid by Jesus laying down His life for me, and now that debt cannot be demanded of my soul anymore. The Incarnate God, my substitutionary Sacrifice, rose again from the dead for my free Justification.  Whosoever believeth on the Lord Jesus Christ is reconciled to God through the bloody death of the Son of God.  My Salvation was procured when Jesus Himself bore the vengeance of God that was due to my sins.  Christ died, the Just for the unjust, that He might reconcile my soul back to God.

God can now be Just, and yet the the Justifier, of all those who believe in Jesus' blood.  God can now freely pardon me, and yet punish my sins without any violation to His inflexible Justice.  Christ stepped into my guilty shoes, paid all my sin debt, and all my sins have been justly and mercifully expunged from the record books of God.  Christ's Substitution perfectly satisfies the intellect, the conscience, the soul, and the heart; but most importantly, Christ's Bloody Substitution satisfies the thrice-holy God Himself.  My soul is satisfied with the Lamb of God who has satisfied JEHOVAH. The love of God punished my sins when the justice of God was visited upon the willing Victim of Calvary.

God could not wink at my sin, He had to punish it, and that He did, when Jesus died on my behalf on Calvary's Cross.  The wrath of God in all its fury was spent on the sinless Substitute that dark day on Calvary.  You need not dread the just punishment due to your sins if you will but simply trust to Jesus.  If the dread of death and Hell is haunting your conscience, look now by Faith to the Blood of the Lamb of God, and you will be free from condemnation.  All my confidence is now entirely fixed in the great Substitution and Propitiation which Christ has made for me.

God Himself will pass over me in the Day of Judgment only for Jesus' blood's sake.  Jesus lost His life, so I could have free eternal life.  Don't forget:  The great central doctrine of the Gospel is the Lord Jesus Christ's Substitution for sinners.  You can only find God's peace and pardon in the Blood of Jesus Christ.  The Holy Creator God Himself became a Jewish man, that He might be able to be the Substitute for sinners.  Jesus was perfectly Innocent, but my sins were charged to Him; He was numbered with the transgressors, and bore my sins, so I could be numbered with the Righteous.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

New Testament *Musts*

Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!  And no man putteth new wine into old bottles: else the new wine doth burst the bottles, and the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be marred: but new wine must be put into new bottles.  The scriptures must be fulfilled.  And Jesus said unto them, How is it that ye sought Me? wist ye not that I must be about My Father's business?

For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in Me, And He was reckoned among the transgressors: for the things concerning Me have an end.  The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.

Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.  And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up.  He must increase, but I must decrease.  God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.  I must work the works of Him that sent Me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.  Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Then the jailor called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas, And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

Opening and alleging, that Christ must needs have suffered, and risen again from the dead; and that this Jesus, whom I preach unto you, is Christ.  For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.  For He must reign, till He hath put all enemies under His feet.  For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.  But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Wake Up Call

There is clear evidence of intelligent design and brilliant creation all around you, everywhere you look - from your eyeballs, to your fingerprints, to your children, to all the plants, insects, and animals you see every day.  God created the sun, He keeps it burning, He keeps it from burning out or exploding, He keeps His sun burning just at the right temperature so we can safely exist here on God's Earth every day.  Atheists are completely blind to the creation, to the frailty of their flesh, to the extreme brevity of life, to their imminent danger without Christ, to the sinfulness of their inward nature, to the certainty of death, the realities of Eternity, and the grace and kindness of their Crucified and Risen Creator.  Atheists are thoughtless, careless, and Christ-less. Living in this world from day to day in your natural state outside of Christ is risky business.

Frailty, Mortality, Reality, and Eternity are just around the corner; Soberness and Truth are just over the hilltop. It's just a matter of time. Simply put - atheists believe what Darwin says and they go to Hell, and born-again Christians believe Christ Jesus' words and go to New Jerusalem.  The atheists believe the words in a God-less textbook, and Christians believe the words of the Gospel found in the Holy Bible.  Everyone trusts someone's thoughts - many atheists believe on darwin's thoughts, and Christians believe on Christ's thoughts - the Gospel.  The thoughts you dwell on every day either came from yourself or God.

The lost atheist's real root problem is that he loves his own intellect and money.  Self-idolatry controls him; he loves attention.  Self-adoration is his critical objective in life. He has an intense dedication to promote darwinism, that puts most Christians to shame.  The atheist is caught up in the so-called American Dream, that is, "Gain status, stuff, and personal recognition."  Now understand - Money talks, it says, "I cannot satisfy you."  Human nature always wants just a little more.  Money (your paycheck, the paper bills and coins) is not sinful in itself - money becomes sinful when our heart responds to it in the wrong way.  We shouldn’t live for temporal worldly possessions.  Money is a dangerous liability. 16 of the 38 parables spoken by Jesus refer to money.  Money becomes sinful when there is any ungodliness in the acquisition and use of our finances.  Materialism, self-centeredness, and indulgence is the way of the atheist.

Do you know what being saved really is? “Oh yes", says one, “I want to be converted.” But do you know what being converted really means? Many people who seek the Savior do not know what it is.  Another says, “I want to be saved from going to hell." But that is not salvation. Salvation is being redeemed (set free) from the love of sin. Every murderer wants to be saved from the death penalty; every thief wants to avoid the policeman; and if that is all you want, there is no hope for you. What Christ came into the world to do, is to save you FROM your sins; He came to save the drunk from his alcohol and drinking buddies; Jesus came to save the liar from saying what is not true.

Christ came into the world to save the dishonest man from being dishonest; the Savior came to redeem the lazy from being lazy; He came to save the ungenerous from being selfish and hoarding. He has come to save the atheist from his blasphemy and unbelief, and the whoremonger from his lasciviousness.  That is what being *Saved* really means. *Acts 16:31*  If you haven't been saved from the love of sin now in time, mark it down, you won't be saved from the lake of fire out in Eternity.  Now always remember - The main reason an atheist can't find God is the same reason a thief can't find a policeman, he's not looking for him.

God-less human nature thinks that one day through science and technology it will wipe out disease and do away with human suffering without Jesus Christ.  But this is nothing but a devilish delusion.  Without Christ Jesus, you are facing a certain awful doom and eternal death.  You must personally receive Christ into your body and soul spiritually by God-given FAITH.  Bread must be taken, chewed, and swallowed, in order to get it into yourself.  Bread cannot be just looked at, or touched, or smelled, it must be received into your body to satisfy your continual hunger.  Likewise, Christ Jesus Himself, the Living Bread, must be taken into yourself, into your mind, soul, and heart spiritually by simple faith in His Atoning Blood.  God Incarnate, the Lord Jesus Christ, bore your sins in His own body, and then He died for your sins to pay the penalty due to them.

Your emptiness cries out for Christ's fulness every day. Don't just think about Jesus, go a step further, and Receive *HIM* into your innermost being, and then you will be Born Again, and begin to hate your sins, and love Jesus Christ.  Only the Holy Ghost can grant you repentance, that is, a complete change of mind with regard to your sin.  You need divine assistance from the Holy Ghost to feel your sinfulness, danger and hunger, and only THEN will you seek and receive Christ Himself.  Every man's mind and soul feeds on something or other.  The atheist's thoughts feed on filthy things, the Christian's thoughts feed on Christ.  Christ is All, Jesus is Everything, Receive HIM, Trust in nothing but Jesus' Blood to save your soul. Trust your helpless soul with the Son of God at once.

You see, human nature is never satisfied; it always wants something more, something newer, something easier.  That which is a man’s supreme thought and affection is his idol. The carnal mind worships human applause, money, or lust. Money becomes sinful when we waste it, or when we hoard it for our own self-interests, and are not willing to give it away to those in need.  The atheist's way is to hoard, defraud, self-indulge, and be ruthless.  The atheist will take away his neighbor's livelihood and blame it on the survival of the fittest.  The atheist worships worthless junk; he loves and lives for money --"Make another buck, just do whatever it takes to win."

The atheist desires a soft life, where he doesn't have to work - retire comfortably is the way.  The passion of the atheist is to pursue luxury and promote self.  The atheist inwardly repines at other's promotions, he secretly sighs in envy when others get the pay raise and not him.  Greedy poor people play the lottery, and greedy rich people play the stock market.  Money talks, it will speak up and testify against us, or for us all, at the Judgment. Hopefully, the atheist will snap out of his deadly delusion before he dies in his sins.

No one that has ever studied the cardiovascular system of the human body could think that it just happened.  Atheists just willfully reject the light God reveals to them because they love sin, and just walk blindly off into the lake of fire.  Atheists think they can just keep on ignoring the Judge and His divine Law, and that they won't have to give account to Him.  That is like receiving a speeding ticket, and then blatantly ignoring the policeman, the judge, and the law altogether.  Eventually, ignoring the laws of your state would catch up with you; likewise, ignoring God Himself (your Judge), His Law, His Son, and His Gospel, will catch up with you sooner or later.  You ignoring God won’t make Him and the Reality of the coming Judgment go away (Hebrews 9:27).

Life is short, Eternity is Long; Plan Ahead.  If you love to Sin right now, you're headed for Hell Fire.  You have sinned, and you cannot undo your sin by your own doings. If you die in your sins, you'll be in an eternal mess. Stop trusting darwin, stop playing the fool with your soul, Repent, and rely upon Jesus Christ and His shed blood to take away your guilt and your love for your sins.  Ye must be born again by the power of the Holy Ghost.  Your greatest need is the New Birth.  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved (rescued) from the love of sin.

Meditate on the Mediator who suffered, bled and died for your sins.  Look now to the Lamb of God. Salvation is far from the wicked, for they seek not God's precepts.  Christ died for ungodly sinners, especially you.  Jesus shed His blood to pay your sin's awful price, trust to HIM alone to save your wretched soul, or your eternal doom is sure. See Romans 5:9; John 3:36; I Timothy 2:5-6.  Jesus is God, He died in your place, and suffered the wrath of God due to your sins.  Trust the Atoning Blood of the Crucified Creator now.

Roses, orange trees, honeybees, hummingbirds, strawberries, songbirds, pecans, shade trees, rain, carrots, sunlight, little children, rain, your kidneys, fresh water, and your pancreas, and all the things you enjoy every day, didn't just happen by accident - wake up now, before it's too late.

It's Still the Blood

Human blood gives your body temporal human life. God's Blood gives your soul eternal abundant Life.  The very source of your daily physical life is blood. All men live here on earth with the same blood, and all men must be Saved from their sins by the same blood. Your human blood is the only thing that links your body and soul together right now. The blood of Jesus Christ is the only thing that can link your soul and God together forever. The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from ALL SIN.

The Blood of Christ bothers and upsets the atheist's ungodly carnal mind. You have no merit to save yourself. Your sin offends God. God's doesn't require any of your goodness, for you have none, you are a sinner. Human boasting is all excluded at the Cross. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. The people that miss Heaven are the ones that think they deserve it, and the ones that go to Heaven are those that realize don't deserve it. To come to God with your good works is to suggest that your sins are not all that bad.

Think just for a minute of the worst sin you've ever committed in your life. The awful secret sin you don't want anyone to know about, and that you hope no one never finds out about. All of us sinners can call one of those to mind. Those shameful sins that our conscience so often washes back up on the shore of our mind. Only the Blood of Jesus Christ can take that secret sin off your record with God. God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to the Gospel. The Blood of Jesus Christ is so offensive to modern atheistic man. Jesus shed His blood to keep sinners out of Hell.

Atheists are self-worshipping, self-loving, self-adoring humanists. It offends atheists that anyone would suggest that their crimes and sins against their Maker are so great and evil that they would require the Blood of God to be shed to pay for them. God is so holy that even your least sin so offends Him that is requires the Greatest Payment - His Son's own Blood. God hates your sins, do you?

Every man is a sinner. Your sin is very offensive to God. Every one of your sins fly in the face of a holy God, the Creator. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. I am a sinner indeed. I will trust Jesus' blood to save me from my sins. I rest on His Atonement which He has offered for me. Be wise - Believe in Christ as a Victim for your sins. Jesus didn't stay dead. Christ is risen from the dead, He is alive right now, and able to save any sinner to the uttermost that come unto God by HIM. Your soul has sin on it, and only the Blood of God can put it away.

Your sins can only be forgiven through simple faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ. You can't cleanse yourself from your sins. Your good works only make your sin stains worse and worse. Free justification through faith in the atoning Sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the only way. The blood of Jesus Christ will change your rebellious heart, and save your lost soul.

Man's views and opinions are only superstition and idolatry. The Blood of Jesus Christ is one and only acceptable offering that satisfies the demands and justice of God to pay for human sin and make an Atonement so that sinful man and a holy God could be reconciled together. The Blood of Jesus Christ is the still the only answer for your guilt. There's nothing as rare and valuable in all the universe than sinless Blood, and it came from the veins of Jesus Christ. Jesus shed His blood in exchange for your soul. God gave His best (His Son) for the worst (all of us). See John 3:16-36. Human nature will believe anything and everything but the Bible. Human nature downplays guilt, sin, the grace of God, and the Bloody Sacrifice of Christ Jesus.

Jesus' Blood still saves ungodly men from the love of sin. Your greatest need right now is Faith in His Blood (Romans 3:25). Sin's debt is fully paid by the Lamb of God's Blood. Only a sinless Man can save sinners. Only one Man was good enough to pay for your sins - His name was Jesus of Nazareth. The Lamb of God bled for your sins. No verse in the Bible says that Jesus saves from Hell, Jesus saves from Sin now. Your best is not good enough to save you. You can never be righteous enough to earn heaven. There's a holy God that your sin has offended, and it's going to take a perfect blood Sacrifice to satisfy the wrath of God towards 'your' sin. God requires the Best, and the Best is the Lamb of God. You can get out of debt, by borrowing more money. You can get out of your sin debt, by doing your best, your best is sinful in God's sight. Sin is such a heinous thing in God's sight, that only His Son's Blood is an acceptable Payment.

Consider your ways, fear Christ Jesus (Matthew 10:28), take heed to yourself, be careful that you don't damn your soul to Hell by neglecting Christ's Blood - the only cure for your deadly sin problem. There is a world to come. If you die in your sins, after this life will come the Judgment and then eternal wrath and misery. If you perish in your sins, on your own head will be your doom. If you die without Christ, it will be own fault. Your conscience warn you of this, and the Bible confirms it.

If you reject Christ, you are your own destroyer. You must be saved by free grace, and not by your own merits. If you continue to love and refuse to trust Christ, there is no mercy. Outside of Christ, there remains nothing for you but the fearful looking for of judgment and of fiery indignation. Jesus suffered bitterly and bled to death to save sinners just like you. You need to let Jesus rule your life. Trust His Blood implicitly to save you from the love of sin now. Looking to Christ alone will save you from your sinful habits.

See Acts 20:28; Romans 3:25; 5:9; Ephesians 1:7; 2:13; Colossians 1:14, 20; Hebrews 9:12, 14, 22; 10:19; 12:24; 13:12; I Peter 1:2, 1:18-19; I John 1:7; Revelation 1:5; 5:9; 12:11.

Food for Thought 9

The atheist like every other sinner is on a desperate search for HOPE. But there is *no hope* for any man outside of Jesus Christ. The only cure for the sin plague within your soul is the Precious Blood of God who was manifest in the flesh (Christ Jesus). Christ died for the guilty. Mercy is only for the guilty.

Evolution is a deadly and devilish hell-spun theory that was invented to bewilder and decoy educated Christ rejectors. The atheist is so far gone that he chooses to look to sinful man, rather than the Son of God. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled on his children was to convince them that he doesn't even exist. Atheists relish their sins: this is why they despise the Bible and Christ so. Atheists sin and sin and sin with total impunity, they don't believe they will have to give account to their Maker for their transgressions. Evolution is a deadly snare from Satan that has damned many educated fools.  The real reason why the atheist hates Jesus Christ so, is because the atheist doesn't want anyone else running his life and upsetting his love for sinning.

Evolution is worldly education's favorite superstition. The atheist says within in heart, "I will go after my own way, I want to keep my sins and indulge in my vile habits, and continue on in my own sinful pleasures." Atheists cleave to the theory of evolution for dear life, for evolution is their only hope of escaping the Judgment to come. Atheism is the epitome of human nature. Evolution is only another fruit from the vile tree of Unbelief. The atheist hates the Gospel, for the Gospel says that you cannot have your own way and love your sin. The offense of the Cross says that evolution is dead wrong.

Evolution is an idol according to darwin's own understanding. The atheist looks to darwin, but nothing in him is ever bettered, but rather his inward condition only grows worse and worse. Lean not to thine own understanding. Evolution says there is no God, and calls Jesus Christ a liar. The man that calls Jesus Christ a liar is the biggest and blindest fool you've ever met. The atheist trifles with his soul and his eternal destiny.  The world's motto is this:  "Trust and follow anyone but Jesus, and believe and obey anything but the Holy Bible."

Every sinner lives in a state of thoughtlessness and carelessness until the Holy Ghost awakens him to his extreme danger without Christ. The moment a real sinner simply believes on Jesus, and trusts only in the Crucified God; a royal divine pardon at once he receives, and Free and Full Salvation through simple faith in God’s Precious Blood. The last thing an atheist ever wants to do is to part with his sin-loving pride. The atheist forgets God altogether, and trusts to vain man only. The atheist hides behind the fairy tale of evolution, but that is only a refuge of lies that will not hold up at death and in Eternity.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Are You a Good Person?

If you profess to be a good person that wants and tries to do right, you should receive and follow Jesus Christ.  What's wrong?  Isn't Jesus Good?  Isn't He Right?  How can you say you are good and want to do right, and then God sends you the only Perfect man who ever lived, and you turn Him down?  If that's your case, there's something really wrong with you inside. God only sent one Perfect man into this world, only One, and self-righteous, sin-loving men don't want Him.  People talk about the hypocrites in the church, but God sent you a man that was absolutely Perfect.  What have you done with Him?  Do you know what happened when God sent a Perfect man into this world?  They hated Him and crucified Him.  That should show you something about human nature.

The condemnation of this world is this - that God sent a sinless man into world, and sinful man didn't want Him. If you want to do right, you will respond to God's offer of free Salvation through the Blood of a sinless man who died to pay for your sins.  If you are wrong, you will not receive Christ, and go try to do things your own way.  No one lives up to their own standards 100% every day, unless they have the morals of an alley cat.  If you've lived up to everything you believe, you would be Jesus Christ. You've never lived a day where you've always done what was right, and every time lived up to your own standards of living.  But Jesus never sinned, He did right every day.  Why won't you trust Him with your soul and your daily life?  The best you can do is trust Jesus Christ.  Have you done that?

There is an ongoing battle for your soul every day.  Adam disobeyed God and brought sin upon us all.  God forbids sin into His Heaven.  Every man has sinned and deserves Hell.  Jesus came to this Earth to save your neck.  He bore your sins in His own body, He bled and died on the Cross in your place, and then three days later He rose from the dead, and now He is alive forevermore.  Your sins nailed Jesus to Calvary's Cross.  Trust your soul with God Incarnate who bled for your sins; if you try any other way, your doom is sealed, and you will lose your soul.

The central question is this - What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?  If you are rejecting Jesus Christ, your root sin is that you want to run your life yourself.  You want to be your own ruler.  You are not capable of running your life; you're not smart enough to be your own ruler. If you will not let Jesus run your life: that is main reason why you will go Hell.  Let Jesus rule your life. When you go down, Jesus Christ will come up.  The Lord Jesus Christ is not willing than any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

You Know the Story

You know the story - Christ Jesus Himself, God manifest in the flesh, came down from Heaven and took our sins upon Himself and paid the consequences due to our sins.  Jesus lived a sinless on your behalf, because you could never do that:  everything Jesus said was True, everything He did was Good, and everything He thought was Pure. When God came forth to smite the guilty sinner, Divine Justice asked, “Where is the guilty one?” and then Christ Jesus came and stood in the sinner’s place, and God’s wrath was poured out on the Savior’s heart. Why? That the wrath to come might never reach those for whom Jesus died. If Christ suffered for your sins, you cannot suffer again for those same sins.  If God punished Christ for your sins and you trust to Jesus, God shall never punish you. If Jesus Christ paid your sin debts, you are free and clear forever before God’s throne.  You are a saved soul right now if your are resting upon the sinless Blood Atonement of Christ.

Remember that the one thing needful for receiving free eternal life is simply trusting to the Atoning Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. I know you are probably saying that you cannot be perfect. You're right, you cannot be perfect. But Jesus was Perfect in every way.  You may say, “I have many sins; I have done so much that is wrong.” That is true, very true, but whosoever believeth on the Lord Jesus Christ shall have their sins forgiven freely, instantly and eternally.

You know the story - when the fullness of time had come, the officers of justice came in the middle of the night and took Jesus with no warrant, and He was taken from His knees in the garden of Gethsemane away to the religious and civil courtrooms.  They gave Him a phony trial where He was tried and falsely condemned; with no witnesses and defense attorney.  His back was scourged till the white bones showed through His bleeding flesh.  His head was crowned with thorns, and His cheeks were given to those who plucked off the hair.  He was  hounded through the streets of Jerusalem, with the spit of soldiers still upon his unwashed face, and His wounds all open and bleeding.

They hurled the Lamb of God down and nailed him to the accursed tree of Calvary. They lifted up the Cross and dashed it down into its socket in the earth, dislocating His bones, and tearing His nerves and tendons. His soul was filled with awful anguish and agony. Every arrow of Hell was shot at Jesus there that day, and even God the Father forsook Jesus when He became Sin for us. God's vengeance fell upon Him while He was bearing our sins in His own body.  God the Father hid His face from Jesus till He cried out agony, “My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?” So the Lamb of God suffered on, and on, and on there for hours, till at the last, He cried, “It Is Finished!” 

God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  God's bleeding love to sinful man led Him to bruise His Son and put Him to grief for our sake. Christ Jesus is the Son of God, and in His divine nature, He was one with God, co-equal and co-eternal with Him. “Unto us a Son is given, and His name shall be called the Mighty God.”  In his human nature Jesus was not spared, but was made to suffer, bleed, and die for our sins. Jesus of Nazareth was God and man in one person, two natures mysteriously combined.  Hee was not spared, but was delivered up for us all.  Behold Him and admire Him! Consider Him and
wonder at His mercy toward His enemies.

You know the story - every man had sinned against God, and God, the Just Creator, must punish every sin that has been committed.  Every man was so enslaved by his sins, he was in such bondage that he could not help himself.  But the Crucified Creator undertook our cause, and God devised a wondrous plan by which His justice could be satisfied, and at the same time He could have mercy on our guilty souls.  In the Gospel, God's eternal wisdom revealed to sinful man the plan by which the Son of God would suffer instead of us, that so divine justice might have its demands met in full, and yet mercy still be bestowed upon whosoever trusts to Jesus' Precious Blood.

Someone had to suffer instead of guilty man, in order that guilty man might escape what was coming to him for sinning against God. The Eternal Son of God undertook for us sinners. Almighty God Himself became a Jewish man, to bleed, to be spit upon, to be scourged, to be crucified. The years roll on,
your hair turns gray, and yet you still do not come to Jesus.

Jesus, the Son of God, came to do what he undertook to do; He came to Bethlehem's manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes, there God was born into the world. God became flesh. He, without whom was not anything made that was made, had come down to live among us, that we may behold His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, and yet a man with a mother, like us.

Jesus lived down here on Earth for 33 years during which He was despised and rejected of men; He was a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. Jesus lived a life of a servant and went about doing good; He preached the Gospel, but the religionists hated Him without a cause, and wanted Him dead.  He came here to complete the dreadful task of dying for our sins. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. He give his back to the smiters, and His cheeks to them that pluck off the hair; He was led like a sheep to the slaughter.  The Lord of life and immortality actually died the death of a criminal, and was buried in a borrowed tomb for my sake.  Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss, while He was in Gethsemane covered with a bloody sweat, a sweat caused by your sins and mine. Jesus yielded to them and was led away by those who arrested Him.

The Lord of glory was mocked, flouted, and they set Him at nought; He was made an object of ridicule, the jeer of sarcasm, and the butt of scorn.  He was covered with an old robe, the cloak of some common soldier, and His back was laid bare and His own most precious blood ran down His back and legs as He was scourged mercilessly.  After Pilate's judgment, He bore the weight of that heavy cross, and was hounded and hurried through the streets of Jerusalem.  They flung Him on His back, and stretched out His hands and feet upon the Cross, and then the soldiers drove the cruel nails through His hands and feet. They lifted him up high between Earth and Heaven, and dashed the Cross into its place, dislocating all His bones.  Jesus accomplished all that was required to pay for our sins.  JEHOVAH'S wrath was poured over Jesus, wave after wave, and He meekly bowed His head to it all.  He bowed wounded head, and cried, “It is finished!” and gave up the ghost.  Jesus Christ had shed His own most precious blood especially for you.

Then they took Jesus' mangled corpse down from the Cross, and Joseph and Nicodemus put His body in a borrowed tomb. And then on the third day, the mighty Savior unwound His grave clothes; an angel came from Heaven, rolled away the stone, and then He rose from the dead. After He showed Himself to His disciples, and to others, for forty days, He took them out to Mount Olivet, and as He communed with them and blessed them, He ascended up into Heaven, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. He ascended up to His Father’s throne, and there He sits today making intercession for all those who trust in Him.

Come on now to the Cross, look up and trust Christ Himself to save you.  Say this, “Here I am, Lord Jesus, a poor, guilty sinner, having nothing to trust to of my own, but I know my sins were laid on You, and if they were laid on You, and I trust your Precious Blood as the payment for my sins against God." There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus. If you rest in the Lord Jesus Christ, He has paid all your debts; and you are out of debt forever.

Now understand - God became a Jewish man that he might suffer what was due to human sin, and now whosoever trusts in Jesus Christ, the Substitute for sinners, shall be saved freely and eternally.  If you  rely simply and entirely upon the Lord Jesus Christ, your soul shall live. You must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and repent of your love for sin.  You must choose, so make your choice:  it's either sin or Jesus, the Lake of Fire or Heaven.  Now, that is the Gospel in a nutshell.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Never Forget! 9/11/2001

Tuesday, 9/11/2001
* 5:33-5:40 am - Hijackers Mohamed Atta and Abdulaziz al-Omari drive their rented 2001 Nissan Altima to the nearby Portland, Maine International Jetport Airport, entering its parking lot at 5:40 a.m. The FBI will later seize their car there.
* 5:45 am - Hijackers Mohamed Atta and Abdulaziz al-Omari pass through airport security in Portland, ME (Portland International Airport). These hijackers flew from Portland, ME to Boston, MA on Colgan Air Flight 5930, and then boarded American Airlines Flight 11.
* 6:18 am – President George W. Bush goes for a four-mile morning jog in Sarasota, FL.
* 7:49 am - American Airlines Flight 11 departs Boston Logan Int'l Airport.
* 8:14 am - United Airlines Flight 175 departs Boston Logan Int'l Airport.
* 8:20 am - American Airlines Flight 77 departs Washington Dulles Int'l Airport.
* 8:42 am - United Airlines Flight 93 departs Newark Int'l Airport.
8:46:30 am – American Airlines Flight 11 (Boeing 767) (76 passengers, 11 crew, 5 hijackers) out of Boston (Logan) headed to LAX, crashes into the northern side of WTC North Tower 1 (with antenna) at about 466 mph, tearing a gaping hole in the building and setting it afire. Hijacker Mohammed Atta flew AA Flight 11.

* 8:55 am – White House Chief of Staff, Andy Card, informs President Bush of WTC crash.

9:03:02 am – United Airlines Flight 175 (Boeing 767) (51 passengers, 9 crew, 5 hijackers) from Boston (Logan) headed to LAX, crashes into the WTC South Tower 2 at about 590 mph and explodes. Both WTC buildings are burning. Hijacker Marwan al-Shehhi flew UA Flight 175. Three children died on UA 175 (ages 2, 3, and 4).
* 9:30 am - President Bush addresses the nation from Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, FL.
9:37:46 am – American Airlines Flight 77 (53 passengers, 6 crew, 5 hijackers) out ofWashington, DC (Dulles) headed to LAX crashes into The Pentagon in WDC. Hijacker Hani Hanjour flew AA Flight 77. Five children died on AA 77.
* 9:43 am – The White House and The Capitol are evacuated and closed.
* 9:45 am - U.S. airspace is shut down by the FAA. The groundings of all civilian aircraft will last until September 14.
* 9:57 am – President Bush departs from Florida aboard *Air Force One*.

* 9:57 am - Onboard United Airlines Flight 93, passengers Jeremy Glick, Tom Burnett, Todd Beamer, and Mark Bingham revolt, charge the hijackers, break into the cockpit, and disrupt the hijacking. "Are you ready, OK, let's roll!"

* 09:59:04 am – WTC South Tower 2 collapses 56 minutes after being struck, plummeting into the streets below. A massive cloud of dust and debris forms and slowly drifts away from the building.

* 10:03:11 am – United Airlines Flight 93 (33 passengers, 7 crew, 4 hijackers) out of Newark, NJ headed to San Francisco crashes into a field in Somerset County, Pennsylvania (near Shanksville), 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh. Hijacker Ziad Samir Jarrah flew UA Flight 93.
 UA Flight 93's target was the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, DC.
* 10:10 am – The Pentagon (west side) collapses.

* 10:28:25 am - WTC North Tower 1 collapses after 1 hour and 42 minutes from the top down as if it were being peeled apart, releasing another tremendous cloud of debris and smoke.

* 11:45 am - President Bush arrives at Barksdale AFB, LA aboard *Air Force One* and addresses the nation.
* 1:44 pm – The Pentagon sends two US Navy aircraft carriers, USS George Washington (CVN-73) and USS John F. Kennedy (CV-64), to protect the New York coast. 

* 2:50 pm - President Bush arrives at Offutt AFB, Nebraska aboard *Air Force One*.
* 5:20 pm – WTC Building 7 (47 stories) collapses.
* 6:35 pm - President Bush arrives at Andrews Air Force Base, MD aboard *Air Force One*.
* 6:54 pm – President Bush arrives at the White House aboard *Marine One*.
* 8:30 pm – President Bush addresses the nation from The Oval Office, saying, "Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil", and asks for prayers for the families and friends of victims."These acts shattered steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve," he says. The President says, “The U.S. government will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts, and those who harbor them.”
* 2,977 killed (including 19 suicide hijackers)

New York City: 2,349 civilians, 343 FDNY Firefighters, 23 NYPD Police Officers, 37 Port Authority Officers.
The Pentagon: 125 Civilians and Military Personnel
Shanksville, PA: 44 Crew and Passengers
4 Airliners: 253 Crew and Passengers
* May 2, 2011 - Usama Bin Laden killed by SEAL Team Six in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

* Sep 10, 2011 - UA Flight 93 Memorial Ceremony President George W. Bush Speech:

Remain Vigilant America!

Don't take Radical Islamic Terrorists lightly; they still want to destroy you and our Free country.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Hang on to This

When you get right down to it, Salvation is the easiest thing in the world. Salvation is simply a matter of either you dying in your sins and paying for your own sins, or you dying with your sins on Christ, and letting Him pay for your sins, and that's all there is to it. The very worst thing you can have is an impure heart, not cancer or Alzheimer's.  Your life is hell on earth without Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Religion can't help you when it comes to your impure heart; only the stripes of Jesus can heal your sin-sick heart.  Religion doesn't care anything about your lost soul. All religions are trying to get you to trust yourself, or trying to get you to trust them, EVERY ONE OF THEM. There is no exception. But Christ Jesus, God manifest in the flesh, wants you to trust HIM and His Precious Blood.

There were three crosses on Calvary. Christ hung on the middle cross, He was sinless, dying for sinners, His enemies. There were two thieves hanging on the other two crosses on either side of Jesus. Everyone in the world is on one of these crosses. It is not just Christ's cross that symbolizes Christianity, it's all three crosses. Religion leaves out the other two crosses that the thieves died on. All humanity is on one these crosses. Every person is on one of the two crosses on either side of Jesus Christ. The Man on the Middle Cross is sinless - God manifest in the flesh. The one thief died with sin in him, and with his sins on him - He went to hell. The lost thief died IN his sins and with his sins ON him. That is a picture of every unsaved man that dies in his sins, and with his sins on his soul. If you die in your sins, you have chosen to reject Christ and pay for your sins yourself in hell forever.

The other thief died SAVED with sin IN him, but his sins were ON Christ. He called upon Jesus for mercy, and his sins were then put ON Christ before he died. There was one saved thief and one lost thief on Calvary's hill that day. The only people on Calvary that day were thieves. Christ was numbered with the transgressors. Christ became Sin that day and suffered for it in your place. Christ died with no sin in Him, but with your sins on Him. The one thief went to Paradise with Jesus, the other thief went to Hell with his sins. Which thief are you? If you ever get saved, you will have to take your place with a thief. Self-righteous people never want to do that. But remember this: Christ died for the 'ungodly,' not for good people.

What then shall I do with Jesus which is called Christ? Will you take Barrabas (sinful self) or Jesus Christ (the God-man). Barrabbas was a sinner, Jesus was God. A good man will love Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was the best man that ever lived on the face of the earth, and if you're a good man you will receive Him and love Him. For 2,000 years, the world has been trying to trim Jesus Christ down to the size of just a man. Jesus Christ wasn't the son of Adam, He was the seed of the woman, and the Son of God. When He came to this earth, He was God manifest in the flesh. And men don't like to have God to near to them. Jesus never had to confess sin, He had no sin nature and never committed one sin in thought, word or deed. He said, "He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father." He was God in flesh and bones. And you will have to believe that, or you will go to straight to hell when you die. Jesus said, "If ye believe that I am not He, ye shall die in your sins."

Folks don't like God around too close. They like to box him up in a building somewhere. Man is not looking for God, God is looking for man, and when God gets too close to a man, the man wants to run and hide from God. Man is always trying to run away from God, and try to cover up his sins with his good works and intentions. Only the Holy Ghost can draw a man to God, for man's sinful nature continually pulls him away from God. Man is an immortal being, he has to live somewhere forever, he will never be satisfied without God. Money, pleasure, religion, programs, pills, liquor, drugs, education, honor, science, the world, or sin can never satisfy the soul of man.

A man will never be satisfied without being born again and knowing Jesus Christ as His personal Savior. No sinner is ever satisfied without Christ, there is no contentment for the unsaved sinner, they are discontented, they have to live forever, they are not satisfied, unless they receive HIM which is eternal. Man goes on in his own sin's darkness, man doesn't want God, he is a rebel against God. Man comes into this world, and as he grows, he strikes backs at and hates God's commandments. He defies God, and turns his back on God.

Religion is always trying to trim God down, so man will accept God. That is the religious movement of our day. The greatest peril that faces America today is a religious peril. You will either exalt and glorify God, or you will trim Him down and make a 'god' like yourself, bring God down to the low level sinful human nature. Religion is always trimming Jesus down. They crucified Jesus because He claimed to be God. The Pharisees wanted to trim Him down to their level, and when He wouldn't change, they killed Him.

Some people believe in the divinity of human nature. Man wants to be like God, and make Jesus Christ just a man. The devil whispers in their ear, "You're a little god, exert yourself, be independent, you don't have bow down and worship God Almighty, no one has a right to tell you what to do, do your own thing, you can be god.

Man is comfortable with sinners, but not with the Christ of the Bible. Sin separates men from God. The more closer man gets to God, the more miserable he gets, until that man gets right with God. Barrabas was the son of Adam, Jesus was the Son of God. Barrabas was a bad man. A sinner makes a sinner comfortable, but good folks make him nervous. A sinner naturally gravitates to sin and hell. Jesus Christ was God, He made all things, and He loved everybody, and they still killed Him. You can judge a church by the type of preacher it chooses. The church is under attack today, we are not attacking.

The sinful tendency of man is to exalt man and not exalt God. The world will someday diefy a man and accept him, that will be the Antichrist, the son of perdition. He will be man's choice, instead of God's. There was only one sinless person that ever lived on this earth, and the world spit in His face, platted a crown of thorns and pressed it on His brow, they beat Him into a pulp, what was done to Jesus would have killed anyone else, but not Jesus, they couldn't kill Him. What was done to Him, would have killed anyone else before they got to the cross. Jesus said, "You cannot take my life from me, I lay my life down, I take it again, you can't take it." And one dreadful morning 2,000 years ago, He climbed up Calvary's mountain, and laid His life down for you. His blood is on your hands right now, you have sinned, your sins killed Him.

Man trims God down to suit his love for sin. The heathen overseas make their own gods, and the heathen in America make their own god. Man is trying pull God down, man cries out, "God come down, down, come down off of your throne, and be one of us. We are gods too!" They chose a sinner, Barrabas, instead of Christ. The Antichrist will claim to be a god.

Goverment: Politicians and religious leaders, common folks, religious folks. They has never been a Christian nation on the face of the earth. America has never accepted Jesus Christ. The Christ of the Bible, they trim him down, He was not born of a virgin, He's just like all of the other religious leaders, He was a mystical sort of person. America is not a Christian country. You can live in America and be a Christian, and not be jailed and killed for it. Christianity has influenced and affected this nation, but it is not a Christian government on earth - there is no such thing.

Religion: If you let us make Jesus like we want Him, we will take Him. You are to test your religious experience with the Bible. Religion test the Bible with their religious experience. Man tests the Bible by what he 'thinks,' and then he goes to hell. America is going to hell faster than it ever travelled, and the true Christians are to blame. They have trimmed God Almighty down to human level. They will not accept the Christ of the Bible. Jesus Christ was and is God. The religions of today doctor up Jesus to suit themselves. They change Him so He won't be distasteful to them. Man struts with his intellectual ego, and says, "The Bible, that just couldn't be. I wouldn't do what the Bible says God did, I'm going to fix me up a god, that would do what I would do." And you will go to HELL too. Religion mixed with the sinful imagination of man is the most subtil and dangerous thing on earth. The imagination of man is evil and vain, he cannot understand God. Man will take anyone before they will have the Jesus Christ of the Bible.

Pilate (Individual): What shall I do? An individual. You will have to face this issue yourself. You will either take the Christ of the Bible, or you will take yourself. If you don't receive Christ, you will die in your sins. Christ or Barrabas (sinful self). Which one will you take?

There is going to be an Antichrist. The world will receive him. The Jews will receive him. No man will buy or sell unless they receive his 'mark.' He will be a religious, political, and economic genius. He will be the greatest man the devil has ever been able to produce. He will be satanically empowered with signs and wonders. The stage is being set on earth right now for this man. Unless you receive Jesus Christ, you will be bewitched with strong delusion and believe a lie from the Antichrist one day. Ye must be born again, you need the divine nature in order to go to Heaven. The world says today, "We accept Christ." But they don't accept the Christ of the Bible. The religious world accepts the Christ they have trimmed down to suit their own tastes. The Christ of the Bible (the God-man), or the Antichrist (the devil-man), it will be your choice.

The word *salvation* means the cleansing of your conscience from all the past guilt and the delivery of your soul from habits of evil by the blood of Christ. Salvation is the total restoration of man from his fallen state. It fixes your condition more secure that is was before Adam's fall. You sin has defiled, stained, and accursed your soul. Christ's salvation can heal your sin wounds, and removes your soul's diseases. It will deliver you from Hell and admit you to Heaven.

Salvation seeks you in your wanderings from God. It puts you on the shoulders of the Shepherd and carries you to the fold of God. It will carry you to the Green Pastures of Heaven and leads you beside the still waters flowing from the throne of God.

Biblical Christianity is an intolerant religion. A thousand lies can live in peace with one another, but the Truth of Christ stands alone and cannot tolerate the lies of religious man. A hundred deceiving religions may sleep peacably in the same bed, but Biblical Christianity is like an alarm clock that awakes them all to their deception and danger.

Do you think anyone can be saved and enter Heaven's bliss apart from Christ's precious blood being applied to their soul? If you do, you are deceived by the lies of Satan. You must believe Christ and 'receive' Christ Himself.

Dear friend, you may believe there is salvation in your good works, and you may be laboring hard and striving diligently to maintain your character and integrity. But the law of God (the 10 Commandments ) will come and show to you that that which you thought has been good in your life is really evil.

Your very best actions and intentions are sinful. The sooner you realize you can't save yourself the better. You are seeking salvation by the works of the Law. You are doing good works for a selfish motive - to save 'yourself' and rejecting the free pardon that comes through Christ's blood and righteousness - this is not acceptable to God. You cannot be saved by your 'good works' for two very good reasons - first, you don't have any, and second, if you had any, they could not save you. You may 'think' that your salvation may be obtained partly by reformation and partly by trusting in Christ. You may have labored hard again by prayers here and there, tears of penitence, and a few resolutions of improvement, but these are all to no avail.

Still, the curse and wrath of God are hanging over your head. For as many as are of the 'works of the law' are 'under the curse:' for it is written, Cursed is every one that 'continueth not' in 'all things' which are written in the book of the law to do them. (Gal 3:10) Unless you have 'continually' obeyed all of God's commandments (all things) every day of your life, you are guilty and cursed of God. It only take one sin (one lie, theft, evil thought, gossip, lust) to curse your soul. If you are lost now, there is still an aching void in your heart that 'religion' and this world's pleasure can never fill - a void of distress and care - you are sorely troubled because you cannot attain by your self-efforts the rest of soul and peace of mind desired.

You have tried many ways. You may have been baptized in your infancy, taken the Mass or Lord's Supper regularly, attended your church, and went ceremony after ceremony. All of these cannot help you one step towards acceptance with God. There a thousand different inventions of men whereby they seek to save themselves, but salvation from Sin is only in Christ Jesus.

I know your condition, Sinner. You have been long trying to find peace and the road to Heaven and you have missed it in the darkness of sin. You may have tried many of this world's religious gimmicks and they have all deceived you and have never set your soul's weary foot on one solid ground of comfort. You are still laden with your sins, you are not able to look up. Guilt, like a heavy burden, is on your back and your hand is on your mouth for you dare not cry for pardon. Satan whispers in your ear, "It's all over for you, there is no mercy for such as you are - Christ can save some sinners, but He is not able to save the likes of you."

Poor Soul, come to the Cross of Christ and you shall there see something which shall remove your unbelief and hard heart. The Man that was nailed to the Calvary's tree was without spot or blemish. He was no thief or murderer, He was pure and without a sin. His life was holy, without a single flaw. His mouth only gave blessings, His hands were full of good deeds, and His feet were swift for acts of mercy. His heart was pure white with holiness. Do you see Him dying for you? There is merit in His death for He was without sin Himself, He was put to death for other men's sins. Christ died for the ungodly and for His enemies. For sins, not His own, He died to atone. Come now with your blackness all over you and look at His whiteness. Come with your defilement and look at His purity. He is able to save you, Sinner, for the merit of His blood is great. Oh, may God help you to believe on Him!

Remember, He who died on the Cross of Calvary was no less than the everlasting Son of God. Do you see Him dying for you? Come, turn your heart's eye once more to Him. Do you see His hands and feet trickling with streams of blood? That Man hanging there is Almighty God. Those hands that were nailed created the universe. Those feet hold up the pillars of the earth now. That Head that was crowned with thorns is the wisdom of Godhead, and with a nod could cause the heaven and earth to pass away. He who was crucified is the One without whom was not anything made that was made - and by Him all things consist. He is the Maker, Creator, Preserver, the God of all grace. He is none other than God Himself incarnate in human flesh. Cast yourself upon Him. He is able and willing to save you now, doubt no more. He is able to save to the uttermost them that come unto God by Him.

God the Father has accepted Christ's sacrifice. We know this by proof of His resurrection, ascension, and His sitting down at the right hand of God. It is God the Father anger and wrath that you must dread. God is angry with you right now (John 3:36) for you have sinned against His law and rejected His Son's mercy, and He will punish you if you die in your sins without Christ as your Savior. Jesus Christ was punished in your place. He stood as your Substitute and Scapegoat. Christ's atoning blood has satisfied God's divine justice and vengeance. Christ rose again from the dead from the prison of the tomb. If God had not accepted Christ's atonement, He would still be in the tomb to this day. Jesus Christ has paid the full price for your sins. His bloody agony in Gethsemane, His dreadful death on Calvary, the three days of hopeless gloom while He laid in the tomb, but now He is risen and is alive forevermore. He reigns victorious over the sin, death, the grave, the devil, and hell at the right hand of God. Love's redeeming work is done. Christ has opened wide the doors of Paradise, and He bids you enter while you may.

You must receive Christ's righteousness (His perfectness) as a free gift. He lived a sinless life in your place, and then He died in your place. You need His righteousness (sinlessness) and His precious blood to wash you clean. When you stand before God, you will want God the Father to see you as He sees His Son, perfect, holy and blameless. The only way you can be 'perfect' is to receive the Perfect One into your body and soul - the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. (John 1:12)

If you do not find salvation in Christ it will be because you do not look for it, for it is certainly there. If you die in your sins and perish without being saved by the blood of Christ, it will not be because that Christ's blood did not have the power to save you. It will be entirely because you 'will not' come to Christ and be washed in His precious blood.

The sins of your childhood and youth are haunting you. Your evil habits and addictions are like an evil net that has captured you. Your guilt clings to your soul and you cannot wash yourself clean. You have prayed and sought for peace in your own efforts and found no mercy. Sinner friend, you must cast yourself simply and wholly upon Christ's doings and sufferings alone. Only trust HIM, for there is salvation in Him alone - you can rest assured of that. What a dreadful thing it will be for you if you should lose your own soul when Christ has worked out so great a salvation freely for you. How shall you escape if you 'neglect' so great salvation? If His precious blood is not sprinkled on your soul, you are lost, indeed. There is none other, no other way, no other hope, no other refuge. The gate of salvation is a low gate, you must creep on your hands and knees to enter. It is a strait and narrow gate, you must leave behind your dead works and proud self-righteousness and creep though the wicket gate of eternal life.

Sin is in your very best efforts and duties. Do not lean on anything but the finished work of Christ to save your sinful soul. Come as wicked wretch now, or go to hell with your good works and religion. Stop trusting in your own doings, stop clinging to false hopes and vain efforts, there is nothing in yourself which will do you any good, flee from depending on your own doings. Believe [totally depend] on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. Only one thing can hinder you from coming to Christ; you can't receive a 'gift' with a *full hand:* come empty-handed to the Cross. Salvation is offered on no other terms, and it can be had on 'no' other, than as a 'free gift.' Gift too, not to friends, but to debtors and enemies. Who can dare say they have rendered obedience to all of God's commandments? We are all debtors to God, and need His free redemption that comes through Christ's shed blood - God's blood.

You can have eternal life now - This very moment, Now! He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life. (John 3:36) Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on Me hath everlasting life. (John 6:47) No reason in delay: If you tarry till you're better, you will never come at all. Will you not come to Him for Life? Why will ye die without Him, oh, why? He gave His life for you, for you. The gift is free, the word is true. Will you not come? He shed His precious blood for you; He waits patiently to save you. Jesus is calling now, "Come unto Me!" Flee from the wrath of God to come on sin.

The Good N-E-W-S

Be of Good Cheer and spread the Good News (N-North, E-East, W-West, S-South), The word 'News' has all the points of the compass contained in it. We should be spreading the 'Good News' to all the four points of the compass. Spread the word! Throw out the Lifeline of the Gospel to those sinners lost and sinking in the dark seas of sin.  Christ Jesus, God Incarnate, lived, died, has risen, and ascended for poor, miserable sinners. Tell them all - He will save whosoever will take the water of life freely, and Free Justification is now available through Faith the His Atoning Blood of God manifest in the flesh, the Lord Jesus Christ.

There will never be a 'sweeter' story, story of the Savior's love divine, Love that brought Him from the realms of Glory just to save sinful souls like yours and mine - go out and tell sinners of the Great redeeming Love of Calvary.  It's all about Him.  Some 2,000 years ago the world was sinful, sick, and sad (it still is today).  Sin had ruined man, and sin was as black as could be.  Satan was powerful, on the loose, and tormenting the souls of men.  Man was lost in his sin and under the law and wrath of God. But God, who is rich in mercy, made a plan for our redemption. Up in Heaven, the courts of God were filled with Christ Jesus' praises and adoration.

But then, when the fulness of the time was come, in His Great Eternal Love, God sent His only begotten Son, made of a woman, under the law, into this world to be a propitiation (satisfaction) for man's sins. Out of the ivory places and into this world of woe, the Lily of Heaven Himself condescended and walked through 'the valley' of the shadow of death for you. The dear Lamb of God left His glory above and emptied Himself of all but Love. Jesus was born of a virgin in Bethlehem-Judah and laid in a manger. God became a Man and dwelt among sinful man. He was despised and rejected of men. He was afflicted.

But Christ went about doing good, preaching the gospel, and helping the helpless. He was homeless, rejected, and poor. He fasted all alone in the wilderness for 40 days, and for our sins He was tempted by Satan. He was hungry, and thirsty, and weary, and tempted in all points like as we are, yet WITHOUT SIN. He was a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. Jesus lived a sinless life for every one of us, because the Holy Father required absolute sinless perfection for man's redemption to be complete. He loved, led, and taught His disciples. He loved to save the sinful, and heal the brokenhearted.

Then, He set His face as a flint to Jerusalem, His soul was troubled, His hour had come, when He would glorify the Father's name. The suffering Savior wrestled all alone in Gethsemane, He prayed and cried all night and was in a bloody sweat because of our sin burden and guilt. Then out of pure hatred and envy, Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot, falsely accused by the priests and scribes, and condemned to die under Pontius Pilate. Jesus stood all alone in Pilate's judgment hall called Gabbatha. He was friendless, forsaken, and scorned by all.

He gave His back to the smiters, and His cheeks to them that plucked off the hair, and He hid not His face from shame and spitting. The Roman soldiers scourged Him, mocked Him, crowned Him with thorns, and some begat to spit on Him. Then they led Him up Calvary's mountain; He walked up Golgotha's hill weary and worn facing for sinners death on the cross.

He prayed, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." They nailed him to die on the bitter tree between two thieves. Lifted up was He to die between heaven and earth - He was the Mediator between God and men. Our sins nailed Him there; He bore our sin burden, He suffered all this for you, we are guilty of Christ's death. He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities. He suffered unspeakable anguish and bore the sins of the whole world in His own body on the tree. He was smitten of God, and afflicted. He died naked and in shame as the wicked mob around the cross taunted and jeered as He hung there in agony and woe.

Christ Jesus groaned upon the tree for six long hours that day writhing in anguish and pain. His heart was broken on Calvary; His hands were nail-scarred, His side was riven, He gave His life-blood for even me. He became Sin for you and me; God the Father put Him to grief, punished Him, and forsook Him. God made Christ's soul an offering for your sin and mine. For our sins he groaned upon the tree. Heavenly Love paid the ransom for our sinful condition. "It is finished!" was His cry as He died all alone. Jesus commended His spirit into God the Father's hands, and gave up the ghost. Love's redeeming work was complete.

Then, they laid His torn body in the borrowed tomb of Joseph. He was buried and carried our sins far away. He's the only hope for hopeless sinners. Low in the grave He lay, waiting the coming day. Then, Hallelujah, on the third day, the grave could hold Him no longer, the stone was rolled away. Death could not keep Him down, He tore the bars of death away. He arose victorious over death and triumphed over Satan and hell. Death, sin, and hell no longer reign, and Satan's power is burst in twain; eternal glory to Jesus' name. Forty days he spent with His disciples, and then the Lord Jesus ascended into Heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. He is preparing a place just for you in the city of gold called New Jerusalem. We have a mansion just over the hilltop. A tent or a trailer, why should we care? He's building a palace for us over there in the heavenly places.

And some day soon (the glad day is approaching) Christ Jesus WILL come back again and will break through the silent sky. Some glorious morning sorrow will cease, some golden daybreak Jesus will come. Soon the Lamb will take His bride to be ever at His side. Some glad morning we shall see Jesus in the air, coming after you and me. The Lord Himself shall descend from heaven, the trumpet shall sound, the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Some golden daybreak, battles all won, He'll shout the victory, and break through the blue. The clouds will be rolled back as a scroll: the trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend, Even so - it is well with my soul. O they tell me of a home far beyond the skies, O they tell me of a home far away. Thine eyes shall see the King in his beauty: they shall behold the land that is very far off.

Through the gates to the city in a robe of spotless white, He will lead me where no tears will ever fall. There's a land that is fairer than day. There's a holy and beautiful city whose builder and ruler is God. No sin is allowed in that city, and nothing defiling or mean. And brighter and brighter the glory dawns, while pressing my homeward way. I must walk the path before me, it will some day turn to gold. Life's day is short - I shall soon go to be with Him who loved me so. I see in the distance that shining golden shore. In a land where we'll never grow old. Just to be there and to look on His face will through the ages be glory for me. We'll live on the corner of Amen Lane and Hallelujah Street. There's a land that is fairer than day, and by faith we can see it afar. This world is not my home, I'm just a passing through, my treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue.

Just one glimpse of Him in glory will the toils of life repay, and then not a wave of trouble will roll across your peaceful breast. I am so glad God saves ole sinners. Some glad morning when this life is o'er, we'll fly away; to a home on God's celestial shore. There waits for us a glad tomorrow, where gates of pearl swing open wide, and when we've passed this vale of sorrow, we'll dwell upon the other side, and we shall go to dwell on Zion's hill. What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see, what a day, a glorious day that will be.

No heartaches are known in that city, no tears ever moisten the eye; there's no disappointment in heaven, no envy and strife in the sky, my heart is now set on that city, and some day soon its blessings I'll share. We shall see the King some day. Cares all past, home at last, ever to rejoice. Oh, it is marvellous and wonderful, what Jesus has done for this soul of mine! The half has never been told. Hail to the King we love so well, Immanuel, Immanuel! King of kings and Lord of lords, All hail, Immanuel! And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. And, even so, COME, Lord Jesus!  Worthy is the Lamb that loved me and gave Himself for me.